Recommend ONE dope album to NT

The best album of the last three years bar none... probably longer than that in my opinion. If you love hip-hop you willnot be disappointed...

Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Most dudes don't know this exists, because it technically doesn't - it got shelved. This was supposed to be Clipse's debut album. 16 tracks of EARLY Neptunes

A must for avid Clipse fans, but lets not act like it's a classic or anything.

Chill out bro
...I never said it was a "classic"...I was just recommending a dope album to NT like the title said to do (one that I thought agood amount of dudes haven't heard of before). And guess what...I already got 2 pm's asking me where it could be dl'd from...

Neutral Milk Hotel- In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

One of the defining albums of the 90s for "indie" rock, not even necessarily one of my favorites but its impact and ingenuity is undeniable.

Radiohead- OK Computer

Instant classic. Allllmost as good as Kid A (in my humble opinion) while being a whole lot easier to get into for those who aren't big Radiohead fans.Incredible stuff here,
Eh, two albums, different genres-

Zion I - The Takeover

One of my favorite albums from this year.

Bloc Party - Intimacy

In my opinion, this is a classic album. On par, if not better than Silent Alarm. It's a different kind of sound, but once you're used to it you'llbe hooked. I cant find one bad song.
Damn i only looked at the first page but yall throwin up some nice (JACK ARTIST AND THAT JAKE ONE HELLA CLEAN) stuff keep it goin
And what who is your #1? I totally respect your opinion so I would like to know.

Also I cant wait till the new Dirty Projectors album Bitte Orca comes out. One of my good friends is dating the sound engineer/producer on the new album and heis amazing. Plus they added Nat Baldwin to the band who is just as amazing. As well as using Angel and Amber more for vocals, it just might beat outVeckatimest for me.

EDIT: Streaming Bitte Orca right now!!!!! Sounds perfect, also Pitchfork just gave it a 9.2
Wow Joe, I totally just forgot MPP came out in January. I thought it was late 08.

I dont kno man its pretty close, Im a huge Animal Collective fan, but there is just something about Veckatimest.

BTW, Im pretty sure you posted in my Animal Collective post a while back, and the show in Oakland was sooooo dope. The Fox Theater was the best place theycould have played. I was actually sober for this show (which is rare) and I really felt like I was on drugs. The lights were nuts.
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