Racists Getting Fired - Racism on Social Media

Does this even matter in the private sector?

Maybe this is feasible in the government or any closely related industries where there would be a public push to have someone removed from a position...

But in the private sector...it won't mean ****. 
Prepare for a world where you can work your entire life to attain a position and then be arbitrarily fired from it because someone took umbrage interpreting something you said.
Prepare for a world where you can work your entire life to attain a position and then be arbitrarily fired from it because someone took umbrage interpreting something you said.

That hasn't BEEN happening?

Right... but it's only going to get more extreme as time goes on. Political correctness is quickly becoming fascism with a smiley face on it.

How do you know how many words you can't say now without having your life ruined? The language police is scary thing. How many more words can we not say in 2015 ? Who makes these decisions ?

Something you're saying now that's deemed socially acceptable, will likely NOT be OK 10 years from now because it hurts the feelings of some group you don't even know exists yet.

Just imagine losing your job because someone digs up a facebook post you made in jest 12 years ago and deems it offensive, although at the time you made it whatever you said was seen as socially acceptable.

... Anyone who thinks this kind of thing isn't dangerous is probably already too far gone.
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this political correct nonsense is getting too damn out of hand.     bunch of sissified, crybaby, offended by damn near anything generation.

it has nothing to do with this post, but i've seen parents getting up in arms because people wouldn't cosign their male son being able to wear a dress 
Right... but it's only going to get more extreme as time goes on. Political correctness is quickly becoming fascism with a smiley face on it.

How do you know how many words you can't say now without having your life ruined? The language police is scary thing. How many more words can we not say in 2015 ? Who makes these decisions ?

Something you're saying now that's deemed socially acceptable, will likely NOT be OK 10 years from now because it hurts the feelings of some group you don't even know exists yet.

Just imagine losing your job because someone digs up a facebook post you made in jest 12 years ago and deems it offensive, although at the time you made it whatever you said was seen as socially acceptable.

... Anyone who thinks this kind of thing isn't dangerous is probably already too far gone.

Or imagine not saying something on the internet that could POSSIBLY be interpreted the wrong way by ANY group.

I think homosexuality is sexual perversion. 

I also am not dumb enough to share that with the rest of the world on an account where my identity is visible. 

:lol: thanks for proving my point.

Everyone has opinions and nobody is completely void of their opinions upsetting someone else. I disagree with your opinion on homosexuality, but accept the fact you feel that way and wouldn't want to see you lose your job over it.

Now imagine someone more opinionated and malicious doxxing you due to posting this opinion in this thread and getting you fired over it. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. You aren't going to change anyone's ignorant opinions by taking away their income and lively-hood.
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Prepare for a world where you can work your entire life to attain a position and then be arbitrarily fired from it because someone took umbrage interpreting something you said.

Prepare for a world where your application can be bypassed just off your name. Oh wait...
thanks for proving my point.

Everyone has opinions and nobody is completely void of those opinions upsetting someone else. I disagree with your opinion on homosexuality, but accept the fact you feel that way and wouldn't want to see you lose your job over it.

Now imagine someone more opinionated and malicious doxxing you due to posting this opinion in this thread and getting you fired over it. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. You aren't going to change anyone's ignorant opinions by taking away their income and lively-hood.
What point did you prove?

My point was that it is ******* stupid...to say something that might POSSIBLY offend someone...with my damn name attached to it.

If you were an Apple employee...would you run up to Tim Cook and give him your views on homosexuality? Probably not right? Now...wouldn't it be equally as stupid if you tweeted it instead?
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Also this isn't just about racism or sexism.

You should have accountability for ANYTHING you put out to the world with your name attached to it.

It's no different than being dumb enough to make your profile picture of you drinking and making it rain in the strip club...and then applying to a job w/ your facebook linked to the same email.

It's a time a place for everything. A sane adult should be very aware of what they should or shouldn't make public.
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you post things online for the world to see

so the world should be able to act upon what they see you post

nothing wrong with this but some dudes going to get fired for a sarcastic racist remark taken out of context 
:lol: thanks for proving my point.

Everyone has opinions and nobody is completely void of those opinions upsetting someone else. I disagree with your opinion on homosexuality, but accept the fact you feel that way and wouldn't want to see you lose your job over it.

Now imagine someone more opinionated and malicious doxxing you due to posting this opinion in this thread and getting you fired over it. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. You aren't going to change anyone's ignorant opinions by taking away their income and lively-hood.

What point did you prove?

My point was that it is ******* stupid...to say something that might POSSIBLY offend someone...with my damn name attached to it.

If you were an Apple employee...would you run up to Tim Cook and give him your views on homosexuality? Probably not right? Now...wouldn't it be equally as stupid if you tweeted it instead?

The point it everyone, including yourself, has opinions that could potentially cost them their lively-hood.

I agree posting these opinions with your name attached is extremely stupid, but posting them at all could potentially cost you your job. All it takes is a doxx, lost phone or accidentally forgetting to log out of your account for you to be in the same position over what you just said.
The point it everyone, including yourself, has opinions that could potentially cost them their lively-hood.
Having it alone can't cost them their lively-hood. Sharing it online (the world) can.

All I'm saying is...you should think very carefully about what you share online. Understand what ramifications it could have before you do it.

Acting on impulse has been getting people done in since the beginning of time. That will never change.
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you post things online for the world to see

so the world should be able to act upon what they see you post

nothing wrong with this but some dudes going to get fired for a sarcastic racist remark taken out of context 
and this is what i take exception to.     i'm pretty sure all of us joke around among our friends and say things directed to a friend that both sides know its a joke, which you wouldn't say to others because you don't know them on that level where you joke around with them like that.

this whole society is on that "gotcha" mindset,  you start doing good and doing something positive and people want to dig into your past or try and find something bad that you said and its so damn lame.    it's a witch hunt, people aren't doing this to better society but rather to shame and expose someone.

people should be more careful what they say and post, but do go back in time and use something someone said regardless if it was in poor taste or an honest joke and treat that as a reflection of them is petty.  hell to knowingly take something out of context to try and bring someone down is pathetic.  

unless the person getting exposed is doing racist stuff that affects the livelihood of others, i'm going to view the person going out of their way to expose others in a more negative manner then the person who said the actual offensive remarks.

i guarantee if you tried to dig up dirt on any person, hell even the person who made the site in the article op mentioned that you'll find something, but you got alot of people throwing stones that live in glass houses and it's unnecessary.

i hold society accountable though for the fake outrage.  if a company has a good employee who is reliable and a good worker but said something dumb on social media or whatever the company should have their back.  the people outraged don't run the company and shouldn't dictate what a company does with their employees.   if people want to protest something dumb an employee said years ago, just let them, they got nothing else better to do.  

it's the same with the nfl and all this nonsense where people make decisions off fake public outrage when a player catches a case, rather then due process playing itself out.    people always want to expose someone or try and bring them down.  
:lol: thanks for proving my point.

Everyone has opinions and nobody is completely void of those opinions upsetting someone else. I disagree with your opinion on homosexuality, but accept the fact you feel that way and wouldn't want to see you lose your job over it.

Now imagine someone more opinionated and malicious doxxing you due to posting this opinion in this thread and getting you fired over it. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. You aren't going to change anyone's ignorant opinions by taking away their income and lively-hood.

What point did you prove?

My point was that it is ******* stupid...to say something that might POSSIBLY offend someone...with my damn name attached to it.

If you were an Apple employee...would you run up to Tim Cook and give him your views on homosexuality? Probably not right? Now...wouldn't it be equally as stupid if you tweeted it instead?

No, unless you're an employee of a gov't job, where tax dollars are paying you, you should be free to say whatever stupid things you want, as long as it's not interfering with job performance. You should get fired for performance, not for opinions.

People are no longer allowed to think freely. 1984 is happening!

No reason someone working retail or construction should be held to the same standard as a government employee. Plain and simple. Same with cops, they're seen as more important than the average citizen, yet they're held to the same standard as a normal citizen? C'mon.
Where is all this "going into someone's past to find dirt" stuff coming from though? I take the idea as find something that someone did recently.

And also some of you guys are acting like it's so hard to not say something racist. And I'm talking about the offensive type racist stuff you see on youtube comments and in facebook posts
Where is all this "going into someone's past to find dirt" stuff coming from though? I take the idea as find something that someone did recently.

And also some of you guys are acting like it's so hard to not say something racist. And I'm talking about the offensive type racist stuff you see on youtube comments and in facebook posts

Correct. Obviously if someone says "I hate (racial slur)" or something like that it's racism. But even here on NT, people get labeled "SWS" for sharing their honest thoughts on something. Not to say there isn't real white supremacists on NT or not.
Wow. I don't know how I feel about this. I mean yeah there are blatantly racist posts, but there's some "acceptable" bigoted posts. Which probably won't harm said person who posted it.

Like the whole "he's a thug" trend. That accepted concealed racism.
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