Real Talk, can you honestly say you don't care what ppl think about you? vol. not a single...

Nov 30, 2002
I always hear people who say they really don't care, but I've seen only a few characters in my life who truly exemplify this attitude. 
I went a few months with this attitude and it was not a good look
I wouldn't say I don't care, just a lot less than most people. I'm not extra self conscious and generally just ask like myself with everyone.
I used to care too much. Lately I'm getting close and closer to ngaf, it's a wonderful feeling. Not being afraid to truly be yourself
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

If I care about those people, then I tend to also care about what they think/feel about me.
Yeah, I'm concerned with what people think/feel about me if it's a matter of reciprocation. That is, if I care about somebody I want to see that feeling be returned. If it's not, then I go into not-giving-a-damb mode.
The problem I have is most ppl dont get the extent to which I don't care, and they call me arrogant because of it
Depends on who it is and what for. Of course you want some people to have a good impression of you.
Actually I think it's possible that you can completely not care, like if I walked into an elementary school I seriously would not give a damn what the kids thought about me.

For most situations though, when I say I don't care, I just mean that I'll do exactly what I want and I only care what you think if I care about you. Kind of like what Je Ne Sais Quoi said.

People kind of throw that expression out way too much though, it's mad overused and for the most part people are just trying to convey a false sense of security. Everyone cares about what other people think to some extent. It just depends on who it is you care what they think of you.
Only a few occasions on where you have to care on what people think about you... Other than that shouldnt be no reason...

People care too much on what other people have to say... I dont get whats so fascinating of people getting compliments... "nice outfit" or "nice car", meanwhile they spending their weekly checks on trying to impress others...
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

The problem I have is most ppl dont get the extent to which I don't care, and they call me arrogant because of it

You too?!I have a reputation for exuding arrogance, but I give so little &$s that I make no effort to correct it
Idgaf at times which is a lot of the time. I guess it comes from being immune to others feelings and what they think of you. Its crazy when people meet you and they tell you that you seem like the type to not gaf. The woman at the bank told me this yesterday. You seem like the type to see a dog get brutally murdered by getting ran over and continue to eat your lunch. All I could do was laugh.

It sucks at times like when I'm dating a chick and I do something that she doesn't like I know I should reason with her feelings, but I just say f it and move on. It sucks, but it also has its benefits to ngaf.
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