Runner’s Body Is Found in Queens Marsh....Hung Jury p. 13

Really horrible thing this man did, thankfully he was caught but I know the father will never truly get over this.
everything about how they caught him is sus.....except the dna matching and.......admission.
I watch those homicide shows sometimes and they will get your DNA one way or another.

Fools caught a guy off of the DNA on a cigarette butt one time.

Caught another dude for his DNA off of chicken wings he ate and they went through his garbage.

That's illegal though
I really can't tell when dudes are trolling anymore, you see some nutty **** on here from time to time.

Just out of morbid curiosity what leads you to believe this is all made up?
i assume that they had retrieved the DNA from the get. his dna was definaely all over the crime scene. RIP to that girl. Thats towards the end of the A line, but that area is definitely suburbish. The intersection she was found in is literally on the edge of a bunch of weeds. I'ts definately an area where people smoke bud, linger, or do other wierd things. Dude probably nabbed her, and dragged her in and did what he did to her. Whats sad is that there are apartment homes literally facing the weeds. The people that live there say they didnt hear anything at all. And apparently its a pretty often used path, despite its desolate feeling. Joggers and dog walkers .

anyways, I think that forensics found the DNA of the person, and was probably finding ways to lawfully draw DNA from him . Im not sure how these things work but if he raped her and she fought back...its probably all over the scene. In terms of how they find the person, maybe they drew the DNA and linked it back to any possibly family members and then zone it down. of course im pretty sure its illegal but then at that point, youre just finding ways to lawfully incriminate him, that will hold up in court.
Just out of curiosity, but if it's found that the DNA was collected illegally, would that have any impact on the potential sentence or trial? I'm sure the defense lawyer is working that angle.

Still can't wrap my head around that this case might be solved due to the odds....SO crazy.
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Knowing how the justice system works these days, if they pin it on you, you're goin prison guiltily or not
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He admitted to everything, try again.

Central Park 5

Not saying he didn't do it

But many rapist have been coerced to confess. That's why so many are getting out with DNA evidence.

Knowing how the justice system works these days, if they pin it on you, you're goin prison guiltily or not

Especially if you have a public defender
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If the dude willingly gave the cops a sample of his DNA that's on him.
He probably isn't all there mentally, but that really isn't NYPDs fault either.

As to how they even identified him, detectives apparently remembered that there were some 911 calls made in the past about a suspicious man being in the area. Of course the argument can be made that "suspicious" means "black" but that also doesn't matter at this point being that dude was indeed hanging out in the restricted area.
Dude had no criminal record but he did receive 3 summonses from the previous times the cops were called for him being in that area.

I know as liberals we are all supposed to hate cops but for the most part based on the things that have come out, it sounds mostly like good police work.
Of course there's always the possibility that the cops forced a confession out of him and they made things up but this is why he gets his day in court.
Just out of curiosity, but if it's found that the DNA was collected illegally, would that have any impact on the potential sentence or trial? I'm sure the defense lawyer is working that angle.

Still can't wrap my head around that this case might be solved due to the odds....SO crazy.

I mean, in a perfect world, yes. But once the jury gets wind that the DNA matched even though it was obtained illegally and is stricken from the record, they'll still use that. Doesn't help that it was a "pretty girl" so it's a wrap for dude either way..

Meanwhile in the comment sections in the article

Lan Zhu • a day ago
This girl was nothing but garbage. i knew her from school. she totally deserved what happened to her. i only wish i could have seen the video of it on live leak or something.

Cats got too much time on their hands to be hating people like this. Even if I didn't like somebody, I aint wishin death on em.
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Something is just not adding up here...the man just does not look right in the head. If he's challenged, under pressure, he might say anything. Like I said before, I'm happy that the family has closure, but I just don't know about this suspect right now...

The man accused of killing Karina Vetrano told cops he strangled the beautiful Queens jogger simply because he was in a bad mood, law-enforcement sources told The Post on Sunday.

“I was angry. I had some issues at home. I just lost it. When I saw her, I just hit her and kept hitting her. I hit her and choked her,’’ said unemployed Chanel Lewis, 20, according to sources.

The suspect, who was charged in the murder Sunday, told detectives that he happened to cross paths with Vetrano on a path inside Spring Creek Park while walking from his Brooklyn home to get something to eat in Howard Beach, Queens, on Aug. 2, sources said.

Lewis made “very detailed, incriminating statements” in which he described “each step of the assault,” NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce told reporters at a press conference.

Boyce added that “Karina helped us identify this person.’’

“She had the DNA under her nails, she had touch DNA on her back, and there was more DNA on the cellphone,” Boyce said, adding that the samples matched Lewis.

But while Lewis admitted committing the attack in “two video confessions to investigators,” he denied sexually violating the victim, sources said.

“The perp said he had a bad temper. He confessed on video about the assault specifically. He did not want to admit to the rape,” a source claimed.

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I watch those homicide shows sometimes and they will get your DNA one way or another.

Fools caught a guy off of the DNA on a cigarette butt one time.

Caught another dude for his DNA off of chicken wings he ate and they went through his garbage.

That's illegal though

Once you throw your trash outside on the curb for the city to remove that becomes public property.
I watch those homicide shows sometimes and they will get your DNA one way or another.

Fools caught a guy off of the DNA on a cigarette butt one time.

Caught another dude for his DNA off of chicken wings he ate and they went through his garbage.

That's illegal though

I don't know about that honestly, but there is this show that I see sometimes that my girl watches on one of those Discovery/National Geographicchannels with this cop called Lt. Joe Kemba and they caught a dude with DNA from his cigarette butt and used it in court and the guy got convicted.

I watch those homicide shows sometimes and they will get your DNA one way or another.

Fools caught a guy off of the DNA on a cigarette butt one time.

Caught another dude for his DNA off of chicken wings he ate and they went through his garbage.

That's illegal though

Once you throw your trash outside on the curb for the city to remove that becomes public property.

I didn't know that... but that explains how they were able to persecute the guy with the cigarette butt or the guy who ate pizza and chicken wings.
Weird he's confessing to the murder but not to the rape

I don't trust the police at all when it comes to questioning those of a lesser intelligence, it should be done by an authorized, certified 3rd party. Either way they have him on DNA.

Also, like a year or two ago I remember this other guy I wanna say in DC but not sure on location that robbed family and killed them and burned the house down. How they caught the guy was from the DNA on a pizza box from pizza he ordered while holding the family hostage tied up I think.

He threw out the pizza box or it didn't burn and police were able to retrieve his DNA from it.
Weird he's confessing to the murder but not to the rape

I don't trust the police at all when it comes to questioning those of a lesser intelligence, it should be done by an authorized, certified 3rd party. Either way they have him on DNA.

Nah I'm not questioning if he did it, I'm just wondering why he won't admit to that part when it seems like he's giving every detail about the murder.
Weird he's confessing to the murder but not to the rape

I don't trust the police at all when it comes to questioning those of a lesser intelligence, it should be done by an authorized, certified 3rd party. Either way they have him on DNA.

Nah I'm not questioning if he did it, I'm just wondering why he won't admit to that part when it seems like he's giving every detail about the murder.

That part is baffling to me as well...

His family is coming to his defense:

Jogger suspect’s sister thinks he was framed because he’s black

More info on Chanel Lewis:

Chanel Lewis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

I'm still blown that this guy had no priors or arrest record, but yet voluntarily agreed to the DNA sample. I really hope the police got the right person. Just something seems off.
I watch those homicide shows sometimes and they will get your DNA one way or another.

Fools caught a guy off of the DNA on a cigarette butt one time.

Caught another dude for his DNA off of chicken wings he ate and they went through his garbage.

That's illegal though

I don't know about that honestly, but there is this show that I see sometimes that my girl watches on one of those Discovery/National Geographicchannels with this cop called Lt. Joe Kemba and they caught a dude with DNA from his cigarette butt and used it in court and the guy got convicted.

I watch those homicide shows sometimes and they will get your DNA one way or another.

Fools caught a guy off of the DNA on a cigarette butt one time.

Caught another dude for his DNA off of chicken wings he ate and they went through his garbage.

That's illegal though

Once you throw your trash outside on the curb for the city to remove that becomes public property.

I didn't know that... but that explains how they were able to persecute the guy with the cigarette butt or the guy who ate pizza and chicken wings.

Gotta step your law and order svu game up
Another thing...Vetrano put up a fight. There should be healed scratch marks on his body if he did indeed do the crime.
That part is baffling to me as well...

His family is coming to his defense:

Jogger suspect’s sister thinks he was framed because he’s black

More info on Chanel Lewis:

Chanel Lewis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

I'm still blown that this guy had no priors or arrest record, but yet voluntarily agreed to the DNA sample. I really hope the police got the right person. Just something seems off.

Right. He went from regular guy to brutal murderer/rapist in an instant. Very odd. They got DNA and a taped confession of the murder though. It also doesn't help that the NY Post is trash.

Also no updates on the Google employee?
The composite sketch also looked nothing like Lewis.

This is going to be one interesting case once it gets to trial.
Wow. I remember this story since I was in town shortly after it happened, it was all over the local news. I forgot about it and figured they already got a suspect.
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