RealTalk: Your President Wants To Raise My Taxes to Close to 60%

Regardless of my personal opinion on this matter, its not like Obama didn't tell us this during the ELECTION.

So no one should be surprise this is happening.

Remember this?
Originally Posted by GTEK

NT is so inconsistent..
One min we got someone asking why is there poverty...
And now we got a thread with people who make over $250,000
who dont want to pay taxes to help those in need.
You not paying obama your helping your country.
U know? How that 21 year old is going out there in foreign countries
to get shot for you? The least you could do is help his mom out with healthcare.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

This isn't the middle ages where you were often locked into one social status. In America there are too many opportunities for one to remain poor all of their life. In life there are paths that lead to either stability or destruction. People CHOOSE which path they follow in life. That means that if you have children when your not financially secure, don't do well in school, abuse drugs or engage in unlawful activities you setting your self up to become poor. Even if you do choose to go down one of these paths there are still a multitude of opportunities that are left for you to turn around and become succesful. It just means that you have to work harder! I know that people make mistakes but mistakes also make people. If you were born into a bad situation or put your self in a bad situation you have to man up and deal with it. When you get lemons make some god damn lemonade!

When people who have absolutely nothing can come to this country and make something for themselves, can you honestly say that the poor in America have no options?

I applaud you bro. propz.
The problem isn't only healthcare

Many Americans have a horrible diet and way of life. The obesity rate is ridiculous. There need to be classes on how to eat and stay healthy or something.
Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by J Burner

What people are failing to realize about this situation is this: If you are taking away 60% of a doctor's pay (or a lawyer, or any other high paying profession), giving the doctor the same NET INCOME as say the regional manager of a retail outlet store, where is the incentive for someone to become a doctor? Why would you spend 8+ years in school, and a ton of money to get a Phd, when you could come right out of highschool and get a job, then spend that 8 years getting promoted and making money (instead spend 8 years going to school and gettin in debt to a University). All this does is remove incentive, and punish people for succeeding.

What you're not getting is that that's not how it works.

The top rate is only paid on a proportion of your income - say above $250k. So you never have the situation where you make more but actually make less.

So (numbers are just for examples as I don't know the actual rates)

If you make $300k you would pay 20% on the first $250k and then 50% (if that was the appropriate rate) on the next $50k.

You would still be making more than the store manager in your example - just paying a higher percentage on part of your salary - the part way above what most people could ever imagine making.

No-one is advocating a tiered flat rate - that would just encourage people to stop at a certain number as there would be a disincentive to earn more.
thank you KDawg. Its obvious that some people in this discussion haven't been in the real world too long. Saying that the proposed taxationwould create a dis-incentive to become a doctor and put you on par with a regional retail manager.

Never mind the fact that most people don't become doctors to get rich. While some do the vast majority get into the field of medicine because they actuallywant to help sick people. Shocking no? If your motivation is purely money why study that hard and go to school for all those years when you can become abanker, get ur masters and easily make 3-4x what most doctors make in your 2nd year out?
boo hoo, I'm pretty sure your kid won't be starving anytime soon. You'll be just fine bro, buck up.
Originally Posted by digitalO22

boo hoo, I'm pretty sure your kid won't be starving anytime soon. You'll be just fine bro, buck up.

The point isnt whether or not you will be alright. Its that someone feels that it is their decision to take something you worked for and earned and give it tosomeone else.
Originally Posted by 718stylez

Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by J Burner

What people are failing to realize about this situation is this: If you are taking away 60% of a doctor's pay (or a lawyer, or any other high paying profession), giving the doctor the same NET INCOME as say the regional manager of a retail outlet store, where is the incentive for someone to become a doctor? Why would you spend 8+ years in school, and a ton of money to get a Phd, when you could come right out of highschool and get a job, then spend that 8 years getting promoted and making money (instead spend 8 years going to school and gettin in debt to a University). All this does is remove incentive, and punish people for succeeding.

What you're not getting is that that's not how it works.

The top rate is only paid on a proportion of your income - say above $250k. So you never have the situation where you make more but actually make less.

So (numbers are just for examples as I don't know the actual rates)

If you make $300k you would pay 20% on the first $250k and then 50% (if that was the appropriate rate) on the next $50k.

You would still be making more than the store manager in your example - just paying a higher percentage on part of your salary - the part way above what most people could ever imagine making.

No-one is advocating a tiered flat rate - that would just encourage people to stop at a certain number as there would be a disincentive to earn more.
thank you KDawg. Its obvious that some people in this discussion haven't been in the real world too long. Saying that the proposed taxation would create a dis-incentive to become a doctor and put you on par with a regional retail manager.

Never mind the fact that most people don't become doctors to get rich. While some do the vast majority get into the field of medicine because they actually want to help sick people. Shocking no? If your motivation is purely money why study that hard and go to school for all those years when you can become a banker, get ur masters and easily make 3-4x what most doctors make in your 2nd year out?
Regional retail managers aren't going to spend $225k to go to medical school. Nor will they pay thousands of dollars just to become boardcertified.

And for plenty of future doctors out there, money is a major deciding factor. It was for me. I'm not looking to strike it rich, but I'm also not okaywith losing a significant chunk of my salary that I put in 28 years of schooling and training to earn.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

What it as comes down to is this to me, if you can give than give point blank. It's cool if you want to be on your high horse and have that "I got here alone so they could do the same" mentality but realize those same people who you said nah I'm not giving jack !!%+ to you will be the same that will rob you when you walking out of the bank
. Desperate times call for desperate measures and we have to survive.

Real talk it's bigger than $$ no problem don't give up your money but atleast GIVE a solution, a answer, a job. Let us know how we could get where you're at or help us start somewhere but just saying no because you're selfish and greedy isn't going to get you nowhere because you live in the same world as me.
Real talk, I hate to hear people complain but then don't have a solution. Basically they are complaining to be complaining. For all you guys against it, could you atleast explain an alternative that would help out. I'm not saying I agree with taking half of someones paycheck but maybe that will help curb people from spending beyond their means.
going after the fraud that doctors commit on a daily basis
I'd love to see what you define as fraud because I have a feeling I know exactly where you are going with this.
Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by LifeLessons

you have to make over 350k to be in the top tax bracket right?
Yeah, and you'll only pay the highest percentage on the money above that - it's not like if you make 349k you pay 40% and if you make 351k you pay 60% - you would only pay 60% on the 1k.

Originally Posted by HOVKid

If it happens, I will seriously consider stopping what I do and just becomeimng a janitor. Based on the tax decrease, I can likely get close to the same money and work much less, like a simple 40 hour week. Pencils down at 5:30!!!!!!!!

F Obama.

"New York's top income bracket could reach as high as 57 percent -- rates not seen in three decades -- to pay for the massive health coverage proposed by House Democrats this week."

A lawyer bending the truth.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by GTEK

NT is so inconsistent..
One min we got someone asking why is there poverty...
And now we got a thread with people who make over $250,000
who dont want to pay taxes to help those in need.
You not paying obama your helping your country.
U know? How that 21 year old is going out there in foreign countries
to get shot for you? The least you could do is help his mom out with healthcare.

It seems you are confused as to what country we are talking about. We are talking about America. In America, INDIVIDUAL rights are the backbone of our constitution and society; Citizens are to be viewed as individuals, not as a collective whole. So save the socialist crap about "you're helping your country," we are not a socialist country (yet) In America if you don't want to help, you don't have to, thats called being an individual with the right to decide what YOU want to spend YOUR money on. There are plenty of Charities one can donate as much money as one pleases, should one DECIDE that they would like to spend their money that way. You see, telling someone who worked hard for their money that they MUST give up half of their paycheck to benefit someone else who doesn't have it as good is nothing short of UTTER BS. The idea that your money is not your money, and would be better off being taken from you so that the government can spend it on people who they think need it more than you is disgusting. FORCING someone to become a charity by making them pay more taxes in order to benifit those who do not pay any taxes is ridiculous. This country exists because colonists were SICK AND TIRED of being TAXED to no end by the English. Yet here we are with a president who would love to tax everything in existence so that he can spend trillions and trillions of dollars turning the country into the UK.

It seems you are confused as to what the backbone of our constitution is my friend.
Also my father works in the healthcare industry (finance side) ....and stated to my surprise reform = more profit not less for all those involved in the field.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by 718stylez

Originally Posted by kdawg

Originally Posted by J Burner

What people are failing to realize about this situation is this: If you are taking away 60% of a doctor's pay (or a lawyer, or any other high paying profession), giving the doctor the same NET INCOME as say the regional manager of a retail outlet store, where is the incentive for someone to become a doctor? Why would you spend 8+ years in school, and a ton of money to get a Phd, when you could come right out of highschool and get a job, then spend that 8 years getting promoted and making money (instead spend 8 years going to school and gettin in debt to a University). All this does is remove incentive, and punish people for succeeding.

What you're not getting is that that's not how it works.

The top rate is only paid on a proportion of your income - say above $250k. So you never have the situation where you make more but actually make less.

So (numbers are just for examples as I don't know the actual rates)

If you make $300k you would pay 20% on the first $250k and then 50% (if that was the appropriate rate) on the next $50k.

You would still be making more than the store manager in your example - just paying a higher percentage on part of your salary - the part way above what most people could ever imagine making.

No-one is advocating a tiered flat rate - that would just encourage people to stop at a certain number as there would be a disincentive to earn more.
thank you KDawg. Its obvious that some people in this discussion haven't been in the real world too long. Saying that the proposed taxation would create a dis-incentive to become a doctor and put you on par with a regional retail manager.

Never mind the fact that most people don't become doctors to get rich. While some do the vast majority get into the field of medicine because they actually want to help sick people. Shocking no? If your motivation is purely money why study that hard and go to school for all those years when you can become a banker, get ur masters and easily make 3-4x what most doctors make in your 2nd year out?
Regional retail managers aren't going to spend $225k to go to medical school. Nor will they pay thousands of dollars just to become board certified.

And for plenty of future doctors out there, money is a major deciding factor. It was for me. I'm not looking to strike it rich, but I'm also not okay with losing a significant chunk of my salary that I put in 28 years of schooling and training to earn.
money in med school is the same as money to go to college. its an up front investment for a future of higher income. so yes the doc will spend alot of money to go to school, but he will also make a lot more money over the course of his career. that argument is akin to saying you might as well not go tocollege because the 20-30k u spend in debt will put u in the same earning bracket as the high school graduate. thats absurd.

yes money is a factor but people are really not getting all the facts to this argument. u would be taxed 57% (currently 51%) on ever dollar you make over 1MILLION DOLLARS in annual compensation. So if you are making $999,999 you would be taxed an additional 1.5% on income over a certain threshold. After amillion dollars every subsequent dollar you made would be taxed at 57%.

if 6% on every dollar over a MILLION is too much to ask for something like national healthcare then so be it. just realize that argument is less compelling.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

A lot of people in hear need to watch the Michael Moore sicko doc. Very informative!!!!
Yeah informative for those who are easily misled. The healthcare he portrays in cuba is for the elite. That is not the healthcare that theordinary person receives. It is just a bunch of propaganda.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

A lot of people in hear need to watch the Michael Moore sicko doc. Very informative!!!!
Yeah informative for those who are easily misled. The healthcare he portrays in cuba is for the elite. That is not the healthcare that the ordinary person receives. It is just a bunch of propaganda.

You pointed out one of the few incorrect pieces of the documentary, while failing to state the truthful side of the film. That is propaganda.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

A lot of people in hear need to watch the Michael Moore sicko doc. Very informative!!!!
Yeah informative for those who are easily misled. The healthcare he portrays in cuba is for the elite. That is not the healthcare that the ordinary person receives. It is just a bunch of propaganda.

You pointed out one of the few incorrect pieces of the documentary, while failing to state the truthful side of the film. That is propaganda.
Well I am not going to restate the whole movie just making a point that the facts he represents are misleading or altering statistics to suit hisneeds. He makes universal health care out to be some great perfect system when in reality most universal systems are crumbling and the healthcare is far fromexcellent.
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