R.I.P ASAP Yams ....

Naw i did blow/poured up/took boomers or PKs maybe 4-5 times a year in my hayday... Lookin back it was really stupid. And maybe if someone i wasnt relatively close to didnt OD off some bad yay things work out differently but ive never had the slightest urge since got out that environment.

i stopped putting myself in those situations, its real easy to not do when its not around you. Dude said it alrdy in here.. you cant escape the company you keep. Period. Temporarily sure buy not forever

College kids and musicians will continue to OD forever. Its engrained in the cultures

There's so much truth to this.

A lot of people feel like they need to be inebriated to be creative which is really sad.
For sure. I see cocaine used in front of me all the time. I cook so we got wild boys in the office. :lol: all you gotta do is take 5 seconds and think. Do I want to sleep tonight? Yes, Do I have obligations tomorrow? Not hard. If I got a day open and it's new years pass that plate.
Has there ever been a scenario where any rapper helped out another fellow rapper? I mean look at the hard cases out there like DMX and what not. Your going to tell me no one in his camp was willing to help out and just give him an intervention? Maybe there is something in this industry and even rockers too where you just have to let someone get to that point of self destruction. It's pretty sad really.
I'm pretty sure Em helped Royce get clean.  I don't think he staged an intervention or anything that drastic, but I'm almost positive that their friendship and Em's struggle with addiction played a part in Royce's sobriety.  
I hate the idea of an intervention on someone. Way too much attention for someone in that situation.

I don't know but I'm sure Dj Paul and juicy j probably kicked heroin together. Gunplay kicked heroin too. Something about heroin and rap just makes you a beast. None have been as good since but happy they're well.
Yeah man. I don't drink at all. Haven't for two years. Alcohol is a drug, cocaine is a drug, molly or whatever else. Me and all my roommates always roll on grand ole days. ( local block party thing.) That's just our tradition. There are definitely people like that. I'd rather live a clean lifestyle 95% of the time and turn up a fee times a year. Like I said. It ain't for everyone. Gotta have willpower. But I have that.

I just look at it different. Not how society tells me I should. Alcohol is widely accepted and will kill me. Nothing else will turn me into a fiend like that. Just because it is illegal doesn't mean a damn thing.

I almost want to call it quits on alcohol too but more so just cause I feel like it's aging the crap out of me. I am not totally reckless with drinking and have a good metabolism but I feel like it's finally slowing down at my age. Hate to look like crap with a belly and double chin just cause I like to catch a buzz. Luckily I don't find alcohol addicting at all and can quit at the drop of a dime but I feel I will lose some friends out of it sad to say.
I hear you man. I don't have any flab now. I'm lean as hell. My eyes are white, I just look better.

You won't lose friends. If you do you didn't need them. I wouldn't have quit drinking if I didn't have a problem though. Maybe just keep it social or once a week? Not gonna lie I was self conscious at first when everyone had a drink but me. I'm cool now though. Plenty of people don't drink for various reasons besides alcoholism. It actually made me a lot more comfortable after a year. I don't have the alcohol safety net anymore so I just learned to be comfortable in social settings without it.

Sony was going to hire a junkie?

give me a break...look at this dudes instagram past few weeks....son looks like he is drugged out in each pic with his eyes barely open... :smh:

all these homies of his who saying RIP are lame especially the ones who are out there still drinking this ****...

if any of my close dudes looked anything like this kid looked like in his pics past month or so, i'd intervene right away and get this N' off it...or at least cycle off for a few months..

RIP this RIP that...how about you stop the dude from od'ing...which couldn't have been any clearer with this guy...

Also when this dude retchyp gets arrested for his foolery on instagram...idiots going to be saying #FREERETCHY....makes no sense...

no sympathy here...

Cool. You obviously understand NOTHING about addiction.

Carry on.

Nah, sounds like he's a good friend who would try to help his friends who were doing things that could kill them.
Has there ever been a scenario where any rapper helped out another fellow rapper? I mean look at the hard cases out there like DMX and what not. Your going to tell me no one in his camp was willing to help out and just give him an intervention? Maybe there is something in this industry and even rockers too where you just have to let someone get to that point of self destruction. It's pretty sad really.
TI said Eminem helped him with his addiction to sleeping pills 
Well he apparently didn't OD... I've seen people who know what they're talking about say it was due to complications with his sleep apnea

Retch said it in the first IG post about it he put up and dudes just ignored it...

A lot of ignorant dudes connecting dots and saying he got sleep apnea from the lean and/or pills sound dumb, it's probably completely unrelated

View media item 1362846
Dudes wanna blast a dead man without knowing the facts. The man was by all accounts clean at the time of his passing.
Well he apparently didn't OD... I've seen people who know what they're talking about say it was due to complications with his sleep apnea

Retch said it in the first IG post about it he put up and dudes just ignored it...

A lot of ignorant dudes connecting dots and saying he got sleep apnea from the lean and/or pills sound dumb, it's probably completely unrelated

View media item 1362846
Dudes wanna blast a dead man without knowing the facts. The man was by all accounts clean at the time of his passing.

It was an overdose... Come on dude.. regardless if he want using lean that night he would have still been here
Well he apparently didn't OD... I've seen people who know what they're talking about say it was due to complications with his sleep apnea

Retch said it in the first IG post about it he put up and dudes just ignored it...

A lot of ignorant dudes connecting dots and saying he got sleep apnea from the lean and/or pills sound dumb, it's probably completely unrelated

View media item 1362846
Dudes wanna blast a dead man without knowing the facts. The man was by all accounts clean at the time of his passing.

It was an overdose... Come on dude.. regardless if he want using lean that night he would have still been here
why are you completely discrediting the fact that it could very well be sleep apnea?

How do you know he was using lean that night?

these are all just assumptions.. is it because his last tweet was the title of a Future song?
Overdose or not...we already know from Pimp C that lean + sleep apnea don't mix.

What the **** is the debate for? Whether he overdosed or not...obviously the drugs played a role.
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Coroner came out and said "Pimp C had a slightly above average dope of cough syrup in his system, but not real high. It wasn't an overdose from the codeine" then labeled the death an 'accidental overdose'. Continued use has residual effects on your respiratory system so that paired with the sleep apnea is horrible.
26 year olds dont just drop dead from sleep apnea. Might not have been an OD but it was a product of the drugs. Everyones right about how they embrace the druggie image then all their friend deny it was from drugs. Kind of irresponsible really. People have to learn these drugs are deadly
For sure. I see cocaine used in front of me all the time. I cook so we got wild boys in the office. :lol: all you gotta do is take 5 seconds and think. Do I want to sleep tonight? Yes, Do I have obligations tomorrow? Not hard. If I got a day open and it's new years pass that plate.

you cook b?

whip it through the glass b?

baking soda, you got baking soda?

you in love with the coco?
So I guess minorites to scared to sleep with a cpap? :lol: I think lean with that condition increases your chances but who knows. Blame it all on sleep apnea to tell yourself lean abuse is ok
Sleep apnea can be caused by continued opiate (ab)use. It slows down the respiratory system while it remains in your system. Sleep apnea is basically breathing too slow while you're sleeping, which negatively impacts the sleep cycle and can even damage your brain in severe cases.

If you have sleep apnea and use opiates you are at very high risk because your already dangerously slow breathing while asleep is now slowed down even more, resulting in a high chance of brain damage or death.

If he had sleep apnea before using opiates he should've never abused them in the first place.
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