Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

Cyclades are a great Silo with great color blocking and materials

These 574's are an okay Silo with decent colors but the materials don't look that great

If you wait you should be able to pick them up under retail on the aftermarket
DSM needed to drop at 10.  Im back to wanting the grey pair
Good luck to those trying today. The navy pair is the best pair IMO, but I'm definitely waiting to pick them up when resellers realize they bought bricks. 
The $20 markup is really bothering me. I know it's only $20 but even $160 was pushing to me. On top of that add shipping and well I dunno might be more than i want to spend.
I’m so hesitant. I like them but at the same time idk if I “pay 180” like them and being from NY I end up paying tax on it too
solestrike so lame for doing carts for these, lmao.  People that bought those deserve the L they're taking.
Do you guys like these new NB 574 over the City Never Sleeps 998's from a few years back?
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