R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

OK so if you know somebody is a predator what do you do about it? That one girl met him at the trial. Yeah she's young but she knows he's a piece of ****. The 30 year old chick. 2 things can be right. R Kelly is a predator and these women made some dumb choices for material things.

So you expect a 16 year old to make rational decisions? Especially when celebrity is involved? We don’t blame young people as harshly as adults and sometimes not at all when they break the law. Because their brains aren’t as developed yet. They live in the moment and don’t think long term. But it’s “hey, well she should have made a better decision” when wrong is done to her. And again, MOST of his victims were children at the time he met them. I get what you’re saying when it comes to adults. Like I said, I get the reality of the world we live in and the adult women maybe should have known better considering his history. But even then it’s more about his actions than anything else. But kids, nah F that.
So you expect a 16 year old to make rational decisions? Especially when celebrity is involved? We don’t blame young people as harshly as adults and sometimes not at all when they break the law. Because their brains aren’t as developed yet. They live in the moment and don’t think long term. But it’s “hey, well she should have made a better decision” when wrong is done to her. And again, MOST of his victims were children at the time he met them. I get what you’re saying when it comes to adults. Like I said, I get the reality of the world we live in and the adult women maybe should have known better considering his history. But even then it’s more about his actions than anything else. But kids, nah F that.


No one has blamed the kids in here, where are y'all seeing that at?
Right because a kid going to a van is the same as a 33 year old woman willingly engaging with R. Kelly.

Because a kid going to a van is the same as adults giving their children and relatives to R. Kelly for months at a time

I swear to god man :lol:
Man you missed the point hard. I forget most of y’all don’t got it like that mentally and need things completely word for word laid out
Wow that Khia video.

This is the issue with the culture. The continuous victim blaming that the women are whores. The culture is just as complicit because we are conditioned that black women victims ask to be treated this way when it is the society that believes they deserve to be treated this way. Ain't done nothing changed since slavery.

Shaming and blaming... and no wonder victims dont speak out.

Find me a single quote with someone blaming the victims?

This isn't about the victims to me. They're children. They obviously should have made better decisions but no one makes the best decisions when they're teenagers chasing fame and fall in love with an older man due to grooming.

This is about the parents and guardians as much as it is about R. Kelly. We already knew R. Kelly was a perverted POS

But victim blaming? Where?
Nobody should be listening to Khia in 2019
She made a lot of sense. It's just not PC so people don't wanna hear it.

So you expect a 16 year old to make rational decisions? Especially when celebrity is involved? We don’t blame young people as harshly as adults and sometimes not at all when they break the law. Because their brains aren’t as developed yet. They live in the moment and don’t think long term. But it’s “hey, well she should have made a better decision” when wrong is done to her. And again, MOST of his victims were children at the time he met them. I get what you’re saying when it comes to adults. Like I said, I get the reality of the world we live in and the adult women maybe should have known better considering his history. But even then it’s more about his actions than anything else. But kids, nah F that.
We know teenage girls are gullible and naive. It don't help when the parents are basically handing their daughters to him. Sparkle said her 14 hear old cousin would be sitting around studio. How does a parent allow their kid to do that? Then that same girls parents took R Kelly's money in a settlement. The light skin girl that did the TMZ interview like a year ago, her parents allowed her to go away with R Kelly so she can be a singer.
Right because a kid going to a van is the same as a 33 year old woman willingly engaging with R. Kelly.

Because a kid going to a van is the same as adults giving their children and relatives to R. Kelly for months at a time

I swear to god man :lol:

I can't even fathom that. People's brains get cloudy af when the possibility of money and fame get involved.

What else is crazy.... is that lady that met dude at trial :lol:
So basically if a kid goes to the white van becuase he was offered candy from that point on the kid is at fault becuase he took the bait. Thanks NT !!
I SWORE folks were only talking about the GROWN women that started dealing with him AFTER those prior accusations.

I swore that was what we were talking about

No **** the onus is on him. What are you even saying? Of course it's on him. But we can have the conversation in regards to other factors that are at play while acknowledging that R. Kelly is at fault.

Duh he's at fault. Just because they were in his presence doesn't give him the right to abuse them. DUH. Can you not acknowledge how dumb the parents and guardians were while at the same recognizing that R. Kelly is in the wrong? We can't do both?

Would you take your teenage child to the concert of a guy who was accused of peeing on a 14 year old and married a 15 year old? Would you allow that guy to work with your child in any capacity?

What exactly are we spinning here?
:lol: Save your frustration man. Doesn't seem like he is listening to anything, anyone is actually typing
It seems like part of the reason nothing ever happens is because of all the unnecessary arguing. R Kelly is a sick **** AND the older women may be too. Aside from this, what we arguing about?
It seems like part of the reason nothing ever happens is because of all the unnecessary arguing. R Kelly is a sick **** AND the older women may be too. Aside from this, what we arguing about?
Nothing happening as in, what exactly?

Are you saying US talking about what we are talking about is preventing justice from being served?

I am confused?

Also, what SHOULD the conversation in this thread look like? A bunch of people saying the same thing? "R. Kelly is trash."

Again, I am confused
Nothing happening as in, what exactly?

Are you saying US talking about what we are talking about is preventing justice from being served?

I am confused?

Nothing happening as far as constructive dialogue. Feels like we going in circles
Don't disagree with anything Khia said.

She can get away with saying those things since she is a black woman. Very refreshing. Wonder if she will be accused of Victim Blaming too.

Surprised folks haven't tried to discredit her because of her catalog.
Nothing happening as far as constructive dialogue. Feels like we going in circles
Yea, I think because people don't read and they just have pre-recorded responses.

Especially the, "I can't believe so many people are defending R. Kelly" crew.

I haven't seen a single soul defend him.

But that goes back to what I said, I don't think there is a consensus definition of what "Defending R. Kelly" even means.
Yea, I think because people don't read and they just have pre-recorded responses.

Especially the, "I can't believe so many people are defending R. Kelly" crew.

I haven't seen a single soul defend him.

But that goes back to what I said, I don't think there is a consensus definition of what "Defending R. Kelly" even means.

Defending can occur more than one way. Some can defend his actions based on the belief that they think he's sick. And some can defend him by blaming the older women and all that. Not saying that's what y'all are doing but there is a lot of that going on outside of the realm of NT. By even putting blame on the women, it shifts the conversation away from Kelly. And yes you can do both but that's what happens when it occurs. Conversation shifts. I feel like the conversation and concern isn't even about the victims anymore and that's the entire point of the series. I know other topics will emerge, but the central focus still needs to be on them
Defending can occur more than one way. Some can defend his actions based on the belief that they think he's sick. And some can defend him by blaming the older women and all that. Not saying that's what y'all are doing but there is a lot of that going on outside of the realm of NT. By even putting blame on the women, it shifts the conversation away from Kelly. And yes you can do both but that's what happens. I feel like the conversation and concern isn't even about the victims anymore.
My thing is multiple aspects of the situation can be discussed at the same time.

There are only SO many ways we can say, "R. Kelly is a nasty old man."

We can discuss how parent allowed their kids to be purchased.
We can discuss how GROWN WOMEN dealt with him AFTER the initial accusations.

I just don't know how many ways / how much time you can sit here and isolate R. Kelly from the discussion without focusing on the entire picture and all involved parties.

As I said, one that wants to discuss other aspects of the WHOLE picture, shouldn't (so easily) be labeled as defending R. Kelly.

That is a lazy discussion point/tactic.
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