Should I impregnate Nike huarache shoes?

Aug 26, 2015
A friend of mine is a Nike entusiast, and he recommended me buying this specific brand, Nike huarache. He also recommended I impregnated the shoes before use, and after that, every three months. Well, I was down at the local sports store to get some impregnation spray. They told me this was unnecessary, that impregnation wouldn't allow the shoe to breathe moisture, and that it would seal the water in. And the shoe itself is not designed to be specifically water proof anyway. The first thing they said was "but this is nylon."

One of the parties is obviously wrong here, but who? I've searched the internet, but there is suprisingly little info about impregnating your running or basket shoes.

Your input would be appreciated!

(English not my first language)
idk about the breathing mechanics of the shoe. it's not the fleece tech hurache so its definitely not as breathable as that but since its triple black is kinda dumb to spray it down. you could just clean them every now and then instead.
I have 2 pairs of that sneaker and there is no need.

Just get a basic shoe cleaner and spray them if they get dirty
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