Realtalk, why do some people think white ppl are unathletic?

Originally Posted by Munfy

I don't see how i ingored the rules of evolution because if weak people died and strong people bred strong genes would survive, but I see your other points. However, there were still a lot of very primitive civilizations among the more advanced cultures in Africa, and they hung on a lot longer to interbreed with nearby populations. In europe from a certain point they were pretty much advancing at the same rate throughout the continent, and when europeans encountered africans who had the greater technology? african culture and intelligence weren't inferior, but the absence of technological crutches that allow phyisically weaker europeans to survive did mean that the white gene pool would have been more polluted by unathleticism, whereas blacks would not have had the same advances in medicine and sanitation to allow those with weak constitutions to survive...

You do know what the system of Feudalism entials right?

95% of the population had no access to anything...much less technology that they could use as a "crutch". The very basis of Feudalism was workingto survive.

And are you going to talk about superior technology, medicine and sanitation in "middle age" Europe?

Why do you think they called it the "dark ages"? Medicine and sanitation was virtually non-existant.

Conversely Africans were building Pyramids, performing succesful surgeries, using contracpetives and applying antibiotics thousands of years before thefirst castle was erected..

How old are you kid?
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

uh it's true. Anytime I see a quick white WR or white PG, I get a good laugh. I know they are adored so much partially cuz they're white. White chocolate, Professor, Jeremy Bloom, Kevin curtis, and that white RB from Texas. It's a shame when I see good black QB's moved to WR in the pros cause they're athletic. Word to Randel- El, and Brad Smith
matt jones
And on the subject of Athleticism..its just a myth.

Sports are one of the very few level playing fields in the world, so underprivileged populations tend to invest more time and effort in excelling in thesefields.

These two men have also set the white athlete back about 20 years....


But for every Madsen and Scalabrine....there is a Kelly Pavlik and BenRoethlisberger.


So it evens out.
Originally Posted by Kell78dogg

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Originally Posted by Kell78dogg

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Only some Whites are athletic, you couldnalmost take any black and they will be jumpy, fast all that....
Larry Bird wasn't athletic but still killed off.
Larry Bird just shot hoops all day.ALL DAY,he didn't even have a phone till he was like 13

Shooting all those hoops got him 3rings, MVP three times in a row, Multiple time all-star, 3 point champion, whooped an athletic Dominique in Playoffs, and his most dominant white team beat Magics athletic team..... I'm not white, just sayn
uh yeah I'm aware. He wasn't born with athletic ability he worked at it.
he worked and perfected his skills
he was blessed with height but that does not necessarily made him athletic
I try not to use stereotypes. I always encounter white people who are athletic, as well as black people who are not.
I'm white and unathletic but i really don't see why it matters at all. we are all humans, why does everyone always have to bring race into everything
ive never heard white people are unathletic in all of my life.. if you think about the majority of sports teams in the U.S. are made up of white and black.. iknow plenty of white dudes that are athletic
i believe filipinos ARE very athletic, well around my waay, actually I'm really talkin about myself, I live in the DMV.

Originally Posted by Munfy

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I don't know..Maybe it has to do with the fact that whites originated in europe and were advanced with technology so they didn't have to be as physical as say africans who didnt have horses and what not so they evolved differently?
That's not how evolution works...

Just because someone does slave work and becomes very strong, does not mean their offspring will come out the womb benching 300.

I find NT to be so hypocritical sometimes...

....dude evolution would definitely result in that sort of selection. If africans relied on manual labor for their livelihood, unathletic ones would not be able to eke out a living from their environment with their unathleticism. Thus while obese, uncoordinated white people in europe are relying on the feudal system and religion to safegaurd their children and their genes, blacks would rely solely on their physical skills. The same is true during the slave era, when weak african americans would have died from exposure or overworking without amazing physical stamina, while the slaveowner just sits on his laurels and breeds based on completely different criteria. While there is evidence that a different lifestyle can affect gene expression in offspring, classical darwinian survival of the fittest also explains this phenomenon. btw I'm not racist or white supremacist or anything.
Game. Set. Match.

I hadn't even thought of it that way, but what he was saying wasn't that... He was saying that if for example, I was brolic, and my wife was brolic,our kids would tend to be brolic.
most white people have some skills but are not super athletic like jumpin out the gym or dunkin all crazy. The white dudes i play with are very good sports:like their very smart and kno how to play the game and they still have some skill.

i guess blacks have most of the atleticism and whites play a very strategic game.
the same reason people think lightskinned dudes are soft or all girls all #+#@@$, its jus one of them things that you as individual have to prove different
It's a well-known fact that the root of all athletic ability is solar energy.

The ratio of light reflected to light received for a given object is known as its 'albedo', and darker objects will naturally absorb more solar energythan lighter-colored objects, therefore giving the darker-colored individuals more athletic ability.

White people are unathletic because they're too damn reflective.

Get a tan, dammit.
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