Question for those who date out their race

Your parents probably didn't want to embarrass themselves.
To be honest those were textbook reactions.
my parents don't really care. my aunts and uncles do though. every time i go to a wedding i have an aunt telling me she's gonna find me a nice indian girl. my brother has been dating a white girl for a year or so and my parents don't really care
Yup, sure did.
My family used to care (but not anymore).

However they're still hard pressed, that I'm not inclined to settle with the same ethnicity.
The only way my family would meet any woman I was dealing with is if I'm 100% she's going to carry my son or daughter (or we've been in a relationship for a number of years). Any how, my parents don't care about that stuff (they've seen chicks I talk through photos etc), as long as she's respectful towards them and myself.. and carries herself well. I don't know how some dudes will bring any broad into their home to meet their family  
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

The only way my family would meet any woman I was dealing with is if I'm 100% she's going to carry my son or daughter (or we've been in a relationship for a number of years). Any how, my parents don't care about that stuff (they've seen chicks I talk through photos etc), as long as she's respectful towards them and myself.. and carries herself well. I don't know how some dudes will bring any broad into their home to meet their family  
This. I've only thought about letting one girl meet my parents. Ever.
It's not that serious at all.
my parents dont care

but my pops did tell me if i cross over she better be a bad m'fer
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

The only way my family would meet any woman I was dealing with is if I'm 100% she's going to carry my son or daughter (or we've been in a relationship for a number of years). Any how, my parents don't care about that stuff (they've seen chicks I talk through photos etc), as long as she's respectful towards them and myself.. and carries herself well. I don't know how some dudes will bring any broad into their home to meet their family  
This. I've only thought about letting one girl meet my parents. Ever.
It's not that serious at all.
My dad wouldn't care. For that matter, no male in my family would care. It's mainly the females (my mom and sister especially) who have a problem with marrying a white person. Dating they said get your rocks off and have fun, but once its time to settle, she had to be black. My aunt in europe is the only female who doesn't care. She's about that european-not-make-a big-deal-out-of-nothing type life.
Mine are pretty similar. My gf is white (I'm black) and a lot of times it's like she has to be perfect just to be ok. I made this comment on another thread,
that my gf could cure cancer and become the first female president, but it really doesn't matter cause "she white", but i could date a black girl that spits in
my face every morning and slashes my tires, but it would be ok. I've dated all types of girls, so it's not my problem, it's my parents', and if they wanna
live in 1960 Bucktussle Texas, that's on them.
Originally Posted by IX Is Tha Future

I am black.

2 weeks ago I brought home a white girl and we were dating and the reaction from my parents was cordial but lukewarm.

On Tuesday I brought my Puerto Rican friend over and we are just friends and she got a more healthy, warmer welcome.

Yesterday, I brought home my friend from work and she's black and my parents went ape****. They were hugging her and dapping her up the Heat do during the starting lineup.

My question is have your parents had correlating reactions with mine? Farewell and adieu.


I go w/a white girl.  My mom likes her, and they get along.  To my mom, whoever makes me happy is fine no matter what color they are.

Spoiler [+]
I'm black
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