Man you guys are dilusional. Take the blinders off.

Getting rid of Palmer for Flynn/Pryor/Shaubb/Carr = Fail
Getting rid of Hue for Allen = Fail
Getting rid of Valdheer for Penn = Fail
Getting rid of Mitchell and Shaunessy for some of the rejects we have now = Fail (how bout coaching these "losers" and kids up like other coaches do)

Reggie failed.

But but he got us under the cap, drafted Mack, and cut Pryor....reggie rocks.
Slashing costs is not difficult if your doing it like Reggie (losing talent and games)
Drafting Mack was what any GM would have done.
Cutting Pryor is the easiest decision one could make...poor guy cant throw.

Anyway, If you guys want to live in LaLa land and think Reggie and Allen and Carr are taking us to the promise land then you are in for a big let down 3 (more) years down the road.

At this point all you have is blind faith and no material progress.

Stop with the we are headed in the right direction, we had to lose cuz we had CAP issues, and no one wants to coach here nonsense. We are not headed in the right direction, CAP space can be maneuvered like other winning teams have done, and yes coaches would want to coach here since there are only 32 NFL head coaching jobs in the world. What will your excuses be for 2015?

Let me guess our schedule is too tough. Its tough cuz we suck and our Coach/GM/QB dont know what they are doing.

Start Mcgloin and let's at least give the impression we are evaluating players and rewarding hard work/real results not just banking on potential, measurables and Reggie's genius.

If Mcgloin starts we will have a shot to win some games...that is unless the defense has already given up on our season and coaches like they did last year.

End of Rant [[drops mic]]
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If you think the contracts we had on the books were justified then that's all I need to know about your thought process.
You regurgitate the same **** every week in this thread man, just give it a rest already. Nobody agrees with you here ever so maybe this team thread isn't for you, stick with there's plenty of people that will share your same sentiments over there.

Just please cut it with this **** every week, it derails discussion about the current season and you go around calling us delusional when you're clinging on to an 8-8 season.
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So I promised a friend I would see her in LA this weekend beginning Friday and I have to be back in time for tailgating 7AM Sunday via rental car. So my plan was to leave around 130-2AM Saturday night and drive back...

Pray for me, guys.
They're gonna put JJ on #69 all day we gotta double him.

Man travel safe F0lkBlu3s
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So I promised a friend I would see her in LA this weekend beginning Friday and I have to be back in time for tailgating 7AM Sunday via rental car. So my plan was to leave around 130-2AM Saturday night and drive back...

Pray for me, guys.

Commitment to Excellence right there.
I can't wait for Sunday. My dad can't go, so I'm taking my girl to her first Raider game. How this game goes will probably determine how many of my tickets I end up selling this year.
So I promised a friend I would see her in LA this weekend beginning Friday and I have to be back in time for tailgating 7AM Sunday via rental car. So my plan was to leave around 130-2AM Saturday night and drive back...

Pray for me, guys.
Why not just take a plane back? Jet Blue is pretty cheap.
I'm saying. One way ticket back cost about a tank and half of gas. 
I tried looking up flights with Southwest, the prices were too high for short notice (about a week ago when I checked). And I just tried Jetblue but it doesn't have a flight for the times I need.
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