So do all the white people hate Beyoncé now?

^ I agree with all of that, except she's not a great singer IMO.
I think she has a great voice. Powerful, great control and technique, good to great range.

She not only puts on a great show live but she also manages to control her voice flawlessly while performing.

Moving around like she does and still controlling her voice is no easy task.
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Honorable mention Jazmine Sullivan. Her first CD is the goods
her last album also.

Ya'll forgetting my boo Erykah.
Wait clarify, your statement is sarcastic right, just hard to understand with it being a reponse to Max plus the article you posted.
Yea i used sarcasm when I said that the BP party isn't racist. I just had an open discussion about this topic on fb. That link was acutally posted by an african american girl when she was asked why the party was established. The irony lol

Its 2016, we shouldn't be sitting here talking about the Black Panthers.
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Wait clarify, your statement is sarcastic right, just hard to understand with it being a reponse to Max plus the article you posted.
Yea i used sarcasm when I said that the BP party isn't racist. I just had an open discussion about this topic on fb. That link was acutally posted by an african american girl when she was asked why the party was established. The irony lol
But what in the article makes them racist? That's why I am confused.

I don't think it is ironic a black girl had to ask why the party was established, education systems don't teach real black history and 'they' are scared of the Black Panther party that's why they did whatever to destroy them.
What should we talk about then? @War Daddy

Because the crazy thing is folks who had an issue with the performance said in response what if XYZ artist went out there in a KKK uniform, why are they being discussed in 2016? Oh wait the government never destroyed that organization like the Panthers and they started way before the BP. The irony.
Yea i used sarcasm when I said that the BP party isn't racist. I just had an open discussion about this topic on fb. That link was acutally posted by an african american girl when she was asked why the party was established. The irony lol

Its 2016, we shouldn't be sitting here talking about the Black Panthers.
And why not?

edit* Looks at SN, location and previous posts.............................

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How did the video disrespect police officers?

It's amazing to me that people don't understand that the Black Panthers are not equal to the KKK. Its not even comparable.

I support Bey on this. I wish more artist did the same. This makes me wonder what would happen if Public Enemy's **** the police came out today :lol:

I'm reading the autobiography of Malcom X and I'm amazed how we still deal with the same issues from back then.
I don't even know what the black panthers are tbh, time to do some research
Yea i used sarcasm when I said that the BP party isn't racist. I just had an open discussion about this topic on fb. That link was acutally posted by an african american girl when she was asked why the party was established. The irony lol

Its 2016, we shouldn't be sitting here talking about the Black Panthers.

Explain why we shouldn't be talking about them.
But what in the article makes them racist? That's why I am confused.

I don't think it is ironic a black girl had to ask why the party was established, education systems don't teach real black history and 'they' are scared of the Black Panther party that's why they did whatever to destroy them.
Look through the article, I get a very anti white vibe from it. Given, it WAS the late 60s and early 70s. Racial tension was high, and it was one of the toughest times to be a black person in history. I understand why the party was established, but I also believe that it would be deeply regressive to celebrate and pursue the same ideas today in 2016. I personally don't believe that the black panther party should fall under the Pan African umbrella.

Disclaimer (before I'm attacked) : I support the Pan African movement. I know white privilege exists. 
How did the video disrespect police officers?

It's amazing to me that people don't understand that the Black Panthers are not equal to the KKK. Its not even comparable.

I support Bey on this. I wish more artist did the same. This makes me wonder what would happen if Public Enemy's **** the police came out today

I'm reading the autobiography of Malcom X and I'm amazed how we still deal with the same issues from back then.
Who said anything about the police?
Look through the article, I get a very anti white vibe from it. Given, it WAS the late 60s and early 70s. Racial tension was high, and it was one of the toughest times to be a black person in history. I understand why the party was established, but I also believe that it would be deeply regressive to celebrate and pursue the same ideas today in 2016. I personally don't believe that the black panther party should fall under the Pan African umbrella.

Disclaimer (before I'm attacked) : I support the Pan African movement. I know white privilege exists. 

Black Panthers protected their community from violent cops, policed their own communities, fed those in their communities, helped reform former addicts and instill reason in them along with very other prominent things... nothing about their ideas were regressive. They were about changing things without waiting for help from the same government that continues to fail us. This is why the leaderes were MURDERED in cold blood by the cops.
I don't even know what the black panthers are tbh, time to do some research

A group assembled to defend themselves from police brutality and the mistreatment of African Americans. Which is why I'll never understand the KKK comparisons
But what in the article makes them racist? That's why I am confused.

I don't think it is ironic a black girl had to ask why the party was established, education systems don't teach real black history and 'they' are scared of the Black Panther party that's why they did whatever to destroy them.
Look through the article, I get a very anti white vibe from it. Given, it WAS the late 60s and early 70s. Racial tension was high, and it was one of the toughest times to be a black person in history. I understand why the party was established, but I also believe that it would be deeply regressive to celebrate and pursue the same ideas today in 2016. I personally don't believe that the black panther party should fall under the Pan African umbrella.

Disclaimer (before I'm attacked) : I support the Pan African movement. I know white privilege exists. 
It's regressive when blacks are murdered by law enforcement, jailed at higher rates with longer sentences compared to all other races, provided with the least amount of resources, we do have the highest unemployment. It's even worse in certain ways compared to the BP days because of Reganomics and the aftermath. I mean after the Superbowl the white Dever fans trashed and started fires to 'celebrate' but when we take to the streets for injustice we are met with tanks. Please tell me how the BP ideas can't apply in 2016, this country is trying to destroy us so it best we take care of ourselves and not support this crooked economy and army.
Black Panthers protected their community from violent cops, policed their own communities, fed those in their communities, helped reform former addicts and instill reason in them along with very other prominent things... nothing about their ideas were regressive. They were about changing things without waiting for help from the same government that continues to fail us. This is why the leaderes were MURDERED in cold blood by the cops.
Like I said, I don't believe that the ideas were regressive in the 60s and 70s, but I do believe that supporting such an organization in 2016, would be regressive. We're supposed to be working toward unity here. Thats what the half time show was trying to display in the first place. I was just trying to have an open discussion but I see that it wasn't a good idea. I'm not some racist, if I were, I sure as hell would'nt be here on NT.
A group assembled to defend themselves from police brutality and the mistreatment of African Americans. Which is why I'll never understand the KKK comparisons
Reading up on some articles about them right now. From what I've read so far I agree, to compare them to the KKK is ridiculous.

I didn't learn that much about US history in school here. We had a very detailed chapter about MLK and Malcolm X but other things were rather briefly skimmed over. 
Like I said, I don't believe that the ideas were regressive in the 60s and 70s, but I do believe that supporting such an organization in 2016, would be regressive. We're supposed to be working toward unity here. Thats what the half time show was trying to display in the first place. I was just trying to have an open discussion but I see that it wasn't a good idea. I'm not some racist, if I were, I sure as hell would'nt be here on NT.

Unity has been tried for 50 years... Unity is a nation that was built on favoring one race of people & dehumanizing the other is hard to obtain, because that means one side would have to give up their comfort in order to Unify and america has shown on a repeat cycle that they don't want this to happen.
A group assembled to defend themselves from police brutality and the mistreatment of African Americans. Which is why I'll never understand the KKK comparisons
Reading up on some articles about them right now. From what I've read so far I agree, to compare them to the KKK is ridiculous.

I didn't learn that much about US history in school here. We had a very detailed chapter about MLK and Malcolm X but other things were rather briefly skimmed over. 
Black History is taught "safely" they don't even REALLY teach you about Malcolm, they don't want black folks in America to rise up so they try to limit our knowledge in the school system but because of the internet that's changing.
Black Panthers protected their community from violent cops, policed their own communities, fed those in their communities, helped reform former addicts and instill reason in them along with very other prominent things... nothing about their ideas were regressive. They were about changing things without waiting for help from the same government that continues to fail us. This is why the leaderes were MURDERED in cold blood by the cops.
Like I said, I don't believe that the ideas were regressive in the 60s and 70s, but I do believe that supporting such an organization in 2016, would be regressive. We're supposed to be working toward unity here. Thats what the half time show was trying to display in the first place. I was just trying to have an open discussion but I see that it wasn't a good idea. I'm not some racist, if I were, I sure as hell would'nt be here on NT.

Unity will never happen b, that's just the way it is.
Black Panthers protected their community from violent cops, policed their own communities, fed those in their communities, helped reform former addicts and instill reason in them along with very other prominent things... nothing about their ideas were regressive. They were about changing things without waiting for help from the same government that continues to fail us. This is why the leaderes were MURDERED in cold blood by the cops.
Like I said, I don't believe that the ideas were regressive in the 60s and 70s, but I do believe that supporting such an organization in 2016, would be regressive. We're supposed to be working toward unity here. Thats what the half time show was trying to display in the first place. I was just trying to have an open discussion but I see that it wasn't a good idea. I'm not some racist, if I were, I sure as hell would'nt be here on NT.
How can we work toward unity when folks countered Black Lives Matter with All Lives Matter. The song and message doesn't promote violence against cops, its asking for cops to stop killing people. You know how cop supporters are responding? With violence, I saw one IG post on the matter that said #watchyoursix Stop with your fairy tale ideas, unity isn't happening because white folks don't want it, they don't even respect or recognize how blacks have been disenfranchised since this land was stolen.
Like I said, I don't believe that the ideas were regressive in the 60s and 70s, but I do believe that supporting such an organization in 2016, would be regressive. We're supposed to be working toward unity here. Thats what the half time show was trying to display in the first place. I was just trying to have an open discussion but I see that it wasn't a good idea. I'm not some racist, if I were, I sure as hell would'nt be here on NT.

So speaking about inequality is regressive? The BP message is as relevant today as it was in the 60's. Until I and every other Black person can walk down the street and not be reminded that we are Black, we will never have this "unity" that white people speak of. Want Black folks to preach "unity" all while incarcerating and killing us at higher rates. Can't even get a job interview because of your name, but we should preach "unity." Foh...
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