Prop 8 overturned- Equality/Love/Common Sense 1 Hate 0

...The Right wing fundamentalists are going to blow a GASKET

I honestly predict that there will be a massive rise in the amount of violence committed by religious fundamentalists and conservatives seeking to resist this progressive reform.
Didn't the number of militia groups double once Obama got elected or something crazy?



"Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California, and to officially reclassify their relationships and families as inferior to those of opposite-sex couples," said Judge Stephen Reinhardt in the majority opinion. "The Constitution simply does not allow for 'laws of this sort'."

well said, sir....
Originally Posted by Nako XL

won't go to the supreme court. right wingers will be PISSED though.

you are seriously overestimating fundamentalists' ability to think logically
Originally Posted by nosqadupper

Originally Posted by Nako XL

won't go to the supreme court. right wingers will be PISSED though.

you are seriously overestimating fundamentalists' ability to think logically
I'll give it to the fundies though.
They understand political activism like none other.

They can organize incredibly well and move to address an issue with mass consequences.

...even though the principles they organize around are...faulty at best. 

The Tea Party did what Occupy Wall Street won't ever do...thats gain political power. Now while the Tea Party may not last, they definitely shook things up in a major way. 
A majority conservative Supreme Court reviewing this? Hmm... Well, if they're strictly addressing California's ability to determine relationship status rather than the 'moral' value of homosexual/same sex marriages, then I like the odds of the overturn being confirmed.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

A majority conservative Supreme Court reviewing this? Hmm... Well, if they're strictly addressing California's ability to determine relationship status rather than the 'moral' value of homosexual/same sex marriages, then I like the odds of the overturn being confirmed.
That's the danger right now.  I personally think the court would be split on this, and the worst thing that could happen is a broad decision going the wrong way.  Even if the decision is wrong, but narrow, we can wait for a better court.

Prop 8 was really a crock of %$#+ anyways. It sucks that it has to be appealed so many damn times in the first place. People are morons.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Nako XL

won't go to the supreme court. right wingers will be PISSED though.

 Yes only because the Right Wingers were the only ones that voted Yes on Prop 8 eh? 

Over 7 Million Californians voted YES
Because California only has left wing liberals. Let's just ignore every part of California that's not San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles.
do i agree with it?


do i care?


they can do whatever they want. not my problem.

if it doesnt affect me, then i dont care.
Originally Posted by rashi

I'm waiting for this dude to come out of the closet.

Maybe they didn't pray hard enough.

Doesn't the anti-gay guy in this video know?
Everytime I see an article about gay rights, I go and read the comments. There are a lot of hateful people in this world. I just don't get it.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

...The Right right fundamentalists are going to blow a GASKET

I honestly predict that there will be a massive rise in the amount of violence committed by religious fundamentalists and conservatives seeking to resist this progressive reform.
Didn't the number of militia groups double once Obama got elected or something crazy?
For there to be a massive rise, I assume that there is plenty of documentation of previous violence commited by religious fundamentalists?  Not trying to ask a leading question, just want a truthful answer.
I'm not going to comment on whether gay marriage is right or wrong, but I find it humorous that the judge who overturned it is gay himself.  I wonder if there were any motivating factors for him to overturn this?

Also, I find it humorous that basically any stance can be "backed up by the constitution".

do i agree with it?


do i care?


they can do whatever they want. not my problem.

if it doesnt affect me, then i dont care.

If you don't agree with it, then you do care. Just not enough to do anything about it. If you didn't care youd be indifferent about it, but you stated you don't agree with it... thus contradicting yourself in 2 sentences.
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by sillyputty

...The Right right fundamentalists are going to blow a GASKET

I honestly predict that there will be a massive rise in the amount of violence committed by religious fundamentalists and conservatives seeking to resist this progressive reform.
Didn't the number of militia groups double once Obama got elected or something crazy?
For there to be a massive rise, I assume that there is plenty of documentation of previous violence commited by religious fundamentalists?  Not trying to ask a leading question, just want a truthful answer.
I'm not going to comment on whether gay marriage is right or wrong, but I find it humorous that the judge who overturned it is gay himself.  I wonder if there were any motivating factors for him to overturn this?

Also, I find it humorous that basically any stance can be "backed up by the constitution".

Wasn't he also the same judge that supported it?

Damned if you do, damned of you don't.
Originally Posted by CWrite78


do i agree with it?


do i care?


they can do whatever they want. not my problem.

if it doesnt affect me, then i dont care.

If you don't agree with it, then you do care. Just not enough to do anything about it. If you didn't care youd be indifferent about it, but you stated you don't agree with it... thus contradicting yourself in 2 sentences.
i dont agree with it

but it is unconstitutional.

but it doesnt affect me

i dont agree with it, but it doesnt bother me.

that being said

if it doesnt affect me, then i dont care.

if it was a tax increase then i would be pissed.

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