So how did you find out you had diabetes?

I was diagnosed when I was 18 months old (Type 1/Juvenile Diabetes) I'm 26 now. It's taught me how to take care of myself, but still have a normal life at the same time. Still played ball throughout out high school and college. I haven't let being a Diabetic hold me back in life. I used to take 5 shots a day, and prick my finger 5-6 times a day, that stuff got old real fast, especially as a kid when I was the only one of my friends and family to do so. I've been on an insulin pump (The Omni Pod to be exact) for the past 4 years and it was the best move I could have ever done for myself. My A1C has always been good, but ever since going on the pump its been near perfect.
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Update I'll be getting off medication before the new year or a little after. I'm down to 2mg pills of Glucatrol once a day and have normal blood sugar.

Downside, I'm in stage 3 renal kidney failure and stage 2 hypertension.

I've managed to get my blood pressure down to 157 from 190 in 40 days. Kidney failure isn't reversible but it's a possibility I can salvage my kidneys and avoid dialysis with a STRICT diet. I get lab work back the 29th

I lost 50 pounds in 3 months I have a six pack again and have so much more bursts of energy than before my diagnosis. 

Listen to your body, it's truly an amazing instrument if nature.

Oh and I'm HIV negative 



get those eyes checked as well bruh.
OP you are also lift weights right? Stop using whey or any protein supplements for a while.
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I've been teetering lately, sneaking unhealthy foods. I'm afraid I'm gonna slip back into an unhealthy routine.

Started a week before Thanksgiving.
I've been teetering lately, sneaking unhealthy foods. I'm afraid I'm gonna slip back into an unhealthy routine.

Started a week before Thanksgiving.

bruh, stop being childish, how old are you?

you can easily cut out the bad foods especially knowing you cant have it, for the life of you.


im sorry you have diabetes but your just like my father (RIP) he had it bad but he wouldnt listen and tried sneaking food and complaining for sweet snacks, If i told you everything that happened to him you wouldnt want to touch another sweet or unhealthy thing. SRS
bruh, stop being childish, how old are you?
you can easily cut out the bad foods especially knowing you cant have it, for the life of you.
im sorry you have diabetes but your just like my father (RIP) he had it bad but he wouldnt listen and tried sneaking food and complaining for sweet snacks, If i told you everything that happened to him you wouldnt want to touch another sweet or unhealthy thing. SRS
Actually I wouldn't mind if you shared, I'm in a denial stage where I keep pushing my limits because I'm able to juggle a 77/85 g/l the point I don't even have to test my fast g/l. Reality of it is pushed to the back of my mind, and I'm not sure why.

...but I did go HAM on some Doritioes and Nutty Buddies one night and tested a 192, also thought I didn't need my medication neither since I was on the lowest dosage. I skipped a day because I was too lazy to go to the Duane Reade and decide to wait the next morning.

If you're uncomfortable sharing I understand, but my brother is Type 1 and he scarfs down EVERYTHING and drinks like a sailor, I feel like if I don't then I'm weak. 
Don't know how old you are, but I'm guessing you're young enough where it hasn't done irreversible damage to your body. Now that you know you have it, you should take responsibility to make sure it doesn't progress to end organ damage etc renal failure, heart problems etc. Which means exercise vigorously, eat right, lose weight, comply with any medications you are prescribed and judiciously monitor your glucose levels. The last thing you want to do is have to deal with complications from uncontrolled diabetes, being on dialysis is not fun. I know it sucks but your life depends on it. Hopefully you aren't at an insulin-dependent stage, I highly doubt it but I don't know your whole story.

Good luck.
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Actually I wouldn't mind if you shared, I'm in a denial stage where I keep pushing my limits because I'm able to juggle a 77/85 g/l the point I don't even have to test my fast g/l. Reality of it is pushed to the back of my mind, and I'm not sure why.

...but I did go HAM on some Doritioes and Nutty Buddies one night and tested a 192, also thought I didn't need my medication neither since I was on the lowest dosage. I skipped a day because I was too lazy to go to the Duane Reade and decide to wait the next morning.

If you're uncomfortable sharing I understand, but my brother is Type 1 and he scarfs down EVERYTHING and drinks like a sailor, I feel like if I don't then I'm weak. 

dude are you trolling?

tf is wrong with you? Near 30 yo its a damn shame
bruh, stop being childish, how old are you?

you can easily cut out the bad foods especially knowing you cant have it, for the life of you.


im sorry you have diabetes but your just like my father (RIP) he had it bad but he wouldnt listen and tried sneaking food and complaining for sweet snacks, If i told you everything that happened to him you wouldnt want to touch another sweet or unhealthy thing. SRS

Actually I wouldn't mind if you shared, I'm in a denial stage where I keep pushing my limits because I'm able to juggle a 77/85 g/l the point I don't even have to test my fast g/l. Reality of it is pushed to the back of my mind, and I'm not sure why.

...but I did go HAM on some Doritioes and Nutty Buddies one night and tested a 192, also thought I didn't need my medication neither since I was on the lowest dosage. I skipped a day because I was too lazy to go to the Duane Reade and decide to wait the next morning.

If you're uncomfortable sharing I understand, but my brother is Type 1 and he scarfs down EVERYTHING and drinks like a sailor, I feel like if I don't then I'm weak. 

you sound like a child, no sane adult would act that way especially with a life threatening illness.
I hope i never have it. I eat healthy always. I never cheat. if im bulking i just increase my calories. My carb intake isnt that much. But i consume a good amount everyday.

Whole Wheat bread
natty peanut butter
no soda since 06-07 i was 16 yrs old.
whey protein after workout days.
chicken breast nearly every night
egg whites
russet potatoes

i hope im eating healthy enough.

im not close to being overweight nor have i ever been. when i cut out soda i was only 140. my football coach told me to cut it out. so i ran with it since than.

i feel like i gotta piss 3 times a night though. thats only if i drink 2 water bottles. before i sleep, which i usually do. i wake up and piss maybe 2 - 3 times during my sleep.

but i dont like drinking water. i just know i feel better when i do.
Just came back from the doctor, clinically I'm cured. No more meds for diabetes, just blood pressure which I reduced to 150 naturally against doctor's orders.

But they were impressed because I was 300 pounds in Sept....I'm 240 now.

Urine is clean, kidney is A-1 and blood sugar is 80-105.

^^ Thats awesome man, congrats. Keep up the good work. I bet loosing that weight played a major role in it.

My A1C is perfect right now too so Im happy about that!
Just came back from the doctor, clinically I'm cured. No more meds for diabetes, just blood pressure which I reduced to 150 naturally against doctor's orders.

But they were impressed because I was 300 pounds in Sept....I'm 240 now.

Urine is clean, kidney is A-1 and blood sugar is 80-105.


damn, good stuff dude! im aiming to drop 30 lbs myself via diet/exercise. stuff like this is inspiring, for real.
^^ Thats awesome man, congrats. Keep up the good work. I bet loosing that weight played a major role in it.

My A1C is perfect right now too so Im happy about that!
Yeah when I was hospitalized my A1C was 12, it's 6.2 now.
Good **** bruh.
Thanks, believe it or not talking on #NT about it in the beginning helped. I mean I have friends and family who care it's just when they're not always around when I FEEL like talking about it.
damn, good stuff dude! im aiming to drop 30 lbs myself via diet/exercise. stuff like this is inspiring, for real.

I'm kinda tall so 300 pounds doesn't look as bad as it sounds, except for the gut and huge handles. But they're gone now, I actually have an 8 pack that can be sculpted by the summer if I keep at it. I did it by counting my carbs, fruits and veggies, tea and exercise.

Thank everyone for the support, I feel like sometimes people don't know the small things can change a person's day and outlook on life ...even a sneaker forum. Appreciate the support.
Op, how were you a vegan that jogged 3-4 miles a day and 300 lbs?
My body wanted carbs and sugar and I didn't realize that running without properly eating your body is starving itself to keep you alive, in turn making you EXTREMELY hungry for bread and sugary things. Because I was diabetic and didn't know my pancreas doesn't secrete the insulin correctly to break down glucose into my bloodstream. What happens is it just SITS and all that protein, energy and glucose turns into FAT. While your body starves for it making you more hungry because you're not getting the nutrients you need.

It's not as simple as "thinking you're a vegan or vegetarian", I know now that I was doing it wrong. Dieting is much more complex than you may realize.
bruh, stop being childish, how old are you?

you can easily cut out the bad foods especially knowing you cant have it, for the life of you.


im sorry you have diabetes but your just like my father (RIP) he had it bad but he wouldnt listen and tried sneaking food and complaining for sweet snacks, If i told you everything that happened to him you wouldnt want to touch another sweet or unhealthy thing. SRS

Actually I wouldn't mind if you shared, I'm in a denial stage where I keep pushing my limits because I'm able to juggle a 77/85 g/l the point I don't even have to test my fast g/l. Reality of it is pushed to the back of my mind, and I'm not sure why.

...but I did go HAM on some Doritioes and Nutty Buddies one night and tested a 192, also thought I didn't need my medication neither since I was on the lowest dosage. I skipped a day because I was too lazy to go to the Duane Reade and decide to wait the next morning.

If you're uncomfortable sharing I understand, but my brother is Type 1 and he scarfs down EVERYTHING and drinks like a sailor, I feel like if I don't then I'm weak. 

you sound like a child, no sane adult would act that way especially with a life threatening illness.

It's more common than you think. I've seen numerous teenagers in my local hospital who are basically blind and in serious trouble because they just ignored it and ate crap.

There was a boy in the Scouts I used to help with like that - he had total selective understanding of his treatment and just fought fires all day. One minute he was eating candy them injecting insulin them drinking pop because his sugar was too low...

He was adamant that that was the right way to be. Long term he's going to be in huge trouble.
The other thing I've been thinking a lot about recently is wheat. I've been struggling for about 20 years. I went from being a good athlete to gaining about 60lbs over a year - and feeling lousy.

I've had a reasonable diet for the last 10 years - not much junk, reasonable fat etc - but just felt awful. I'd been tested for diabetes but it was always negative.

I clearly had some sort of insulin resistance. In November I cut wheat completely and feel fantastic. My intestines work how they should and I have tons of energy. No more sluggishness, 3" off my waist, I actually feel hungry now and satisfied after a meal - where before I had no energy but never felt physically empty - just congested all the time.

It turns out all that processed flour has just as big an effect on blood glucose than sugar. It's a bit of a nuisance working out what works but I feel so good that it's worth it.
op what are your blood work numbers?

105 and 5.8 here

so borderline diabetes.  from my understanding for someone who does not have diabetes those numbers are bad, but great for someone who does.

if i do not eat for a period of time i feel shortness of breath and sensation i am going to pass out
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