R.I.P Trayvon

Ninjahood has been removed from this discussion, along with other users who've posted insults, profanity, and personal attacks.  

The sideshow's over.  Anyone who tries to reignite it or wedge in a few jabs after the fact will be removed from the thread. 
I just want to say I don't think white people are lazy I just wanted to show Celtic he has tunnel vision

yes it is

George brother is going to sue the martin family

George Zimmerman's Brother: Civil Lawsuit 'Might Not Be Very Flattering' To Trayvon Martin's Family


I like this comment

"If one of those girls in Cleveland shot and killed Ariel Castro while he followed them in his car before kidnapping them...
...baggers would blame the girl and shred her character, then rally around Castro while fundraising for his defense, and so he could buy more guns"
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I just want to say I don't think white people are lazy I just wanted to show Celtic he has tunnel vision
there are lazy people and there are hard working people from all races 

yes it is

George brother is going to sue the martin family

George Zimmerman's Brother: Civil Lawsuit 'Might Not Be Very Flattering' To Trayvon Martin's Family


I like this comment

"If one of those girls in Cleveland shot and killed Ariel Castro while he followed them in his car before kidnapping them...
...baggers would blame the girl and shred her character, then rally around Castro while fundraising for his defense, and so he could buy more guns"
Is this real life?
The problem with chumps like Zimcoward is they only own guns as backup, for when their mouths write checks their fighting skills can't cash.
Most responsible gun owners have their guns for protection.
If someone threatens their families right to live peacefully in the comfort of their home, then the weapons will be used.
But I can only imagine Zimcoward and his punk a** brother just knew they were invincible now that "Georgie" was licensed to carry.

Has anyone in Zimcoward's camp explained why he chose MMA training to lose weight?
Which is the most preposterous nonsense I have heard in a long time.
The gym owner that testified basically said "this wannabe wasn't stepping foot in my ring and I was just taking his money."
multiple break-ins in my neighborhood. If see a 6'3 guy in a hoodie looking suspicious you best believe i'll get my gun and check him out. I'll talk to him like a humanbeing and if he gets stupid i'll put one in his chest. zimmerman is innocent.
how do we stop racism? is there any way we the people can just judge people on their characters and not their skin tone?
And i don't think racism is that big of a problem, (this era) like how people want you believe it is, i think there are much bigger problems effecting the human race than the color of living people skin tones which i believe is now a small factor.
i know for a fact, first generation born Canadian....both parents born in Africa, (broke in Africa, broke in Canada) black/indians/asians/arabs/natives people hate other black/indians/asians/arabs/natives people, and have enslaved, killed, had wars against other ethic groups and kept their own people down with old tradition Religious Beliefs...which cater to the rich/higher in power and kept the people poor and miserable.....so i'll not have the mind of blaming White y" for all my problems because i know my history. I know there are evil people in this world that keep secrets and such, like I'm a 5%, to keep the miserable down, and the rich happy.
started from the bottom ........ but now we here...family has worked really hard, my sister is in University, bro and me (19) in college and younger sis is starting high school in Sept and she is a smart girl with mad knowledge

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multiple break-ins in my neighborhood. If see a 6'3 guy in a hoodie looking suspicious you best believe i'll get my gun and check him out. I'll talk to him like a humanbeing and if he gets stupid i'll put one in his chest. zimmerman is innocent.
What would he have to do to look suspicious to you ?
multiple break-ins in my neighborhood. If see a 6'3 guy in a hoodie looking suspicious you best believe i'll get my gun and check him out. I'll talk to him like a humanbeing and if he gets stupid i'll put one in his chest. zimmerman is innocent.

You wouldn't call the police and let them handle it? Why would you put yourself at risk to see who this suspicious person is? This person might be armed and dangerous for all you know or it could be an innocent person on their way home. What do you mean if he acts stupid? What if you looked suspicious and were on your way home and some stranger came out of nowhere, started following you and questioning you in your own neighborhood for no apparent reason in your mind? How would you react?

Having a gun doesn't mean you can go around investigating suspicious activity and play police. Guns are to be used in a last restort attempt to protect your life and the lives of loved ones that are in imminent danger around you...but that's just my opinion

It sounds like you're just looking for a reason to use your gun in your situation....
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or maybe he's just tryin to stir up ish on this thread.....

btw, did Zimmerman know the race of the 17 year old Trayvon Martin, when he had his hood on? I'd figure it would be very difficult for me to know the race of someone wearing a hoodie while it's dark outside.
or maybe he's just tryin to stir up ish on this thread.....

btw, did Zimmerman know the race of the 17 year old Trayvon Martin, when he had his hood on? I'd figure it would be very difficult for me to know the race of someone wearing a hoodie while it's dark outside.

I feel like he peeped Trayvon a few minutes before he called the cops IMO, he told the operator he looks black so I guess that's what he saw
or maybe he's just tryin to stir up ish on this thread.....

btw, did Zimmerman know the race of the 17 year old Trayvon Martin, when he had his hood on? I'd figure it would be very difficult for me to know the race of someone wearing a hoodie while it's dark outside.
Zimmerman didn't say TM race until he was asked by the operator - then he stated he looks black (not certain) a few seconds later he then said yes he is black (meaning he was certain). Initially all he did was describe what seems to him "a suspicious person". I'm not saying he didn't know TM was black or he was racially profiling him, but from the tape recordings he seems to not have an idea. 
or maybe he's just tryin to stir up ish on this thread.....

btw, did Zimmerman know the race of the 17 year old Trayvon Martin, when he had his hood on? I'd figure it would be very difficult for me to know the race of someone wearing a hoodie while it's dark outside.

This is just my assumption

If zimmerman was passing by just driving to target how would he know trayvon was acting weird and walking around.
For example you drive down a street you pass down that street in no more than 50 seconds
In the those 50 sec can you see a person continuously wondering and acting suspicious.
You would most likely have to stop and linger.

All this could be different if he was at a stop sign, but even at that the average you would stay at a stop should be no more than two minutes

I believe that Zimmerman thought that trayvon was a particular boy that was stealing in the neighborhood.

He must have been looking at him for a while before he called the cops, I doubt it woud take him that much time to realize his race.Rachel testified that he did not have on the hoodie during their entire conversation, she said that he told her he was putting his hoodie.
Zimmerman didn't say TM race until he was asked by the operator - then he stated he looks black (not certain) a few seconds later he then said yes he is black (meaning he was certain). Initially all he did was describe what seems to him "a suspicious person". I'm not saying he didn't know TM was black or he was racially profiling him, but from the tape recordings he seems to not have an idea. 

If you post a picture of yourself and I say you look black, doesn't that mean in my mind I think you're black but I can't bet money on it because I don't know you personally?
This is just my assumption

If zimmerman was passing by just driving to target how would he know trayvon was acting weird and walking around.
For example you drive down a street you pass down that street in no more than 50 seconds
In the those 50 sec can you see a person continuously wondering and acting suspicious.
You would most likely have to stop and linger.

All this could be different if he was at a stop sign, but even at that the average you would stay at a stop should be no more than two minutes

I believe that Zimmerman thought that trayvon was a particular boy that was stealing in the neighborhood.

He must have been looking at him for a while before he called the cops, I doubt it woud take him that much time to realize his race.Rachel testified that he did not have on the hoodie during their entire conversation, she said that he told her he was putting his hoodie.
i thought Zimmerman phoned the cops while at his home....woah..

i believe Zimmerman should have been guilty, but i don't believe he racially profiled Trayvon just because he was black. I think more of the cause was because it's weird or not usual seeing someone outside while it's raining on a Sunday night...just my opinion, i know it rains a lot in Florida, so I not sure if this is the actual case.
The Target thing was confirmed? I remember his brother said that in the Piers interview that got Tourag so upset because P.M didn't challenge anything dude said
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^he claims to have been looking for a street sign, which i think is a lie. But why didn't TM just skidaddle, he had time to get away.
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