PS3|VITA Thread: Vita $249 | PS3 BF3 Tonight PG727 | Black Ops 3rd Map Pack PG726 | Dust514 PG723

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Another video on Chopper gunner ammo glitch
hackers ruined this game already
Another Famitsu leak finally gives us some details on a few character's 2nd ultra moves and 3rd outfits. Check it out, and hit the new information discussion thread to talk about it.

It looks like Viper gets a dive kick ultra. Ryu gets a new outfit and his rumored Metsu Shoryuken. Cammy seems to have some sort of Hooligan Roll ultra, and Fuerte looks to have a grab of his own as well, as expected I'm sure. Also, a peek at Chun's new outfit. Enjoy!

So guys, talk me out of trading in MW2. I'm thisclose to trading in and buying FIFA or something enjoyable.
^^ do it brah.

when i first played mw2 after release.. i thought it was cool.. but i got tired of it asap.

been playing alot of fifa & live.
My ex bought me the 250GB PS3 yesterday, I had to buy the games tho
...needless to say im amped bought SF4--i know a new one drops in a few months but I wanna master this one first. Ive been outta the game to long, last system Ihad was PS1. Also bought CODMW2 and probably will pick up Madden or NBA 2k10 today so i'll have a fighter/shooter/sports rotation going on.
If price isn't an issue, rock a Jawbone or Official PS3 BT Headset. If price is, page 1 has 10 BT Headsets for under $20.
Originally Posted by 18key

So guys, talk me out of trading in MW2. I'm thisclose to trading in and buying FIFA or something enjoyable.
this years fifa is one of the best games available on the ps3 so I'd go that route
I'm headed to CES on Friday. Will post pic/updates from the Sony booth. I haven't heard what they will be showing off on the floor but there is a bigPS3 presence this year.
pickin up darksiders have been great, havent seen anythin lower than a 9

anyone think dark void will be good?
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

pickin up darksiders have been great, havent seen anythin lower than a 9


[/td] [td] [h3]DarksidersPlayStation 3[/h3]
Action - Darksiders: Wrath of War is set in a Post-Apocalyptic demon-ravaged world wher...
Also on: X360: 7.8
Shortcuts [/td] [td] Jan 05, 2010 [/td] [td]

8.1reader average

Watch IGN's Video Review
[/td] [/tr][/table]

Dark Void will be good. I have a friend working on it who has promised good things.
Hackers didn't ruin the game. Infinity Ward ruined the game by half-assing the project from jump. I'm glad the hackers are deflating the egos at IW.MW2 was assjuice in a 2 liter bottle.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Hackers didn't ruin the game. Infinity Ward ruined the game by half-assing the project from jump. I'm glad the hackers are deflating the egos at IW. MW2 was assjuice in a 2 liter bottle.

This guys are getting all kinds of hate from people within the industry. First because they're caking off a lackluster effort, second because this justenables Activision to continue with this business model. All they did was perpetuate the belief that people will go out and buy a well advertised sequel basedoff of name and hype alone.

The same +$!$ happened with Halo 2. After a week most people realized "Hey this blows compared to the first". Except by that time everyone had paidfor their copy and reviewers didn't spend enough time actually playing the %$%$#*$ multiplayer. Same thing happened with Modern Halo 2... Excuse me ModernWarfare 2.

The general belief by Activision that games can be cranked out on a movie studio timeline without regard for clean code, quality control, what your basecommunity wants, and network stability is appalling. They had a separate DEDICATED team for Networking and Multiplayerthen it turned out like this? The bottom line is everyone bought into the hype.

First, the reviewers did and the whole team got paid out. Many people don't realize that reviews and first week sales are mostly all that matter to devteams. This causes reviewers to have major power in the industry. Why? Because we get additional bonuses for reaching review and sales milestones.Hypothetically, If a game I'm working on scores a 90% or higher metascore on Gamerankings and sells a 2 million the first week I can literally get my basesalary or more in bonuses. So games are shipped early to reviewers so they can meet the release date deadline. However, there's no way you can amply testmultiplayer in a 1-2 week timeframe. This is how multiplayer/re-playability review scores get severely inflated.

Second , we bought into the hype and purchased 10 million copies. It doesn't matter that half of us think the game is total @#!. They got their money andbonuses. They don't care what we think because the public showed we're going to buy it anyways. Now ATVI and IW know they can shorten their dev cycleand cut corners because they can "patch it later" or not do anything about it period like the cheaters who are atop the leaderboards.

It sucks because this is how many business practices work (word to Jordan Brand) and it has now flooded the game industry.

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Hackers didn't ruin the game. Infinity Ward ruined the game by half-assing the project from jump. I'm glad the hackers are deflating the egos at IW. MW2 was assjuice in a 2 liter bottle.

First because they're caking off a lackluster effort, second because this just enables Activision to continue with this business model.


but maybe MW2 is the peak of this business model and the only other way to go is downward

what im trying to say is, arent we kind of already seeing a downward spiral from this type of business model from activision? tony hawk completely failed,guitar hero van heilen failed, i dont expect to see the same type of success from future guitar heros as seen previously, dj hero wasnt any kind of success

maybe call of duty will see the same type of fate, especially seeing as how its rumored (or maybe confirmed) that theyve just added a 3rd call of duty team
anyone using the $5 ps3 triggers for the controllers? need some input on them. Also any good RPG out? i got eternal sonata and that @++# was trash. Looking forthe old school feel ex: FFv Wild Arms. suikoden. Not into the whole battle system newer rpgs use where u run around.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Hackers didn't ruin the game. Infinity Ward ruined the game by half-assing the project from jump. I'm glad the hackers are deflating the egos at IW. MW2 was assjuice in a 2 liter bottle.

This guys are getting all kinds of hate from people within the industry. First because they're caking off a lackluster effort, second because this just enables Activision to continue with this business model. All they did was perpetuate the belief that people will go out and buy a well advertised sequel based off of name and hype alone.

The same +$!$ happened with Halo 2. After a week most people realized "Hey this blows compared to the first". Except by that time everyone had paid for their copy and reviewers didn't spend enough time actually playing the %$%$#*$ multiplayer. Same thing happened with Modern Halo 2... Excuse me Modern Warfare 2.

The general belief by Activision that games can be cranked out on a movie studio timeline without regard for clean code, quality control, what your base community wants, and network stability is appalling. They had a separate DEDICATED team for Networking and Multiplayer then it turned out like this? The bottom line is everyone bought into the hype.

First, the reviewers did and the whole team got paid out. Many people don't realize that reviews and first week sales are mostly all that matter to dev teams. This causes reviewers to have major power in the industry. Why? Because we get additional bonuses for reaching review and sales milestones. Hypothetically, If a game I'm working on scores a 90% or higher metascore on Gamerankings and sells a 2 million the first week I can literally get my base salary or more in bonuses. So games are shipped early to reviewers so they can meet the release date deadline. However, there's no way you can amply test multiplayer in a 1-2 week timeframe. This is how multiplayer/re-playability review scores get severely inflated.

Second , we bought into the hype and purchased 10 million copies. It doesn't matter that half of us think the game is total @#!. They got their money and bonuses. They don't care what we think because the public showed we're going to buy it anyways. Now ATVI and IW know they can shorten their dev cycle and cut corners because they can "patch it later" or not do anything about it period like the cheaters who are atop the leaderboards.

It sucks because this is how many business practices work (word to Jordan Brand) and it has now flooded the game industry.


People thought I was nuts for saying that Modern Warfare 2 was horrible when I got on release date. All it took for me was a few days to know that themultiplayer sucked. All of these added perks and killstreaks did nothing for the game except make terrible players into professionals. I had a conversationwith someone during a game and we were talking about how dumbed down the multiplayer was for the casual gamer compared to the previous installment. I know fordamn sure I will not purchase Modern Warfare 3. I will watch someone's footage on YouTube. Infinity Ward got their last $55 from me. Ironic that youmention that Infinity Ward and Activision are using this model. 2K Sports has used this model for the last few years and got bombarded on their boards as wellas Operation Sports for it. Only if people knew of the power they had. They could force actual change.
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