So spongebob is a kids show, but why the hell do they have some disturbing scenes? Vol. Perverts

"Krusty Krab" 
I just noticed it
Yeah... Lots of innuendo in the show. Show's funny, but can be borderline gross, though.
Any good kid show/movie has jokes adults will get that will go over a kids head... that way everyone can enjoy it
Any good kid show/movie has jokes adults will get that will go over a kids head... that way everyone can enjoy it
Yeah... Lots of innuendo in the show. Show's funny, but can be borderline gross, though.
Spongebob is a certified classic Nick cartoon, it can be in that elite class along with Rugrats.
Spongebob is a certified classic Nick cartoon, it can be in that elite class along with Rugrats.
Spongebob is classic...some of the blatant racism the looney tunes showed was just as bad if not worse.
Spongebob is classic...some of the blatant racism the looney tunes showed was just as bad if not worse.
Even Disney movies have creepy hidden messages. Honestly, most kids don't pick up on them. I think its to keep adults intrigued
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by FullTech

try watching it while 

This. Clearly this show is not just for kids.
Haha - there are definitely some episodes I know would be out of control if I were

The one where Spongebob builds a locker to store Squidward's Clarinet, and there's the @*$$*$+ giant eagle, dude had to be high off his !*# when he made it. 

I've seen some disturbing things while watching it with my goddaughter.

The episode that they created a gif from is hilarious. I spit out my cereal when I realized what was going on
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