SA Sneaks Up Softball Team

Hey fellas, 7PM start time tonight. Everybody try to get there by 6:30 to get loose. 6:45 at the latest, remember how they did us last week.
good effort tonight guys, we started off slow and picked it up near the end. One of those last innings really killed us.

if we r gonna lose thats da way we lose......hell of a game yalll very very good game is ours.......

i wont be able to make the game next week ............will be in da chi with mr ucasta and jake.................

ucasta nnice grab....
Nice game. I wish we could have continued our bats. Unfortunately, I won't make next weeks game as well.
weaksauce Fred.

at want to go hit on friday if anyones down.....that field at brac is cool, as long as aries turns on the lights again......all night hit fest.

game was good and productive. You now know that our bats can work. Lets just get the errors down and were good,.

who else is out for nexts weeks game.
Originally Posted by Team Ack Right

weaksauce Fred.

at want to go hit on friday if anyones down.....that field at brac is cool, as long as aries turns on the lights again......all night hit fest.

game was good and productive. You now know that our bats can work. Lets just get the errors down and were good,.

who else is out for nexts weeks game.

ya right, nobodies gonna stay till late to hit, hell thats y i turned on the lights so we could stay late,
everyone wants to win but win it comes to practice no one wants to. especiallywhen it gets dark?? cmon guy!
Great game last night fella's, too bad it ended with in "L". It looks like we're going to be short four players next week. Anyone got anyfriends that would be willing to fill those roster spots?
chris can play first ....and i have a friend name eric ..that will eat up everything at 3rd or short................just let me know they will be there ...buti know how someone feels about that....ya just let me know..........
Originally Posted by tellyjesko1023

chris can play first ....and i have a friend name eric ..that will eat up everything at 3rd or short................just let me know they will be there ...but i know how someone feels about that....ya just let me know..........
i agree, chris at first, eric 3rd. he literally WILL eat up everything his way. and they BOTH can hit!
a lot of hits are in the outfield. I just want to make sure the people that started the season will get to play. I dont want to be like last season

if matt doesnt show up then yeah he can play
ok what are the rules? 10 hitters plus 1 dh? 11 hitters? or just the 10 on the field?idunno thats y im asking. if 11. we're down 3, joe, fred, aaron.subsitute matt, eric, chris? correct me if im wrong. so if eric cant play he can atleast dh. he can place the ball anywhere on the field to move the runners...
but in the end i dont care. lets just have fun.
the team we played last night had 9 players, so we can either start off with 10 or 9 that eh is just a bonus if we have that person. We had 12 last nightwithout matt.

If we have matt and chris play next week we will have 11 players.

I wouldnt mind an extra player but i want to be fair and play the people that paid and also started the season. I dont want it to be like last year with joe
Originally Posted by The Fresh Sole

the team we played last night had 9 players, so we can either start off with 10 or 9 that eh is just a bonus if we have that person. We had 12 last night without matt.

If we have matt and chris play next week we will have 11 players.

I wouldnt mind an extra player but i want to be fair and play the people that paid and also started the season. I dont want it to be like last year with joe
Preach! na I agree though. Lets make sure that all the people who paid can make it and play. Once we know they arent able to, ya'll caninvite all of your superstar friends.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^me and aris r not tring to invite all of our SUPERSTAR PLAYERS...we just thought that the team was going to b short........i didnt mean bring themin bkus we r losing . i thought we would be short but if we have enough players thats str8........

And I wasnt trying to be rude, I was just agreeing with Manny that we should make sure the people that paid play first. I am all for bringing friends if we areshort, the superstar thing was a joke. If it came across the wrong way, my apologies.
doesnt bother me, im tired of losing. w/ or w/o friends. so joe just tell chris and eric not to come. if u notice last nights team started w/ 9, ended w/ 9,and wooped our 4$$ by 9. magic number eh?
again i dont care. chris wont play, neither will eric. case closed.
,we got the fastest infielders n south texas. w/ that bein said we should go to a 3man outfield. me, hihi, and retrosexual can manage the outfield. hihi andretro are the fastest and have the most hustle, so they'll manage.
chris always comes and like i said he can play plus hes played with us before.

Im just trying to be fair

Its all GOOD, ARIS let us you know if you hit
Yo fella's I just wanted to know if we found enough people to fill the empty positions tonight?
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