Question on a Tint Ticket

Lol wut? I think you've been reading too many of those NSA articles.

OP a judge isn't going to let you slide cause the cop made an error. Cops are human too and make mistakes. Plus it's not like he violated your Miranda rights or violated your civil rights. A judge is probably not going to do anything based on the fact your wasting the courts time trying to weasel your way out of a ticket. Save yourself time and just pay the fine.

No sir. One of my close friends is in the NYPD and he gets a list of vehicles that has been pulled over in his area for tints. Not saying that he's patrolling around looking for the specific vehicle..but he does keep a watchful eye out.
Stop being such a sheep and wanting the Big Brother to give u a prostate exam sans lube every chance it can get.  If the officer writing a ticket screws it up then you definitely should be able to get that ticket dismissed. 

To the OP, do some research and ask around, but you should be able to get off if I'm remembering things right.  But make sure you confirm you're right before going to court so you don't look like a fool.  And be sure to suit up in court, the judge will take you more seriously if you do so.

Sorry I left my white privilege and melodramatic sense of paranoia in my other pair of pants.
If you have a family or friend police officer, you can just take them the ticket tho
Bingo! That's exactly how I've handled my tint tickets! A coworkers pops is a LEO n he's always just signed off no questioned asked!
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I got it dismissed! :smile:

Made the cop look like a fool though. In front of the Judge.

The cop calls me Dude when he testifies. LMAO I go woah woah woah ITS SIR, like I would address you.

Then I explain to the judge on how when he stopped me the officers manners were unprofessional, as well as his partner. He tells me it costs money to look fly when he hands me the ticket and while he's writing the ticket his partner is standing next to my window making a personal call on his cell phone. Then I look down and he is texting in front of the judge!

I go your honor he was disrespectful when he pulled me over and hes been disrespectful now by calling me "Dude" and hes texting while making his testimony. So she looks down and sees him texting (because the judge is higher up) and she goes "you know what, Sir, because of your driving record and this officers rude behavior, I'm dismissing this case".

Feels good man. :smokin

Now I just have to avoid the area where I got the ticket for a while, because this guy will remember me. lol :lol:
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why do you have tints on ur windows in the first place. ny cops go crazy over tinted windows. just remove it and lose the unnecessary attention
why do you have tints on ur windows in the first place. ny cops go crazy over tinted windows. just remove it and lose the unnecessary attention

Seems like a lot of people including you are missing my original point. Im not complaining about getting the ticket. I know the deal. Im going to get ticketed. But in this case the cop ****** up on the ticket and in court and I got it dismissed. I only went to court because he messed up on the ticket. Otherwise like all my tickets I pay em right away.

And I have the tint because I want to btw. I hope you approve lmfaoooo
I got a few tickets like a few months ago for tints ...

I was chilling with my wife at the red light front windows down. The cop walk to my door and scare the **** out of me as I was in the middle lane and tells me to pull over.

After I pull over he has his meter and tells me to roll my front windows up I do, tells me they are to dark. Goes to my wife window tells her to pull the window up, tells me is to dark. Goes to the back where my 1 year old son is at tells me to roll down the window, tells me its to dark. So he basically gave me three tickets where we were sitting but not for the other one.

****** up part is that my windows where down and he told me to roll them up. BS is that!
^ is this in cali? On the penal code I believe it says you cant "drive" with obstruction to your view, meaning the window tint. If your werent driving and "stopped" and also had the windows down id fight it
^ is this in cali? On the penal code I believe it says you cant "drive" with obstruction to your view, meaning the window tint. If your werent driving and "stopped" and also had the windows down id fight it
No it was in NYC ... Although I was stop, it was at a red light, but really it shouldn't matter as I had the windows down. His opinion about the front windows being tinted was due to my back windows which I thought they could be tinted darker. Anyhow, I had them down and he told me to roll the windows up which is some BS.
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