Shia LaBeouf hasn't given a **** since Even Stevens

Mar 8, 2010
[h1]Shia’s booze method[/h1]

Posted: 12:06 AM, August 15, 2012

Shia LaBeouf, dubbed “Hollywood’s bad boy,” gave up the booze after a series of incidents including a bar brawl and a car accident — but says he’s such a dedicated method actor, he drank moonshine for his role as a Prohibition-era bootlegger in “Lawless.” “My drinking on this movie was as undestructive as I could possibly make it, if that makes sense,” he told us at a Cinema Society and Manifesto Yves Saint Laurent party Monday. “I did it for the movie. I didn’t drink off set for no reason. I did it because, when I showed up on set the next day, my [bleep]ing eyes looked like this and my face . . . had that drunk bloat that I needed, that I couldn’t have if that wasn’t going on.” LaBoeuf noted, [COLOR=#red]“Moonshine is different than liquor. Moonshine is closer to heroin.”[/COLOR] He told us at McKittrick Hotel rooftop bar Gallow Green that he was so in character, [COLOR=#red]he frightened co-star Mia Wasikowska. “She was calling her attorney, like, ‘Get me the [bleep] out of here,’[/COLOR] ” he said. Although they became friends, “Mia was ready to walk away from the movie. I was really pretty aggressive about it, and not in any kind of weird, strange way, but I don’t think she had ever experienced anything like that.”

Nicholas Hunt / PatrickMcMullan.


Shia LaBeouf
Monday, August 20, 2012
[h1]Shia LaBeouf says sex scenes 'real' in upcoming erotic film[/h1]
[h2]LaBeouf says "There's a disclaimer at the top of the script that basically says we're doing it for real"[/h2]

(UPI) - Former child actor Shia LaBeouf says his sex scenes in Danish director-producer Lars von Trier's "Nymphomaniac" will be "for real."

The Hollywood Reporter said the two-part erotic drama is to begin production next month and will be released in two versions - one more sexually explicit. The movie co-stars Charlotte Gainsbourg and Stellan Skarsgard.

"[The movie] is what you think it is," LaBeouf, 26, told MTV News. "It is Lars von Trier, making a movie about what he's making. For instance, there's a disclaimer at the top of the script that basically says we're doing it for real. Everything that is illegal, we'll shoot in blurred images. Other than that, everything is happening."

LaBeouf started his career as the star of TV's "Even Stevens." His film credits include "Holes," "Disturbia," the "Transformers" movies and "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull."

Von Trier's movies include "Melancholia," "Manderlay," "Dogville" and "Dancer in the Dark."
This dude said closer to Heroin. Damn 

'I don’t think she had ever experienced anything like that.”

I wonder how often if at all, those sex scenes happen
:lol: I like Shia - He really just does not give a **** what anyone thinks of him

I used to think he was a little fake until I read somewhere that some dude said something inappropriate to his mom and he came at them with a knife

His father also is an ex-heroin addict

[Shia LaBeouf] allegedly plowed his car into a neighbor’s vehicle and then reportedly went after the guy with a knife.

The young actor was hauled off in handcuffs and charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

“Shia was a raving maniac,” a witness told The Enquirer. “First he rammed his car into a neighbor’s car, and then he went to the guy’s door with a large kitchen knife and threatened to stab him.

“He shouted at the neighbor: ‘What are you going to do now? You think you’re so tough!’”

Unless he's actually done heroin to compare, the debate continues.

Son ends up banging his co-stars anyway, might as well film it.
Didn't he claim he beat up Tom Hardy or something like that?
:nerd:need more info
Just looked it up. Shia said Hardy was being rough with him during the action scenes and he got in a tussle with him and Hardy never did it again. 

This was Hardy's sarcastic response:

I got knocked out by Shia LaBeouf, actually. In Wettest County, apparently. Behind the scenes. No, he did. He knocked me out sparko. Out cold. He's a bad, bad boy. He is. He's quite intimidating as well. He's a scary dude. He just attacked me. He was drinking moonshine. I was wearing a cardigan, and er, went down. I woke up in Pnut's arms. [Pnut is Hardy's personal trainer.] He was concerned for me. I was like, ‘What was that? It was lightning fast.' And he said, ‘That was Shia.' I said, ‘******' hell. Can we go home now?' ‘No, we've still got three weeks to finish.

He even mentioned the moonshine 
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Seeing Raven Simone makes it really makes it fascinating how easy it is for these kids to slip through the cracks. 
shia lebeef plowed megan fox when they were filming transformers. outright refusal to gaf.

then that weirdo from 90210 went and married her anyway. shia lebeef >>>
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