real talk: why do black athletes go with white girls ??

Originally Posted by ROME357

No disrespect to you HarlemKickDiva, but don't act like it's just the hoodrats with that kind of thinking.
Yea but it's not all black women...

I dunno maybe I'm weird

1. I live in NYC, so I could care less what kind of car a guy drives
2. I love to read and Cornel West is my dude

3. I voted for Obama therefore I have no problem discussing him
4. Straight legs are ok, skinny jeans are for hypebeasts and I won't change that 1 for anyone

5. I am totally against getting my significant others name tattooed on my body and could careless if he has one...
6. You dated a white girl? Ok...I don't care why you dated her. I care why you aren't together anymore....
7. college...don't party all the time...pretty responsible...good grades

And I'm a black woman...

Enphan: Cornel West is the s&^t....but Molefi Asante Jr. is the future tho
Originally Posted by daemacho

Originally Posted by Dakingii

No offense to my sisters but black chicks bring too much drama.

White women only want the men for they money so they know their place.

This reminds of that part in He Got Game

"Yo, I was keeping beautiful, fine dark sisters. Nubian sisters. Africa. The whole nine. I'm telling you, man.
White Girls They love some ball-playing brothers, man.
- Let you get your swerve on, man. - I hear all that, but--
- What about the sisters? - What about them?
I love them, but they make you work too hard, man.
Them white girls over there, man, they do your dirty drawers.
Wash 'em. Cook for you.
- Give you money, man. - Nuh-uh!
- Let you drive the Benz their daddy bought. - Oh, hell, no!
- They go the extra mile, man. - You lying.
- You see Molly over there, man?
You can call her up at : 3 in the morning, man.
"girl, get over here. Let me spank you."
Man, before you hang the phone up, she beating on the door."

Well that pretty much sums it up.
I just keep messin with the blackfemales cuz pink hands just dont do it for me.

I'm mentally capable...always was smart for my age always asking why and learning about things. I'm street smart and got "connections" but Idont let that $$@ overlap into my business or personal life. It's like if we aint Malcolm or Plies it's harder for us.

This is partly why I stopped partying so hard. it's empty and some of these chicks on the scene have unrealistic expectations.
Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Let's me say this


And those were straight hood rat complaints. Hold yourselves accountable by asking what kind of women you are going after and where you are finding these girls....
Okay I'll give you that HKD... But I will say this. Im going to speak from the perspective of a 20 year old black man who is paying his ownway through college, working, and at the moment, still living at home with his father. I would consider myself a pretty mature individual, and I know what Iwant in a woman. Mind you, I don't find 95% of white woman attractive so I have never dated outside of my race. With that said, I don't have an issuewith you telling guys to hold themselves accountable when it comes to dating girls instead of women.

What I do have a beef with is females who are my age (give or take a couple of years) asking a man to bring more to the table than they can.

The problem is "SOME" of these young black "independant women" my age (early20s) have been looking for guys whohave everything together, and most of the time aren't willing to give a guy who has a plan and is in the process of getting his self together achance... so we end up stuck messing with hoodrats who are just happy to geet a guy bringing in a check every two weeks so she can havesome money to get her hair and nails done... Because we have egos too, and for the minority of us young men who would rather be in a commited relationship thanjump from [({})] to [({})] (speaking only for myself) after a certain amount of time of failed attempts, you give up on black women and start dating outside ofyour race, cause we get tired.

real talk, that was a good, I don't agree, but at the same time...good reply..

lol@k's scene being nyc...smh.

hkd, I didn't mean I like cornell west, I just mean, intellectual...cornell west as a metaphor for "an above average thinker"

I get what k's saying, but then again, I haven't been single for 3 LOL@ALL OF YOU

(hey, as the guy who's practically married, I don't get to laugh at you singles very often...but now is definitely a time where I can LOL)

thank you.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

real talk, that was a good, I don't agree, but at the same time...good reply..

lol@k's scene being nyc...smh.

hkd, I didn't mean I like cornell west, I just mean, intellectual...cornell west as a metaphor for "an above average thinker"

I get what k's saying, but then again, I haven't been single for 3 LOL@ALL OF YOU

(hey, as the guy who's practically married, I don't get to laugh at you singles very often...but now is definitely a time where I can LOL)

thank you.
No, I know...I was making it a point to say I know who he is because I'm sure most of you're fellow NT'ers either went "who"or was like "yea that guy"....

And Rams I understand that completely and I'm sorry that has been your experience but it just pains me that some of you have given up on black women...

And the bulk of this isn't coming from men like you who clearly have a plan and want to get it together....its from guys who don't do s**t with theirtime and lives and are super lazy but have a problem when a woman demands more from them than having a penis.

My best friend who is alot like me, has given up on men period. Not just black but anyone because countless men only want to have a casual sex relationshipand nothing more and alot of ppl in this thread would have no problem with that...but why is it like a hangnail if a female wants you to get to know her andvice versa before taking it that far? Thats a standard I hold myself to and my male friends have actually told me that me finding a guy that will be thatpatient is impossible and i should lower my standards.....yet i refuse
Originally Posted by ROME357

Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by ROME357


Don't get me wrong, I love black women, and think y'all are the most beautiful of all god's creations. BUT, what was said about black women's standards being too high is very true. There's nothing else I would love to do than find my black queen and take care of her like a REAL man should, but I'm tired of the b.s. I'm not trying to wait forever to find a good black woman. If somone of a different race comes along; then I''m not fighting it just to wait for a good sista...
Please enlighten me on the standards you all speak of....i really wanna see how outrageous they are...seeing as how only black women have them

I'm not a thug, a rapper, or a million dollar athlete. I'm just an average black man with a pretty good career, who's looking to settle down with a good black woman. I guess that's just not good enough for black woman now days.

QFT All I ever see from my family memebers is how they want a man who makes $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and they wanna control the relantionship with a big degree. Iadmit its just the ones I know and not all women are like this but damn They expect all that, you too listen to them 100%, take them out and even if you do allthat they want more.
I commend you., hkd, girls who show restraint ultimately win in the end because they maintain their value, whereas jumps deterriorate....quickly...

whatever dude you ultimately end up with, I'm sure, will appreciate your restraint....

its not impossible to find a decent dude....

I like to think I'm unique, but not in that

its the chicks that "lower their standards" in the last regard you mentioned that continually get mistreated by men....why? because they'realready banging them with no form of committment, usually without even knowing them......those are the girls that have to trick dudes into wifing them....

they're usually pretty see through, so most dudes know what role the chick is about to play...

my beef with my creed is the whole "main & sides" issue...but everyone knows exactly where I stand on that one....
Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

real talk, that was a good, I don't agree, but at the same time...good reply..

lol@k's scene being nyc...smh.

hkd, I didn't mean I like cornell west, I just mean, intellectual...cornell west as a metaphor for "an above average thinker"

I get what k's saying, but then again, I haven't been single for 3 LOL@ALL OF YOU

(hey, as the guy who's practically married, I don't get to laugh at you singles very often...but now is definitely a time where I can LOL)

thank you.
No, I know...I was making it a point to say I know who he is because I'm sure most of you're fellow NT'ers either went "who" or was like "yea that guy"....

And Rams I understand that completely and I'm sorry that has been your experience but it just pains me that some of you have given up on black women...

And the bulk of this isn't coming from men like you who clearly have a plan and want to get it together....its from guys who don't do s**t with their time and lives and are super lazy but have a problem when a woman demands more from them than having a penis.

My best friend who is alot like me, has given up on men period. Not just black but anyone because countless men only want to have a casual sex relationship and nothing more and alot of ppl in this thread would have no problem with that...but why is it like a hangnail if a female wants you to get to know her and vice versa before taking it that far? Thats a standard I hold myself to and my male friends have actually told me that me finding a guy that will be that patient is impossible and i should lower my standards.....yet i refuse
I actually find this hard to believe. You know what the deal is with dudes you're kicking it with. you have to know whether or not someone isin for the long haul. If you can't tell you need to work on that.

What bothers me is that you refuse to admit that many black women educated or not just don't give dudes a chance.

I go to Emory U, a top school in its own right, but girls there DONT mess with other brothas. They go to the AUC (morehouse, spelman, clark) just to mess withdudes there because they have that image, when they could be getting to know dudes ON THEIR OWN CAMPUS of that same intellectual capital and presence asthemselves. A generalization it may be, but ya'll really aren't looking for average dudes. I'm serious. As much as ya'll say ya'll are, toconvince yourselves you're not taking it as far as ya'll are, you all really don't give average guys a chance who just want honest females likethemselves. BTW, no shots to those at those universites, but I just feel like there is an image associated with HBCUs that girls at these top schools just dontwant to mess with people o ntheir own campus...being in Atlanta, I see it all the time.
....which is why I didn't go to an hbcu...


instead, I went to osu....huge....but about 2300 people big as far as black people are (really, smaller if you wanna get REAL technical)

mind you, I said I don't find white chicks attractive....

90 percent of the time the crowd just blended in, male and when you're in the monochrome.....


the hottest hbcu I saw was......tenn state.....dead %@#....27-1 ratio...and 90 percent were, hs college trips ftw....(why so many lame rules tho?)
To my ice cold brotha with the transformers avy...I don't refuse to admit anything....because I don't disagree with you....clearly those girls want toparty and that that's all....

But I think the problem also is there good chicks & dudes all around, but some people (not saying you, just saying in general) are too stuck on looks andphysical appearance to give people a chance....there are plenty of smart attractive females at my HBCU who would love to have a meaningful relationship with aguy, but most of the men on my campus are ignorant and would bear responses much like that of the two people who posted above this (Lrr and Danny Tanner at thetime).

These guys are so caught up with the physical its ridiculous. I'm not saying date a martian but just because a girl has C's instead of DD's or shespend more time in a library than a party or she doesn't take your number the first time she meets you, don't call her a stuck up broad and complainabout her race as a whole.

Problem with the girls you described is that they are going to a place where men will fawn over them instead of making them responsible and holding them to astandard....and that's what we as a people have stopped doing....holding ourselves to standards and holding ourselves accountable

And my HBCU is like 13 to 1 or something like that
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

....which is why I didn't go to an hbcu...


instead, I went to osu....huge....but about 2300 people big as far as black people are (really, smaller if you wanna get REAL technical)

mind you, I said I don't find white chicks attractive....

90 percent of the time the crowd just blended in, male and when you're in the monochrome.....


the hottest hbcu I saw was......tenn state.....dead %@#....27-1 ratio...and 90 percent were, hs college trips ftw....(why so many lame rules tho?)

Tenn State
Dance chicks with the band= OMG!

And about the lame rules (I used to attend Winston-Salem State before transferring to a school back home) Don't read to much into them... you can get awaywith any and everything, because you have to try to get caught.

WSSU used to try to pass itself as a Dry Campus.... School was wetter than that chick who had uncontrollable orgasms...
honestly the black women in this thread put black men down. Do you believe that every white woman in the world is a gold digger because they marry a black man?If you go to a school thats majority white, you would go for the white girl. Its not rocket science people. Majority of these athletes get scholorships to playat rich private schools and private colleges. Lets be realistic, majority of these rich schools are white. There are dimes in every race. In my opinion whiteshave more dimes than african american women. If you think differently thats cool.
I went to a majority white college (again...)

that's a generalization that since they go to a white college they're around white people..

98 percent of the black athletes hang out in the black circles....not that they don't "get it in" in white groups either.....but I'm justsaying.

honestly, for every black/white pro couple, there's a black/ just don't hear about it as much in the media....

black men with white women is just such an embrazen image in our culture, its highlighted more...

yo, speaking about hbcu rules..

homie, what you think "getting away with it" is...isn't the same as what we got away with at tOSU....

TRUST ME bruh...

my one homie, scot, from md, cut the lock off his window in the dorms, he stayed on the 19th floor of the tower we stayed in.....vaccum....cats had smokinglounge...I remember actually going to their room in the winter to smoke

this other kid, no names to prevent dry snitching, got caught up with some trees, but he was selling coke, and he didn't get tossed out...not even out ofthe dorms...he got transfered to the freshmen THE pusher mang.....

these are just two highlights of many ridiculousnesses that is THE Ohio State University....

(I overheard two uber old alumni calling my dorm, morrill tower, "immoral tower" the day I was moving in.....)
for every 'regular' guy in here complaining there's a 'regular' female out there saying the same thing...maybe you should step outside yourcircles a lil bit...
Originally Posted by raptors29

Usually it's because black dudes get tired of messing with black chicks because of the drama associated with a lot of them. Plus some black girls mess with strictly unsuccessful type dudes.
Originally Posted by DA MATRIX 1

Originally Posted by raptors29

Usually it's because black dudes get tired of messing with black chicks because of the drama associated with a lot of them. Plus some black girls mess with strictly unsuccessful type dudes.
I love all types....but this is why I "stray".....the black chics thatseemingly have an issue with me dating other types are the ones that consistantly deal with low-life type dudes...go to be honest, I grew uparound a majority of white women...and I apparently don't act "black", lol
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by DA MATRIX 1

Originally Posted by raptors29

Usually it's because black dudes get tired of messing with black chicks because of the drama associated with a lot of them. Plus some black girls mess with strictly unsuccessful type dudes.
I love all types....but this is why I "stray".....the black chics that seemingly have an issue with me dating other types are the ones that consistantly deal with low-life type dudes...go to be honest, I grew up around a majority of white women...and I apparently don't act "black", lol
exact same thing happened to me all throughout high school & still happens occasionally in college... people say because i talk properly, dontdress like too much of a hoodlum, dont say the "N word" overly much, that i act white...

what type of !%!! is that
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