Serious question: What's the story behind blacks blaming whites for cocaine?

Dec 6, 2006
Just saw George Clinton free concert yesterday and also referring to Kanye's Crack Music. I was curious to get an unbiased opinion or history lessonbehind this issue. How did all this come about?
lot of conspiracy theorists say the cia/gov't brought crack cocaine and/or hiv/aids into ghettos to target blacks
One word comes to mind, Reaganomics
everything is the white mans fault, you didn't get the memo? And cocaine is known as the rich man's drug, used primarily by upper and middle classwhite men, I believe the drug you are referring to is called CRACK.
some feel that once white people realized they couldnt ethically "own" blacks anymore, their best way to oppress black race was to bring cocaineover, inject it into areas highly concentrated with black people and let them kill, die, depend and get locked up over the drug ...
"Blame Reagan for making me into a monster
Blame Oliver North and Iran-Contra
I ran contraband that they sponsored
Before this rhyming stuff we was in concert"
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Ignoranbe is bliss.

Iran-CONTRA scandal. Look it up.

I just felt the need to say,
Your screen name is ill, don't think alotta people get that line.
Queens Get The Money
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

i thought I-C was about guns?
"school me" on what im missing...if you will

yeah it was us supplying the fdn/other groups (collectively "la contra") with guns but it's a bigger story than just that.

the cia admitted to ignoring cocaine trafficking thru south america, and where do you think the cocaine ended up? right here in america. some cia officialswere implicated in being involved with cocaine trafficking into la and other cities.

it's not "the white man bringing crack into ghettos to keep the black man down" but it's corrupt as hell and highly illegal.
The Old Man: Ain't nobody from outside bringing down the property value. It's thesefolk, shootin' each other and sellin' that crack rock and $*^@.
Furious Styles: Well, how you think the crack rock gets into the country? We don't ownany planes. We don't own no ships. We are not the people who are flyin' and floatin' that $*^@ in here.

Furious Styles
: [referring to drug epidemic] I know every time you turn on theTV thats what you see, Black People, pushing the rock, selling the rock, that's what you see. But see that wasn't a problem as long as it was here
[referring to Compton, Watts, other Black ghettos]
Furious Styles: . It wasn't a problem until it was in Iowa or on Wall Street where thereare hardly any black people.
i find it funny how people blame others for turning a "blind eye" to cociane trafficking when everyone on NT would do the same exact thing formillions of dollars ...
like said above, the white man is the bane of everyone not the same skin tone.

I have learned to embrace this fact and move on being a white guy.

edit: apparently you can't quote chris farley films?
I think the frustration lies in how the "war on drugs" has played out: the skewed penalties for crack vs. cocaine posession, the way small- andmid-level dealers are targeted instead of focusing on the big-time smugglers/importers, the way that increased CIA/federal involvement seemed to only make theproblem worse.
and thats the only thing i get mad at ... dont waste my tax money on bs busts, if you arent gonna get the big fish dont bother @%%@# gonna happen regardless...
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

The Old Man: Ain't nobody from outside bringing down the property value. It's these folk, shootin' each other and sellin' that crack rock and $*^@.
Furious Styles: Well, how you think the crack rock gets into the country? We don't own any planes. We don't own no ships. We are not the people who are flyin' and floatin' that $*^@ in here.

Furious Styles
: [referring to drug epidemic] I know every time you turn on the TV thats what you see, Black People, pushing the rock, selling the rock, that's what you see. But see that wasn't a problem as long as it was here
[referring to Compton, Watts, other Black ghettos]
Furious Styles: . It wasn't a problem until it was in Iowa or on Wall Street where there are hardly any black people.

Furious is deep
Originally Posted by raburns04

I think the frustration lies in how the "war on drugs" has played out: the skewed penalties for crack vs. cocaine posession, the way small- and mid-level dealers are targeted instead of focusing on the big-time smugglers/importers, the way that increased CIA/federal involvement seemed to only make the problem worse.

those laws are definitely a problem, but i don't think that's quite what op was talking about.

still a good point though....aren't these laws being reformed? or have they already been? i remember reading something recently in some newspaper aboutthis. maybe it was just another op/ed complaining about the disparity of the posession laws, but i'm pretty sure it was something else.
for all the conspiricy theorists out there: WHY would the CIA/US gov introdouce crack?

ive heard a lot about it too, i just cant seem to understand a motive for it. if nebodys got the explaination for me, id deff appreciate it
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