Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained (a Spaghetti Western) scheduled for release Christmas 2012

I'm going to see the movie tonight, but I figured there would be alot of white people going to see this.   Alot of white people love to see black people looking bad, they really enjoy stuff like that.  For some reason, it makes them feel better

Once I see the movie I will probably have a better sense of what Spike was trying to get at, but I'm sure I will probably see Spike's point of view given his knowledge of Hollywood and the images they allow to get out and be displayed. 
It really does thus popularity with the help, the blind side etc... especially when the issues/problems suffered by the minority are by whites and it is overshadowed by the "white savior" Not saying all whites are like this...but it isnt a coincidence that these are the only so called black movies that get hollywood funding, or get praise well recieved accolades by white audience at large.

We can front b.s. aka play p.c. all we want, but a movie lets say about the jim crow era, in which a black person overcomes obstacles with the aid of whites..(esp if its a black woman, and the negative character is a black man) will get waaaaaaaaay more funding and more likely recieve praise from the white community, then lets say a black movie where the hero is a black man, the villian is whites, and without the aid of whites overcome.
^^^ I see what your point is for Hollywood in general. Films are still getting nominated for those "white people helped black people and it made me feel good inside" type of films in the year 2012. A disgrace. However, I don't think that's the case in this particular movie. You think white people were comfortable watching Django blow off white peoples heads, going on a killing spree, etc?? By a black man at that?? I doubt it. If black people were uncomfortable watching this then white people were just as uncomfortable watching chunks of brain and blood being splattered during Djangos revenge and killings throughout the movie. Two slaves died violently during the movie (one of which was by another black man). Meanwhile, 100 white people got slaughtered in the most graphic ways possible. 
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:lol: are you guys serious? The way some if you act it's like you're fighting to keep racism alive. It's just a flick, go enjoy it and stop worrying about who's laughing at what and who feels uncomfortable.
It can't be gut bustingingly funny....and an accurate description of the time.

Wasn't nothing funny about mass rape and forced sexual servitude.

That's what I was getting at.

It's not that people should have shook their head at a comedic scene but morseo that the paradigm of rape should have never been portrayed in a comedic light in the first place.

Imagine if the "Mandingo fight" or the dog scene was injected with one liners and slapstick humor, wouldn't have been appropriate.

The African woman's struggle shouldn't have been marginalized in that way either.

And there wasn't a white person in the entire theater when I saw the flick, so white patrons didn't affect my viewing experience.

But I was about to get into it with some cackling black idiots being loud and ignorant. Screaming out " I woulda raped that n_er b_..." and other disgusting statements in the midst of black elders and people trying to take in the film.

Made my stomach turn watching the fight scene and knowing that I might have to square up with some fools with my same skin color for trying to disrespect everyone in the theater.

The lack of true Black historical and cultural reinforcement is partially responsible for creating numbskulls like those dudes and though Tarantino is not responsible for that and he seems to try to make art with integrity....I can understand why someone like Spike, who has been a torchbearer for black cinema, would be rubbed the wrong way by this film.

Hate u had to experience that man. Thats one of the worst things about going to the movies when stupid kids like that try to become a part of the show. Its really embarrassing...I know the feeling of just wanting to get up and throw dudes out yourself trust me.

But i can see your point about the forced sexual servitude not being funny. Although we all knew what was being referenced it wasnt as blatant as it could have been. I think QT walked the line on that one and it didnt come off extremely distasteful to me. And i wouldnt call that scene gut bustingly funny... it is actually prolly toward the end of the list of the comedic moments in the film to me.

I can also understand Spike in the grand scheme of things taking his stance. Alot of ppl or educated or mature enough to look at this for what it is and because of that I see where he is coming from.
:lol: are you guys serious? The way some if you act it's like you're fighting to keep racism alive. It's just a flick, go enjoy it and stop worrying about who's laughing at what and who feels uncomfortable.

THIS. I'm black, enjoyed the film, & will prob cop the Blu-Ray when it comes out to go with my other Tarantino movies
Most underrated musical choice was Freedom by Richie Havens.. I love that song and I'm glad it was included
uhhh other than the fact that it was played byh Uma's stunt double in Kill Bill could it be the Bride? This movie takes place almost 100 years before Kill Bill.
And if the rumors are true this isn't in the Tarantinoverse.
there's a rumor going around that Django and Broomhilda are John Shaft's ancestors

I ended my post with this
Like chronologically, ***** a reach to begin with, idk I just felt like it was doing too much

So I agree. It doesn't make sense.
But that girl in the bandana had some sort of significance , I'm sure of it. Just tryna find out the specifics.
Love to hear any theories on the matter
I wish we could continue this discussion without people calling other people "butt hurt" "just watch the movie, its ONLY entertainment" etc. Just cause you can watch, listen, consume and not think doesn't mean others don't.

Anyway at the barbershop today my barber made a good point on 2 of the scenes in the movie.

In the very first scene when Dr. King "freed" the slaves (Even tho he just killed their masters and gave them a choice but that's another post) the black men took off their chains and killed the slave owner (well it's hinted that they did). When Jamie kills QT & the rest near the end and rides away the slaves stay in the cage. His theory was the slaves don't believe a black man can grant them freedom. Only a white man can. It could be a reach since Jamie never told them they were free. But it makes a valid point.
^^^ I see what your point is for Hollywood in general. Films are still getting nominated for those "white people helped black people and it made me feel good inside" type of films in the year 2012. A disgrace. However, I don't think that's the case in this particular movie. You think white people were comfortable watching Django blow off white peoples heads, going on a killing spree, etc?? By a black man at that?? I doubt it. If black people were uncomfortable watching this then white people were just as uncomfortable watching chunks of brain and blood being splattered during Djangos revenge and killings throughout the movie. Two slaves died violently during the movie (one of which was by another black man). Meanwhile, 100 white people got slaughtered in the most graphic ways possible. 

you still had the christophe waltz character as the buffer though, when in reality there were many slave rebellions without the aid of a white guy
:lol: are you guys serious? The way some if you act it's like you're fighting to keep racism alive. It's just a flick, go enjoy it and stop worrying about who's laughing at what and who feels uncomfortable.

THIS. I'm black, enjoyed the film, & will prob cop the Blu-Ray when it comes out to go with my other Tarantino movies


I'm sure if Sam, Jamie, Kelly and any other black actors felt uncomfortable about any scene they would not of signed off for QT.

Take it for what it's worth, a movie, meant to distract/entertain for a couple hours, no more no less.
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I wish we could continue this discussion without people calling other people "butt hurt" "just watch the movie, its ONLY entertainment" etc. Just cause you can watch, listen, consume and not think doesn't mean others don't.

Anyway at the barbershop today my barber made a good point on 2 of the scenes in the movie.

In the very first scene when Dr. King "freed" the slaves (Even tho he just killed their masters and gave them a choice but that's another post) the black men took off their chains and killed the slave owner (well it's hinted that they did). When Jamie kills QT & the rest near the end and rides away the slaves stay in the cage. His theory was the slaves don't believe a black man can grant them freedom. Only a white man can. It could be a reach since Jamie never told them they were free. But it makes a valid point.

@ spoiler

I'm sure if Sam, Jamie, Kelly and any other black actors felt uncomfortable about any scene they would not of signed off for QT.
Take it for what it's worth, a movie, meant to distract/entertain for a couple hours, no more no less.
LOL. Both of those statements are so far away from the truth. Yall are really lost. I love this movie but I'm starting to see what Spike was saying. It's sad too cause this is a great piece of art.
you still had the christophe waltz character as the buffer though, when in reality there were many slave rebellions without the aid of a white guy
exactly plus it was produced by a white man...so... I def. (and history/awards/sales is proof of this) think the reviews/sales/accolades would have been alot different, if there wasnt a so called white sidekick/good guy, and especially if the movie was produced by a black..(with the exception of the stereotypical safe negro ala a tyler perry etc..)
I wish we could continue this discussion without people calling other people "butt hurt" "just watch the movie, its ONLY entertainment" etc. Just cause you can watch, listen, consume and not think doesn't mean others don't.

Anyway at the barbershop today my barber made a good point on 2 of the scenes in the movie.

In the very first scene when Dr. King "freed" the slaves (Even tho he just killed their masters and gave them a choice but that's another post) the black men took off their chains and killed the slave owner (well it's hinted that they did). When Jamie kills QT & the rest near the end and rides away the slaves stay in the cage. His theory was the slaves don't believe a black man can grant them freedom. Only a white man can. It could be a reach since Jamie never told them they were free. But it makes a valid point.

I looked at Dr. King as a stand-in for Abraham Lincoln.

He freed Django and made him understand that he was equal regardless of what the slave-ownees said, and it was only after he shot down the symbol of institutional slavery, Leo, that he got shot in the back. Then it was ip to Django to earn his own freedom, and fight for his own life and family and pride. That's why Sam Jackson is the ultimate evil.

Those slavers are monsters, but white people have all thr power in America. It was always gonna be up to good white people to let black people be equal. That's the sad ugly truth. There's more of them, we can't hide in plain sight, they're more educated, armed and everywhere. That's why those slave rebellions never led anywhere. But the truth of what's been.done is the slavery of the mind. They can free our bodies, but it's people like Steven thag are the monsters. The ones who reinforce that slavery of thethe mind on their own people. The people who.should know better, should know their own peoplr are thinking, feeling, living human beings. Physical freedom was given to black people, no one can give us that mental freedom.
Are some of yall that dense that you consume a project like this without having anything intelligent to say? Wow thats sad
I was talking about the other slaves not Django Mr. ONegative
Me too. They've lived their whole lives in the slave mindset, so that even after they get teased with being blown up and those same white men are gone, it's hard for them to believe a black man could free them. It'd make more sense to them for a Sam Jackson type to just come in and tell them, "just cuz these white folk is dead doesn't mean you free." It's the idea that only white people can tell you what you're allowed to have or think. And the Steven's stand there to reinforce it.
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