Seinfeld came out 25 yrs ago today vol.....Mulva???

I make an effort to try and catch it every night on TBS.

The episode where George does the opposite of what he is accustomed to doing. My favorite.
NT! What are we doing? What in God's name are we doing? Our lives! What kind of lives are these? We're like children. We're not men
The Race and The Implant episodes are also one of my favorites besides ones already mentioned.

Seinfeld trying to maintain the glory of winning the race and wins again with the false start. Kramer becoming Communist and Steinbrenner delighted that George is a Communist working for the Yankees and sending him to Cuba to scout players and being stuck listening to Fidel Castro rambling.:lol:

Seinfeld sending Elaine to find out if they're real and Elaine fake stumbling to cop a feel in the sauna. :lol: "They're real and they're spectacular!"
If I remember right, Elaine actually did stumble :lol:
The Race and The Implant episodes are also one of my favorites besides ones already mentioned.

Seinfeld trying to maintain the glory of winning the race and wins again with the false start. Kramer becoming Communist and Steinbrenner delighted that George is a Communist working for the Yankees and sending him to Cuba to scout players and being stuck listening to Fidel Castro rambling.:lol:

Seinfeld sending Elaine to find out if they're real and Elaine fake stumbling to cop a feel in the sauna. :lol: "They're real and they're spectacular!"
If I remember right, Elaine actually did stumble :lol:
yep she actually tripped
JERRY: Good, feel know that Jayne Mansfield had some big breasts. Really big, huge...just coming out the top of her dress, they were like, chokin' her.

SIDRA: I hear that's how she died.


This was also the "double dip" episode.
I hated the face of the guy that called out George on the double-dip. You can see that he's watching George intently from the start.
Seinfeld is my favorite show of all time , two quick points. 1. Babu Bhaat may be the greatest guest character in this show.. underrated that episode is hilarious "SHOW ME PEOPLE?!!?!" 2. The Conversion is top ten episode of all time.
Seinfeld is coming to NetFlix

Those moutha*****s! Now I gotta pay my damn bill. Now it'll actually be worth. They just told me the money didn't come out my account...gotta deposit more before the show hits.

Thanks to SB, I'm now realizing the greatness that is Seinfeld. Being a NYer, while many things are different now, there are still plenty of things I can relate to & recognize as uniquely NYC.
It hasn't been announced yet, but Jerry had an AMA on reddit yesterday and hinted they were in talks to bring it to Netflix.
Love Ced and Bob

Some bloopers for you guys. The second clip with Kramer's face is too funny. WHen he tells Jerry to look away because he is hideaous. GOLD.
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