Removing the tongue padding from my SB's?

Sep 1, 2012
Plan on wearing my Carhartts for an overseas flight and the padding really puts a strain on my feet after an hour or so.

Around 10 years ago(no joke) someone posted a photo tutorial in this very forum on how to remove the padding, any chance anyone still does this or remembers this before I start butchering my shoes?
don't remember it exactly, but I had a pair of the fat tongues from 2001 and tried it. start by slicing the back of the tongue as close the bottom of the tongue as possible. you don't have to make a huge hole but enough to get your fingers in would help. then just pinch/pull out the foam. i dont know what the inside of the tongues are made of now, but i remember pulling out a whole piece of foam shaped like a bar of soap.
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