R.I.P Trayvon

LOL... she's so irritated

this is why she's been in high school for 6 years... no type of attention span
im sayin u suppose to be helping put away ur friends killer and u up their acting all irritated. she a fool get her off the stand asap
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you can repeat the word cracker, but have to say "N-word"

crazy double standard.

Not close to being on the same level.
i mean both are derogatory towards a particular race so i could see them being on the same level

Nah...not even close, both are derogatory but one has slllllliiiiightly more of a despicable connotation to it from over 200 yrs ago
i know that and understand what ur saying but what else would a black person call a white person thats even close to the term thats used for us blacks
LOL......."Nah you lost me"
you can repeat the word cracker, but have to say "N-word"

crazy double standard.

Not close to being on the same level.
i mean both are derogatory towards a particular race so i could see them being on the same level

Nah...not even close, both are derogatory but one has slllllliiiiightly more of a despicable connotation to it from over 200 yrs ago
i know that and understand what ur saying but what else would a black person call a white person thats even close to the term thats used for us blacks

True, I just disagree with them being on nearly the same level...I've met some white people who don't even know what that means too.

This man is having the most difficult time getting basic questions answered :lol:
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