R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

From "little black girls" to "pedophiles" to " well you must be defending your own pedophilia because you don't have the same outlook as me on this situation"
im not even gonna @ some of you kids in here, literally telling me what threads I be in like I have any idea of who you are.

I have been reading this thread, and we all agree that R. Kelly is a SAVAGE and a BEAST and should be dealt with appropriately

I came in here to post the textbook defination of pedophilia, which I did and now some of yall wanna start twisting things around?

Thats why I literally stay outta 99% of threads on NT, some of yall are straight up punks
Naw I actually never cared for R. kelly so you’re first like 5 sentences are wrong. There were FACTS in the documentary (that I’m assuming you didn’t even watch) him marrying 14 year old Aaliyah and having her lie on the birth certificate is one of those facts.

Your “guess” is wrong ... again I’m assuming you didn’t watch or care to research lol

“16year old girls in my school” shut up. Tired of hearing that trash *** argument .

If you want to be a pedo supporter then that’s on you , but I’m not.
Yada yada yada...people knew all that stuff about Aaliyah when he was still going double platinum. I know R Kelly a nasty n***a but I refuse to buy this victimized narrative these women are throwing out there. They made a choice and need to live with it the same way a 15 or 16 year old makes a choice to commit a drive by. We ain’t out here feeling sorry for them even though they were influenced by much older people to do it. Everyone’s life ain’t meant to fit the same script. I’m sure kids in third world countries looking like wtf they complaining about at least you had a home to run away from. Get off the computer and go volunteer at a woman’s shelter or group home instead of bumping your gums. You cats in here are all talk no action.
im not even gonna @ some of you kids in here, literally telling me what threads I be in like I have any idea of who you are.

I have been reading this thread, and we all agree that R. Kelly is a SAVAGE and a BEAST and should be dealt with appropriately

I came in here to post the textbook defination of pedophilia, which I did and now some of yall wanna start twisting things around?

Thats why I literally stay outta 99% of threads on NT, some of yall are straight up punks
:lol: @ I'm not even gonna @ you, then responding directly to my post.

I just don't understand what your point was to point out the technicality to us.

Now I'm a punk.:lol:
Yada yada yada...people knew all that stuff about Aaliyah when he was still going double platinum. I know R Kelly a nasty n***a but I refuse to buy this victimized narrative these women are throwing out there. They made a choice and need to live with it the same way a 15 or 16 year old makes a choice to commit a drive by. We ain’t out here feeling sorry for them even though they were influenced by much older people to do it. Everyone’s life ain’t meant to fit the same script. I’m sure kids in third world countries looking like wtf they complaining about at least you had a home to run away from. Get off the computer and go volunteer at a woman’s shelter or group home instead of bumping your gums. You cats in here are all talk no action.

Comparing sexual victims to drive by shooters? :stoneface:

Comparing homeless children in 3rd world countries? :stoneface:

Fam you a weirdo. :rofl:
Yada yada yada...people knew all that stuff about Aaliyah when he was still going double platinum. I know R Kelly a nasty n***a but I refuse to buy this victimized narrative these women are throwing out there. They made a choice and need to live with it the same way a 15 or 16 year old makes a choice to commit a drive by. We ain’t out here feeling sorry for them even though they were influenced by much older people to do it. Everyone’s life ain’t meant to fit the same script. I’m sure kids in third world countries looking like wtf they complaining about at least you had a home to run away from. Get off the computer and go volunteer at a woman’s shelter or group home instead of bumping your gums. You cats in here are all talk no action.

How in the hell is being victimized at a young age the same as doing a drive by??
Yada yada yada...people knew all that stuff about Aaliyah when he was still going double platinum. I know R Kelly a nasty n***a but I refuse to buy this victimized narrative these women are throwing out there. They made a choice and need to live with it the same way a 15 or 16 year old makes a choice to commit a drive by. We ain’t out here feeling sorry for them even though they were influenced by much older people to do it. Everyone’s life ain’t meant to fit the same script. I’m sure kids in third world countries looking like wtf they complaining about at least you had a home to run away from. Get off the computer and go volunteer at a woman’s shelter or group home instead of bumping your gums. You cats in here are all talk no action.

How in the hell is being victimized the same as doing a drive by shooting???
Similar as far as liking yo bang minors though. Both being in the music industry. Having a certain amount of power and authority, etc.

That first sentence is fact to one and not the other. But I’m probably not the best one to argue this (look at my AVI) lol. But Just do your googles and don’t go off of IG videos posted in here.

And again everybody should stop comparing tragedies.
Yes like yourself with the whole "little back girls" emotional sensationalism:lol:

if you don't consider 14 year olds little girls then so be it, that wouldn't surprise me at all given your posts in here.

there now you can stop fishing for a response and hop off my nuts.
It’s been said that r kelly was messing with girls as young as 14. So 14 isn’t a “little black girl”? That’s middle school/ junior high age.

you wasting your time dog thats been posted numerous times but dudes ignore it because it'd make them look even worse than they already do if the actually acknowledge that, as is they can keep spouting their 16-17yr olds lines in defense of a grown man's right to **** teenagers without feeling like pedophiles atleast by the dictionary definition :rofl:
How in the hell is being victimized at a young age the same as doing a drive by??

How in the hell is being victimized the same as doing a drive by shooting???
You choose to believe what you want. I’ll believe what I want and what life has shown me is there’s minors out here bussing it wide open because that’s what they want to do regardless of who tells them different. I can’t convince them not to have sex so I’ll save my outrage for girls who are unwillingly forced to have sex and raped. If you knew it was wrong to run off with a grown azzzz man, but did it anyway, I’m sad you made that decision but feeling I didn’t protect you ain’t going to be a feeling I have.

I hear about teachers sleeping with students all day, but I ain’t seen one damn special or investigative report. Nobody is saying remove the judge from the bench who lets these women out in 6 months. They did a damn special on Mary K Latourneau who molested and got impregnated by a 14 year old boy. where was that thread? Now you want me to be upset about R Kelly?:lol:
You want to start somewhere
Stop sexualizing children in movies, magazines, and music. R Kelly needs to die but he ain’t the real problem society is.
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you watched this entire video? how?

5mins in and this **** is nonsene and im pretty sure its the same fat dude who yells about the eagles on youtube

why do dudes who spout this pro black bull**** defense of rkelly ignore the fact his victims to our knowledge are exclusively little black girls?

There's a whole subset of supposed "pro black" ****** who operate on a false sense of consciousness and mask their ignorance with the "im blackity black-bl-black-black yall" rhetoric. These are the types to flock to people like Tariq Nasheed. They rope ****** in who are looking for some sense of self worth and pride.

They are every bit as pathetic and toxic as the extreme feminist black women who are "working wit da white man to take the black man down". They're practically mirror images of each other.
if you don't consider 14 year olds little girls then so be it, that wouldn't surprise me at all given your posts in here.

there now you can stop fishing for a response and hop off my nuts.

You thought the you was media trained huh?
You thought you could come in here with the news media tactics huh?
You tried it huh:lol:
Ole goofy *** boi:rofl:

There's a whole subset of supposed "pro black" *****s who operate on a false sense of consciousness and mask their ignorance with the "im blackity black-bl-black-black yall" rhetoric. These are the types to flock to people like Tariq Nasheed. They rope *****s in who are looking for some sense of self worth and pride.

They are every bit as pathetic and toxic as the extreme feminist black women who are "working wit da white man to take the black man down". They're practically mirror images of each other.

Tariq a real one doe....you just can't take him because you too emotional and insecure:lol:

You hate that he's blunt huh?
Deep down that scares you don't it?
Tariq lowkey intimidate you don't he?
Ya mama couldn't teach you how to be around cool calm logical men in debates,discussions or confrontations huh?

Ole scary *** boi:lol:

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You thought the you was media trained huh?
You thought you could come in here with the news media tactics huh?
You tried it huh:lol:
Ole goofy *** boi:rofl:

Tariq a real one doe....you just can't take him because you too emotional and insecure:lol:

You hate that he's blunt huh?
Deep down that scares you don't it?
Tariq lowkey intimidate you don't he?
Ya mama couldn't teach you how to be around cool calm logical men in debates,discussions or confrontations huh?

Ole scary *** boi:lol:

Retort game trash.:lol:
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