R.I.P Trayvon

1st Dee Dee interview her and GZ must eat at the same restaurants 
i'm not saying you're wrong, but i've never heard this. i can see it having been adopted by upper class. do you have proof?
Me either if that was the case why not still call them crackers instead of poor white trash 

nice reach tho

:rofl: you poor fool.

cracker (n.2)

Southern U.S. derogatory term for "poor, white trash" (1766), probably from mid-15c. crack "to boast" (e.g. not what it's cracked up to be), originally a Scottish word. Cf. Latin crepare "to rattle, crack, creak," with a secondary figurative sense of "boast of, prattle, make ado about."

I should explain to your Lordship what is meant by crackers; a name they have got from being great boasters; they are a lawless set of rascalls on the frontiers of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas and Georgia, who often change their places of abode. [1766, G. Cochrane]

But DARE compares corn-cracker "poor white farmer" (1835, U.S. Midwest colloquial). Especially of Georgians by 1808, though often extended to residents of northern Florida. Another name in mid-19c. use was sand-hiller "poor white in Georgia or South Carolina."

That's from the Online Etymology Dictionary. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=cracker
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Because she is dark skinned and over weight she is disgustingly gross???
Those are the only things u have to go on for u to come to that conclusion.
Or was u just tryna get LULz????

She's gross because - she's gross. Just look at her neck.

Why are you trying so hard to debate this.

I just can't believe this is the girl Trayvon was dating or with.
I ain't tryin to debate
Is the girl unattractive to ME? Yes
Dies she seem disgusting? not from what I see no
Just seems kinda racists IN MY OPINION

Calling an obese chick gross is racist? Lulz.
His lawyer is all over the place now.

white people are so sensitive. thin *** skin.

the n-word and cracker are incomparable. sure, they're both derogatory terms but are not of the same weight. the n-word has a catastrophic history that bolsters the sensitivity surrounding it. millions of lives were taken with that as the last word heard. i don't know what's so hard to understand about that.

cracker was developed as a defense (and rightfully so) to the brutality that surrounded the n-word.

let's say the holocaust took place in america, facilitated by african-americans, and there was a slur attached to its foundation. do you think it would be okay for blacks to use that word against jews today?
you don't see us white people going around calling each other "cracka's" as a term of endearment- it wouldn't make any sense

Here this dude go....

it's almost like he thinks he has the right to talk about the modern language and society

WHITE PEOPLE CAN'T DO THAT, they'll never understand, right guys?

he's clearly racist for even attempting it! :rolleyes

:lol: Man sit the **** down.

Nowitness is in every race thread acting like he has some guilty conscience. I don't know him to call to him racist but like I said he's in race thread defending something.
Because she is dark skinned and over weight she is disgustingly gross???
Those are the only things u have to go on for u to come to that conclusion.
Or was u just tryna get LULz????

She's gross because - she's gross. Just look at her neck.

Why are you trying so hard to debate this.

I just can't believe this is the girl Trayvon was dating or with.
I ain't tryin to debate
Is the girl unattractive to ME? Yes
Dies she seem disgusting? not from what I see no
Just seems kinda racists IN MY OPINION

Calling an obese chick gross is racist? Lulz.
His only reason for saying she disgusting is cause she big????? C'mon now that dont even make sense but what ever
I ain't tryin to debate
Is the girl unattractive to ME? Yes
Dies she seem disgusting? not from what I see no
Just seems kinda racists IN MY OPINION

Ohh okay.

It's racist because I thinks she's gross and can't speak well.

So you're that type of dude, I won't be responding to you anymore now. Lol
Defense is just trying to elicit the "angry black woman" response out of her...the actual facts that matter are still holding up


I'm black but okay chief.
A black person can not like other black people word to django

Lmao I've been the one saying her testimony still holds weight, and that don west looks clueless with the questions...never once saying she's dumb but I hate black people? :lol:
I ain't tryin to debate
Is the girl unattractive to ME? Yes
Dies she seem disgusting? not from what I see no
Just seems kinda racists IN MY OPINION

Ohh okay.

It's racist because I thinks she's gross and can't speak well.

So you're that type of dude, I won't be responding to you anymore now. Lol
Why u think she gross though??? Just cause she's big???? She could clean and wash every day and smell like lavender......she could just be big boned. Is she gross to u because of her skin complexion?? B
Wait hold the **** up that girl and this girl on the stand are the same person????? :wow:
No, I think that is his real girlfriend in picture but not her voice but there girl on stand voice.

The girl on stand just seem like a side piece trying to make her move TM.
Defense is just trying to elicit the "angry black woman" response out of her...the actual facts that matter are still holding up


I'm black but okay chief.
A black person can not like other black people word to django

Lmao I've been the one saying her testimony still holds weight, and that don west looks clueless with the questions...never once saying she's dumb but I hate black people? :lol:
:lol: I wasn't saying ur racist just giving u an example of the I'm black I can't be racist card that's all
A boy is dead and you guys are talking about her being fat.

Hopefully the juries arent also distracted by her fat neck.
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