September Wrestling Thread 2021

Malcolm Gladwell's Melrose Place fandom a lesson for WWE fans

Hollywood WallaceJanuary 17, 2016

Malcolm Gladwell is the premier pop-intellectual of our time. His long-running presence in The New Yorker is always interesting. His books are anticipated events that both inform and entertain. He's smart, affable, and presents engrossing arguments. His media appearances are generally thought provoking and worth seeking out.

One such appearance was this week on on The Bill Simmons Podcast. The whole show is worth listening to, but one part stood out. At 50:09, Simmons and Gladwell are discussing television shows as cultural events and bemoaning the demise of the American monoculture.

To summarize, Simmons mentions how much he enjoyed The OC. Unprompted, Gladwell brings up Melrose Place as an example of a bad/failing show and then immediately distances himself from it.

Over the next few minutes, Gladwell proceeds to reluctantly out himself as someone in the Top 1% of Melrose Place superfandom.

There's nothing wrong with loving Melrose Place. Why the hesitation? Why the shame? For all the research Gladwell trumpets on population trends and proclivities, you'd think he's be more at ease with his own entertainment preferences.

This whole exchange reminded me of the relationship that many people, especially mature grownups, have with professional wrestling.


There are a ton of adult wrestling fans. The financial success of WWE is proof positive of that fact. But there are few mainstream adults that openly identify as such.

The fact that you're reading this suggests that you are a wrestling fan. Don't live your life in fear, like Malcolm Gladwell does. Wear your fandom as loud as you'd like! And if there's anything else in this world that you're passionate about, don't hesitate to express your zeal, especially if the topic is broached.

By all means strive to be like Malcolm Gladwell. Get your thoughts on the best seller list and become a trusted thinker in the public eye. Just don't live in fear of being judged for your choice in entertainment.

Oh and Malcolm, it's ok. Aaron Spelling was a freaking genius.
"AEW signs folks released by WWE; WCW signed folks that got away from WWF."

Good thoughts.

B Sox B Sox Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee

Anti-Cornette folks, listen in silence.

i dont think there are any anti cornette guys in this thread we just dont give a **** about what his washed vince *** kissing *** has to say

like the quote you just started your post with.

always trying to put aew down for every little reason.

he must be butt hurt aew didnt offee him a job or something
They did though.

He rejected it.

(According to him)

Controversial Wrestling Figure Talks Turning Down AEW Job Offer | WrestleTalk

no ******* way

hes lying

this the same guy who accepted a tna job twice after bashing them

hes pretty much accepted any job offer from every wrestling company willing to hire him

tna twice




if aew offered him a job no way he turns it down. i doubt they would have after the chicken comment
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