The only thing positive is Carr busting his *** out there but the rest of thise offense is god awful.
I'll give props to DMC for busting his ***. Sio our best defensive player injured Mack playing good everyone else trash.
JJ Watt unblocked on that INT...smh...

Kept him quiet almost all day except for that TD pass...

I thought the O-Line played decent today. McFadden actually had some lanes to run the ball in.

The problem today were the turnovers...Rivera and Jones with those silly fumbles were too much to overcome. The D looked atrocious today...For a defensive minded coach, along with the vets we signed this offseason - you have to be expecting WAY more out of this squad.

Tackling continues to be a problem for this team (two straight games of a TD run of 50+ yards). No kind of QB Pressure from the DLine. Third down on defense continues to be the achilles heal.

Weren't many bright spots today...except another learning experience for my boy Carr lol 
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Just getting home from the game. Forums rules do not allow me to fully voice how I felt about the defense.
The way this team playing, idk when we'll get a win. I see an easy 0-4 start before bye :smh:. On the bright side Derek Carr has a promising future in being a franchise qb
I was at the game today. The mood was really upbeat...until about 5 minutes into the game. By the end of the first, the crowd began to get unruly (that'll happen when you run 3 plays in a quarter). I literally left at halftime, and I've never done that. On the BART ride home, I witnessed this conversation:

Guy 1: It's been know...being a Raider fan. Over 10 years, nothing to show for it...It's just hard, man.

Guy 2: I know...*sigh*, they're just terrible.

Guy 1: My life sucks already, and they make it suck more. At least when I was doing crystal meth, I was having fun. This isn't fun.

Guy 2: *silence*
Damn lol. Keep your head up Raider Nation. As bad as things are right now, at least our QB ain't lookin so bad. Half the battle for a good team is having a QB and building around him...hopefully Carr turns to be that guy we can build around.
This dude in my section kept yelling at all of us to stand up and cheer the whole game. Buddy and his group of four stood the whole first quarter and got yelled at to sit down by the people behind. So buddy made a scene all game long about how Oakland fans have no heart and that LA fans would be so much more involved in the game and that if we were all rooting that the team would play better.

All I wanted was to watch the game, man :lol:
Damn my dude jumpman probably having a goodnight getting off of work after the 9ers blow their home opener. Don't watch the DVR bro!
Damn my dude jumpman probably having a goodnight getting off of work after the 9ers blow their home opener. Don't watch the DVR bro!

Someone told me at the game and they showed it in the big screen. How did Carr look? That's all I want to know.
very frustrating to watch, Dline and Corners are killing this team, spent all that money on exactly that and get nothing in the first two games! Sio, Mack, Tyvon and CWood are the only ones ballin. Carr has the goods to be a franchise QB. James Jones is ballin, OLine is decent. Greg Olsen is a bum, Tarver is a bum, DA is a bum. Might as well clean house if we start 0-4 the talent is there, the coaching is not.
I was at the game today. The mood was really upbeat...until about 5 minutes into the game. By the end of the first, the crowd began to get unruly (that'll happen when you run 3 plays in a quarter). I literally left at halftime, and I've never done that. On the BART ride home, I witnessed this conversation:

Guy 1: It's been know...being a Raider fan. Over 10 years, nothing to show for it...It's just hard, man.

Guy 2: I know...*sigh*, they're just terrible.

Guy 1: My life sucks already, and they make it suck more. At least when I was doing crystal meth, I was having fun. This isn't fun.

Guy 2: *silence*

I'm sorry but this is so funny but so sad at the same time. :lol: I know I'm not a Raider fan and I
make it it a point to not post in other team threads. They're supposed to be sanctuary. But this was too funny.

You guys deserve better.
Was out all day yesterday so I missed the game but I'm glad I didn't record it from what I've heard. Really wish DJ would be healthy so we know if we have our future shutdown corner on the team or if we need to address it next offseason because since Nnamdi left we haven't had **** in the secondary. Even when Nnamdi was here we were still stuck with Routt and Chris Johnson getting targeted all game. When's the last time we had a consistent pass rush either? I take it we didn't get to the QB much yesterday did we?
Was out all day yesterday so I missed the game but I'm glad I didn't record it from what I've heard. Really wish DJ would be healthy so we know if we have our future shutdown corner on the team or if we need to address it next offseason because since Nnamdi left we haven't had **** in the secondary. Even when Nnamdi was here we were still stuck with Routt and Chris Johnson getting targeted all game. When's the last time we had a consistent pass rush either? I take it we didn't get to the QB much yesterday did we?
Virtually non-existent yesterday. Not sure if we did much blitzing, but I think the defense was so worried about Arian Foster that Fitzpatrick didn't even need to do much...except when he converted those third downs to Andre Johnson...

This is the most frustrating part of it all - we "upgraded" our defense with all these proven vets, and it feels like we are worse than ever. We all want to point the finger to figure out who's to blame but it has to start at the top with RM and DA. To me it's still more DA...IMO RM put the best product he could put together with the cap, and the available FA's. Sure he's had his misses with Schaub and Flynn - but what other options did he have to work with?

DA to me has no excuses with how bad they've been...
I've tried to stand behind DA since he's got here but I just don't think he's got it. The question is where/who do we go to after he's gone?
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