Side Hustles 101

Yea like be the correspondent on an official page of a company. LIke a fast food chain, or any company that has a fan page on FB
This thread will never amount to the OG Thread. My side hustle is to buy shoes wholesale from a local mom & pop store and then resell them to another mom & pop shoe store. I got in good with both store owners doing so. I allow for one shoe store to move old stock and allow the other store to sell better product.A win-win situation and I made 800 this week!
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Yea like be the correspondent on an official page of a company. LIke a fast food chain, or any company that has a fan page on FB

I'm pretty sure they have someone on the marketing team in their corporate offices doing that stuff.
I have a side hustle in mind that can pay HUGE if I can get in with the right people.

It is illegal though, and I'm not sure if the risk is worth the reward.

So right now its just my regular job
Might look into Sports Betting.
You know if your one of those people who get cheap phones when you upgrade, and your on ATT do what I do. I use all my upgrades to buy iphones and sell them online. Then buy whatever phone you want outright.
I do this with my parents lines all the time because the phones they buy are no more than 200 outright from an ATT Store, and thats the most expensive place you'll get em.
For myself since I buy windows mobile and symbian phones, I just buy the european versions of the phones I want since they're better anyways... The only problem is finding one thats 3g compatible. But the other advantage of european phones is that att doesnt know your using a smartphone so u can get away with a 10-15 dollar data plan instead of 30 and tether all you want as well.

If your worried about the iphone data plan, just wait a month, or even a few weeks, call into customer service and say you lost your phone, say you got a replacement and give them the imei behind the battery (use can use any phone, preferrably a non smartphone so u can add no data or cheap nonsmartphone data. your only in contract for the voiceplan for 2 years, and only the iphone data plan as long as you have the phone. They cant make you pay for it if you lost the phone
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by NuJerzLoyalty

Sports betting
this.. i just started so i can't really call it a legit "hustle" yet, but i had an initial deposit of $50 2 weeks ago and so far i have almost $200 (i've been going conservative). and i can do it all from the comfort of my room.

i use to flip phones and electronics, and sold sneakers for a little bit, but i dont have the time to really be listing !@+# online and shipping anymore. sportsbetting is proving to be much more profitable for the amount of work i have to put in, and i actually gain some entertainment value from following the games.

I started out conservative too. And like you said, it provides an entertainment value when following the games. 
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

Originally Posted by Im Not You

One of the Bay Area NT'ers just put me on to sports betting...about to give it a shot.

What, where, how?
There is a huge thread in sports and training. Thing jumps 10 pgs everyday

Word. Good looking out. I'll be in there providing info from now on.
I buy stuff at thrift stores and swapmeets and sell them.
I only work part time and on good weeks I make the same on ebay as I do at work.
go on CL look for cheap car wheels sell for more back on CL.

Recently bought MBZ AMG wheels for 150 resold for 650.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones


One thing I heard of was game testing...any legitimacy to that?
i beta test dj hardware and software...find bugs, defects's more like one big check every couple of months.
That is interesting but I had something more..frequent in mind(if that makes sense lol)
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I have a side hustle in mind that can pay HUGE if I can get in with the right people.

It is illegal though, and I'm not sure if the risk is worth the reward.

So right now its just my regular job
Might look into Sports Betting.

Originally Posted by yungchris504

For Mardi Gras the public places dont allow use of their restrooms. So the city places port o potties around canal. Well they usually don't place one by our camp site where we BBQ and catch the parades. So me and a cousin take two from a construction site and place them by our site. I tell people we rent the port o potties and for them to use it, it cost 1$. I made 420 dollars on Tues.

I promote at events for Guerilla Union with my friend. Did my first event and got a $54 ticket to Paid Dues for handing out flyers and taking pictures of people with our flyers. Went to Musink some tattoo and music festival at the OC Fair and worked for 2 hours and got a ticket. We get a ticket every event we do so I'm gonna do one or two per week and sell those tickets for like $45.

Getting into Bamboozle for free as well

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I have a side hustle in mind that can pay HUGE if I can get in with the right people.

It is illegal though, and I'm not sure if the risk is worth the reward.

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I have a side hustle in mind that can pay HUGE if I can get in with the right people.

It is illegal though, and I'm not sure if the risk is worth the reward.



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