Quick question..

Jun 10, 2008
So if the Higgs boson is a particle that sticks together and makes up matter, and being that we're matter and mass, what happens to that particle when our physical form dies? Does the 'Higgs boson' die too?
No. Our bodies depending on how they're handled after decompose or are scorched in to ashes. All that matter just changes to a different state. That particle is probably undetectable at that point. The particle like other matter won't necessarily die just change in to a different form of energy like all matter. It can't be destroyed.

Currently scientists can not detect it in our bodies anyway or haven't tried to. Cost a lot of money to fully understand it so right now we wouldn't know if that is absolutely the case though.
The Higgs boson doesn't stick together and make up matter, atoms do that. The Higgs boson gives matter its mass (weight). We're not "matter and mass". We're matter, which has mass. When we die we're still made up of that matter, which still has that mass. When we eventually decompose all of our old matter is still there, just not in the same state. I think
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