Simply Lemonade Appreciation/Worship thread vol. Simply Orange, Limeade, etc stans welcome as well

They sell the regular Lemonade and Orange at my dining hall and they both are crack. Really want to try the Raspberry Lemonade though...
Rasberry Lemonade is indeed CRACK
Originally Posted by Big J 33

The price isn't bad. The juice products are usually the same price as all the other name brand companies.

And I only buy the lemonade/limeade/etc. when they're on sale. Usually 2 for 5 or 6 dollars which is reasonable to me.

That is too expensive. Where do you buy them at? At Walmart in my area, it is $1.99 for lemonades and $2.99 for orange juices.
Im a big fan of Orange Juice and tried all of them out there. Simply is the BEST! I get em when they're on sale at my local supermarket, $3 a bottle.
Originally Posted by juggy4805

That stuff has me like..............


The Raspberry one is like heroine.

After drinking Simply Lemonade, I stopped judging crackheads for their addiction.
I remember over the summer I boughta bottle of Simply Raspberry Lemonade. Enjoyed so much I called the comments number on the back and told them it was like crack.
Safe to say the bottle was done after that warm summer day

Speaking of Simply, Has anyone tried the Orange juice with Mango?

I tried it last week and it was ridiculously delicious
I can mess with the oj..tried the lemonade but wasnt into it..can't stand pulp in any kind of drink. wish they made it in a 20oz or somthin that would be
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