R.I.P Trayvon

Funny how a white girl can smoke weed and wear gold teeth and she is just expressing herself.

Trayvon does it and he is profiled as a criminal even in death.

I live in BIZARRO world

This is why Trayvon was profiled as a criminal:


^^^^ Brah lets not even entertain dudes that want round 2.

Dudes saw South Park last night and were disappointed that Trey and Matt didn't ride for them.
Zimmerman didn't see those pictures of Trayvon before he followed him. Trayvon was going back to where his father was staying with snacks to watch the All-Star game.

Trayvon didn't deserve to have the police called on him. Zimmerman didn't and couldn't report an actual crime. He actively pursued a teen he profiled. He saw a black teen walking in his neighborhood and assumed he didn't belong.

I actually don't drink. I was searching for something in general when this thread popped up. Saw this:

Funny how a white girl can smoke weed and wear gold teeth and she is just expressing herself.

Trayvon does it and he is profiled as a criminal even in death.

and felt the need to address it.
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Nearly a year after George Zimmerman  was found not guilty of second-degree murder after shooting and killing Trayvon Martin, one of his biggest supporters has switched teams.

Zimmerman’s former neighbor Frank Taaffe  testified before a grand jury on Wednesday, and revealed details about a racially-charged conversation he had with a man he believes was George Zimmerman. Taaffe, who was one of the neighborhood watch volunteer’s biggest supporters, claims he wants to make amends with the family of Trayvon Martin  and bring a sense of justice and closure to Zimmerman’s not guilty verdict.

Before Taaffe entered the courthouse, he spoke with reporters about his decision to come forward with the evidence. He also added that he believes Trayvon was targeted because of his race.
“This is a young man who didn’t deserve to die,” Taaffe said. “In my heart of hearts, I do believe that….If there’s a young man that’s not doing anything but talking on the phone, in the rain, sauntering about, let it go. You know, that’s why we have law enforcement — let them handle it.”
In a statement to the Orlando Sentinel, Martin family lawyer Benjamin Crump says they’ve always believed their son was profiled.
“This is what we said before Frank Taaffe’s testimony to the grand jury, this is what we said all along, and we’re grateful that the grand jury will get to hear it,” Crump said.
Chances of federal charges on Zimmerman remain unclear, but Taaffe says with the loss of his two children and broken relationship with his daughter over the trial, he’s ready to do the right thing.
Pressed on his motivation to testify, Taaffe said he has a daughter in the U.S. Marine Corps who was ostracized due to his role as Zimmerman’s primary supporter. It damaged their relationship, he said.

“I miss her and I love her,” said Taaffe, who wore photos of his deceased sons on a lanyard around his neck. “She’s my only child I’ve got left.”
You can check out Taaffe’s statements to the press in the video above.
Took dude's life to completely crumble to finally tell the truth

Aint that something
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Wow, talk about a slap to the face.  

It sounds like his motivation has nothing to do with getting the truth out there though.  It seems purely for personal gain (getting his daughter back).  
Bastard has no soul. Perfectly cool with riding with the killer of a teenager until your relationships start to crumble, now you hollering for justice. He deserves to be wacked.
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