RoboCop (Movie Thread) FEB 7, 2014 - Trailer pg 5

Who remembers F/X?...joint was one of my all time fave movies growing up...dope movie.
Thought it was dope. Compared to a lot of what comes out today this smashed on those films.

Great fresh start IMO a better version of the character.

'14 movie>>all but the OG
This. I loved the focus on Murphy and having his family present in the movie was a great way to go about it.
Agreed. I've been humming the theme song for the past two days :lol:

I guess it depends on how well this one does that will determine if there will be a sequel.

It was stated to be roughly 90 mins long. I personally wouldn't mind to be a full two hour long if they can put more substance in the movie. I feel that since they took a while to develop his robot becoming, other parts were sacrificed.
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Saw that trash friday it was bad u cant remake robocop it was a different time it just fit the 80s scifi better today this goes very unrecognized but it really sucks
movie was pretty slow but it wasnt bad, i guess it was a good origin movie, had a very solid cast though and the graphics were really good.....
this movie surprised me, didnt think it would be that good but came out impressed. good story development too.
I didnt like Robcop 2014. I did not like the casting at all. Michael Keaton and Gary oldman were cool but the rest were not likeable. Did not like all those clips with Samuel L Jackson. Also Murphys death scene was weak. It needed to be traumatic. The bad guys were weak. You need a bad guy yo rally against and so one was really built up like that. Also like the NTer said before, why not have Robocop stop criminals in action like was done often in the first one. Who knows maybe theyll do a sequal and it will be better. I would go see it just cause its robocop and want it to succeed.
I didnt like Robcop 2014. I did not like the casting at all. Michael Keaton and Gary oldman were cool but the rest were not likeable. Did not like all those clips with Samuel L Jackson. Also Murphys death scene was weak. It needed to be traumatic. The bad guys were weak. You need a bad guy yo rally against and so one was really built up like that. Also like the NTer said before, why not have Robocop stop criminals in action like was done often in the first one. Who knows maybe theyll do a sequal and it will be better. I would go see it just cause its robocop and want it to succeed.

I enjoyed it and actually thought this could be a very good start if they were to make a sequel. You can have it start with his fam leaving and him just getting caught up in arresting people, then find out that OCP used Rorschach's brain as the new RoboCain and boom!!!
Bet yaw didnt know in the original Robocop, that Robocop was played by Charles Barosky, the Sons Of Anrachy Ex crooked cop who run the escort businesses with jack
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Saw the new RoboCop. Movie was way more realistic but definitely needed a R rating to take it to the next level.

People forget how raw the first RoboCop was. That gun from the original was so bad ***. No way in hell could that clip hold that many bullets though. It's like the shotgun with the silencer from No Country for Old Men.
Just watched
And I'm VERY impressed
Still love the original and robocop 2
But this version was dope
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