#RTforLiteracy - each tweet raises $1 for literacy programs in Africa & Asia!

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
If you can read this, consider yourself fortunate.  1 out of every five adults in the world is illiterate.  

Literacy opens up a world of opportunities that over 796 million people, 2/3 of them female, are currently denied.  

Think about all of the things we take for granted each day that rely upon our literacy.  Without the ability to read, most of us wouldn't have jobs.  We wouldn't be able to vote.  We probably wouldn't know very much about our legal rights.  We couldn't read street signs or menus, check sports scores, or enjoy 2/3 of all posts on NikeTalk. 

Literacy is more than a mere convenience.  It helps us survive.  

In Africa, a girl who receives an education is three times less likely to contract HIV.  Children born to a literate mother are 50% more likely to live beyond the age of five.  

In the past, NikeTalk has helped contribute to literacy through donations to Access Books, Free the Children, and, most recently, Room to Read. (Last spring, our sponsored Room to Read library opened to eager students in Vhingri, Nepal.)

Today, on International Literacy Day, you have the opportunity to help contribute to Room to Read simply by using the #RTforLiteracy hashtag.  

Each time you tweet or retweet a message like this: 

Hwat wdulo hte lrodw kolo lkei fi ouy ocldu otn erda? Noigmeths kile stih. #RTforLiteracy (Each RT=$1 to @RoomtoRead)http://bit.ly/ILD2011

Room to Read will receive a $1 donation from one of its corporate sponsors to support literacy programs in Africa and Asia.  

It's a very quick, easy way for all of us to help share the gift of literacy with children around the world. 

If you're feeling lazy, just follow our official staff account, @NikeTalk1999, and retweet our #RTforLiteracy message.  It's that simple.  
*blows dust off twitter account*

Done. Do you follow sites for these updates, Meth? I would have never heard of this or the past Google Chrome tabs initiative without your help.
To add, yesterday was "End Malaria" Day and there's a new book out by 62 authors. Yes, 62. $20 purchase price of the digital edition goes to the cause!


"Every single penny spent on the Kindle edition goes to Malaria No More, giving them enough money to buy one or two bednets and to deliver them and be sure they're used properly. Low overhead, no graft, no waste. Just effectiveness. And if you buy the beautiful paperback edition, you can easily give it away when you're done and the same $20 donation gets made. None of the authors or anyone at the Domino Project sees your money, there's no ulterior motive, just the fact that a kid won't die."
Done. Will they see it if my tweets are locked? My followers will RT and tweet hopefully though. 
Meth, do you know of a place I could donate books? I have a little more than a handful that I don't plan on re-reading.
For a second i thought that

Hwat wdulo hte lrodw kolo lkei fi ouy ocldu otn erda? Noigmeths kile stih.

Was the romanized spelling of some African language.
Done, but do they see it if your tweets r locked? I always wondered that

i can't believe they'd put "something like @@*!" in there
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Meth, do you know of a place I could donate books? I have a little more than a handful that I don't plan on re-reading.
St. John's used to have a box in their hallways that you could drop books in for that cause, perhaps your local university does the same.
Also, if you live TX. H-E-B stores are having drop off stations for children's books throughout Sept.
Done. Do you follow sites for these updates, Meth? I would have never heard of this or the past Google Chrome tabs initiative without your help.
A development associate at Room to Read was kind enough to share this with us yesterday, just as the campaign tipped off.  
They keep in touch to provide us with updates on our sponsored projects and keep us apprised of new opportunities to get our members and supporters involved.  

Room to Read is definitely one of our favorites.  They simply get it in a way that most NGOs don't.  They continue to find ways to get people involved, spread awareness, and make contributions rewarding without cheapening the experience.  I can't tell you how many times I get wasteful paper products in the mail from environmental organizations, or how often "thank you" messages are accompanied by solicitations, as if the donation you just made was worthless.  Room to Read has always been respectful of their contributors and of their beneficiaries.  They regard literacy as a right and refuse to reduce program recipients to supplicants or entertainment commodities.  We're proud to have played a part in the construction of the library at the Shree Janajagriti Primary School in Nepal and we're eagerly awaiting the completion of our next project, which involves NikeTalk's largest single donation to date.  We'll be sharing more about that in the months ahead.  

Meth, do you know of a place I could donate books? I have a little more than a handful that I don't plan on re-reading.

If you have any children's books to spare, you may want to consider giving to Access Books.  We helped support Access Books in the efforts to refurbish the Park Avenue School library with our second donation back in 2007 and they're a great organization.  

You can visit their book donation page here:  http://www.accessbooks.net/donate-books

They accept book donations by mail and in person at several drop-off locations in Southern California.
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