So I graduated high school earlier this summer vol. finnagetratchetincollege!!!!

Focus on getting the best grades you can get and the other things will fall into place. Don't throw your parents' money down the drain just because you want to have fun.
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Now I feel bad about taking my education for granted... A lot of people got put onto academic probation, is party life really that serious tho? I never struggled in high school and I spent like maybe ~5 hours studying/doing work for school a week max. I'm not expecting college to be that much of a boost like maybe ~10 hours of work a week.
Also **** you guys doing starting beef in this thread bunch of females getting mad at things that jus aren't even make sense to do with.

I never studied in HS, took the hardest classes, and my GPA was never less than 3.8.
10 hours a week on studying? When I finally got my **** together it was more like 4-6 hours a day. This is definitely one of those things you have to actually go through to understand. Right before college you could have told me what my GPA was going to de, what was going to happen, and how hard I was going to struggle to get right on track academically, and I'd still be like yeah, ok whatever. I hope you will be the one of the few to survive and do well (depends on your classes too). When you come back to this thread at the end of you're first year I guarantee you'll be :wow:
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