Slaves didnt build the pyramids

This has been said before on here and didn't go over well with some people calling the poster an anti-semite and racist.
Originally Posted by Al Audi


aliens built that

i just dont understand how dudes were that much stronger than us way back then

you know how hard it would be to even do that in this day and age?
nobody was stronger.

Go take some mechanical and civil engineering classes
Originally Posted by Al Audi


aliens built that

i just dont understand how dudes were that much stronger than us way back then

you know how hard it would be to even do that in this day and age?
ramps/pulleys/levers my dude
it's not like the slaveswere doing deadlifts and hoisting the bricks on top of each other
Originally Posted by Al Audi


aliens built that

i just dont understand how dudes were that much stronger than us way back then

you know how hard it would be to even do that in this day and age?
ramps/pulleys/levers my dude
it's not like the slaves were doing deadlifts and hoisting the bricks on top of each other

Are yall missing the point? Being a slave is being completely controlled like an animal....those who built the pyramids were compensated by the honor of burial..
Originally Posted by Al Audi


aliens built that

i just dont understand how dudes were that much stronger than us way back then

you know how hard it would be to even do that in this day and age?

I understand that modern bodybuilding didn't really come into play until the late 19th/early 20th century, but what makes you question whether or notpeople from thousands of years ago were equally as strong if not stronger than people of our day? They probably did a lot more manual labor throughout theirlives and on average were stronger than people of our day. Being ripped and having a six pack doesn't make you strong, and people who labour for hours inthe gym can still be weaker than people who never touch weights.
if the Mayans could built tikal, why would you not believe that ancient Egyptians built these structures ? same goes for the incas, and that's theinca's lived IN THE ANDES !!!!!
they had to have some help. because to be able to design something as sophisticated then not make anything else of significance..... it doesnt make any sense.

cause human nature is to constantly increase in size. so why didnt they make big +#% houses?
Slave labor was used. Too many lives lost and disregarded for them all to be paid laborers. If not slaves like U.S. slaves but more indentured servants andpeasants
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Slaves didn't architect or "design" the pyramids.....but I'm not willing to shut down the possibility slave labor was used just yet. A lot of people are arguing that the pyramids were too "complex" for slaves to "build" them. There's a difference between an engineer and a brick layer. It doesn't take a genius to take a brick up a ramp.

I'm still open to all possibilities...including extraterrestrials
pretty much...
[h1]Egypt tombs suggest pyramids not built by slaves[/h1]

CAIRO (Reuters) - New tombs found in Giza support the view that the Great Pyramids were built by free workers and not slaves, as widely believed, Egypt's chief archaeologist said on Sunday.

Films and media have long depicted slaves toiling away in the desert to build the mammoth pyramids only to meet a miserable death at the end of their efforts.

"These tombs were built beside the king's pyramid, which indicates that these people were not by any means slaves," Zahi Hawass, the chief archaeologist heading the Egyptian excavation team, said in a statement.

"If they were slaves, they would not have been able to build their tombs beside their king's."

He said the collection of workers' tombs, some of which were found in the 1990s, were among the most significant finds in the 20th and 21st centuries. They belonged to workers who built the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre.

Hawass had earlier found graffiti on the walls from workers calling themselves "friends of Khufu" -- another sign that they were not slaves.

The tombs, on the Giza plateau on the western edge of Cairo, are 4,510 years old and lie at the entrance of a one-km (half mile)-long necropolis.

Hawass said evidence had been found showing that farmers in the Delta and Upper Egypt had sent 21 buffalo and 23 sheep to the plateau every day to feed the builders, believed to number around 10,000 -- or about a tenth of Greek historian Herodotus's estimate of 100,000.

These farmers were exempted from paying taxes to the government of ancient Egypt -- evidence that he said underscored the fact they were participating in a national project.

The first discovery of workers' tombs in 1990 came about accidentally when a horse stumbled on a brick structure 10 meters (yards) away from the burial area.

(Writing by Marwa Awad; Editing by Alison Williams and Michael Roddy)

Article is new, Jan 10, 2010
interesting but what amount of money could those "workers" receive that would equality busting your @$% pushing those bricks? Im doubting this
We've discussed this on NT 2-3 times in the last few months.

Based on my brief research into this topic, it's commonly believed that:

-Pharaohs wanted to build pyramids as their final resting place
-Pharaohs were considered Gods to the Egyptian people
-Egyptian people wanted to serve the Gods (Pharaohs) in order to be rewarded in the after-life
-Egyptians in all walks of life contributed to the building of the structure and some villages even competed with each other to see who could contribute moreto the structures
-the 'slave worker' and 'Jewish slave worker' theories have been dismissed by Egyptologists
Originally Posted by Al Audi


aliens built that

i just dont understand how dudes were that much stronger than us way back then

you know how hard it would be to even do that in this day and age?
I also find it hard to believe that a man could build things like that in that time period..

But the way Mexicans (no racist) put up houses in my neighborhood in less then a week, makes me think it might be possible
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