Public restrooms and hand washing... vol. "You not gon wash your hands bro?"

The s*** that really bugs me out tho...and ive seen this alot...but u ever been to somebody house and they dont have a cup in there?
Like u just sposed to smear yo s*** and not wash it off?

Even overseas they got that dookie fountain.

We don't drink piss in America b. what's a cup for?
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The s*** that really bugs me out tho...and ive seen this alot...but u ever been to somebody house and they dont have a cup in there?
Like u just sposed to smear yo s*** and not wash it off?

Even overseas they got that dookie fountain.
***** what?
Lol a cup to fill with water to clean yo a**.

Beday (sp) is the overseas thing.
Enter public bathroom..........

Do whatever I need to do..........

Wash my hands..........

Dry my hands with a paper towel..........

Use paper towel on door handle to exit..........

Find trashcan outside of public bathroom.

Standard procedure.

In house, hands get washed slim to none after a piss.

Public bathrooms I wash up to my wrist. It's not the thought of germs, it's the thought of OPP contact no romo.
Why do males not wash their hands when leaving the restroom? Ion wash my hands everytime.. **** clean anyway, but if there are people present in the restroom with me, I'll wash them becuz I doin't want them to be like "Cuh didn't wash his hands :x " :lol:


if you touched the door handle to go into the bathroom/stall, you wash your hands.

this man knows. any public door handle doesn't get touched, or if it does, it requires a handwash ESPECIALLY before you eat. the first thing i do when i arrive at work is wash my hands. and the first thing i do when i get home is wash my hands.

your throat and sinuses appreciate good hygiene.

taking a piss tho >D i almost hit the sink and wash, but da tooly ain't dirty like that. and its not like i take full balls in hand and pull it all out to go to bathroom pause, no chris bosh.

if you dont wash after shootin a deuce....i hope you get yellow fever.
Really though is it that much effort to wash your hands after using the restroom? Takes like 30 seconds.
How about washing your hands before you use the stall/urinal? This germaphobe I work with brought this to my attention. You are touching your junk with unclean hands. I can't fake like I have adopted the process though but he has a point. Dude's bathroom process is at least 15 min 6 min prewash, do the do, then finish with a 6 min postwash :lol:
What I'm more curious about is why I don't see dudes wash their hand BEFORE they go to the restroom...
you about to touch your unit with dirty hands...

I agree with the towel before you start washing your hands...but I've had a few dudes watch me set up the paper towel for myself and snatch it on their exit...

Also, I hate being at the casino and seeing a dude I'm at a table with in the restroom and dude pisses and doesn't wash his hands....
****"Floorman, TABLE CHANGE!"
When I'm at home marinating in my own funk I don't wash my hands after I take a piss.

But in a public restroom?, you best believe I do.
Used the bathroom today at school, here's my process:

Open door

kicks down stall door

closes stall door with foot

places lock with elbow

whips it out and pisses heavenly

opens lock with elbow

opens stall door with foot

grabs paper towel from dispenser

opens door

uses hand sanitizer in classroom

Rumor has it that kids spit in the soap, plus a 75% majority of the bathrooms don't even have soap.... :smh:

The only way to do it. If my **** is that dirty that I have to wash my hands every time I touch it, I've got problems. IMO, the germs come from door handles, flush knobs, etc.
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