Smoking weed....Vol. Thought I was goin to die.

Dec 8, 2006
Ok so I just started smoking weed about 3 months ago. Not alot, just about 3/4 times a week

Its a different effect everytime I smoke. Sometimes I feel very very weird. Like it feels like something is vibrating up and down my body sometimes, sometimesmy body feels heavy, sometimes im supperrrrrr slow moving and just chill...always laugh my butt off though. But some of the times my heart feels like its gointo stop like it has a murmer or something.

The last time i smoked which is why I made this thread I really thought I was going to die. My heart started beating fast as hell. Like faster than it used towhen I ran track in high school. Then My body started getting real light and everything I did didnt process in my head untill like two seconds later. My leftleg started shaking and I was like that for about an hour. I didnt tell the 4/5 ppl I was smoking with until after because I didnt wnt them to start bugginand then scare the s*$t out of me. But yea can you die from smoking weed??? What was wrong with me that night?? I doubt the weed was laced cuz the dudes I wassmoking with one of his brothers gave us the pot and everyone else was fine.
I don't know if you can die, I think if you smoke too much you just pass out.
No. Just calm your jittery #@+ down and you'll be fine. Believe me, if you could die from blowin tree, I would have been reincarnated 7 times, trust...
Reminds me of Friday...

Craig - Man my heart beatin'
Smokey - Man that's what it's supposed to do
Craig - Naw my ____ beatin' too fast

But yea can you die from smoking weed???

NO. Everyone has different reactions depending on the potency, strain, etc. You were most likely just buggin' out.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

can you die from smoking weed?

yes. the only way is if your brain isnt gettin oxygen and u "suffocate"

to the OP sounds liek it was dipped in something.
also my homie passed out the other day from smoking to much, we was yawning and knocked out standing up. we ere trippen out..
Originally Posted by MECKS

Originally Posted by CWrite78

can you die from smoking weed?

yes. the only way is if your brain isnt gettin oxygen and u "suffocate"

to the OP sounds liek it was dipped in something.
also my homie passed out the other day from smoking to much, we was yawning and knocked out standing up. we ere trippen out..

i wasn't asking, but laughing at him asking.. guess i should have quoted it
i had the same problem...with the rapid heartbeats and stuff. scared the hell outta me, hate when that happen.
are you a fatty by anychance?
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Reminds me of Friday...

Craig - Man my heart beatin'
Smokey - Man that's what it's supposed to do
Craig - Naw my ____ beatin' too fast

LMAO i was thinkin of that scene too when my heart was beatin fast..i was
and scared as hell at the same time
Same thing happened to me years ago which is why I friends said I dissappeared and they went looking for me but cOuldnt last thing I remember ispassing out hearing my mom scream my name for me to come back to her and not to die.....but the thing is I was at school.....I awake I'm in my class roomand the lunch bell rings and people start coming back into the classroom I'm sweating my *@! off. I walked out of class and went home cause I couldn'ttake it idk how I made it homei dont even remember my spring break (it was the last day before spring break) my mom said I was sleep the whole week and that Ididn't eat and that I was acting weird
Originally Posted by MC OTAKU

i had the same problem...with the rapid heartbeats and stuff. scared the hell outta me, hate when that happen.
are you a fatty by anychance?

naaa man im not fat..Im about 6'1 160 lbs
You can die from smoking weed...when your heart starts beating unnaturally that fast you can send yourself into cardiacarrest..check the facts...everyone reacts different to weed
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