So.. THIS is what its like Vol. WISDOM TEETH REMOVAL.

My bottom wisdom tooth is coming in.
Woke up the other day and my jaw was killing me.
Hopefully I don't have to have them removed.

My tooth was coming out months ago and I didn't think I would ever have to take it out until now. My gums around the tooth are beginning to hurt really bad and I can't even chew on the right side of my mouth for too long now. :smh: I'm just going to get them bad boys removed asap.
Never really heard of the rumors about this, heard more about route canals (which wasn't that bad for me just long as hell). Cuz the way you describe it I'd say go see a damn doctor. Numb 3 days later and still feeling some pain? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttt must be a *****
i have all 32 teeth, no removal needed. :nthat:
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Oh okay. And why do they hurt so bad? Do they grow in later on?
yes. you don't really need them though and when they do come out they can cause problems by coming out sideways/pushing your back molars forward and jacking up your whole grill.
some people experience pain when they come out, some don't. i've had 3 of mine come out with no pain, but they came out crooked and need to remove them.
scared to go through the procedure though :smh:
im 23 turning 24 next month , havent had them removed...pretty sure they grew in like

2 years ago , does everyone need them removed?
its basically your very back teeth getting removed. i wanted to go under aka put to sleep because tooth pairs are one of the worst nerves to hit. make sure u ask for vicodine or tylenol 3 with codeine unless u have drug problems. anyway if you get put under you won't even know what happened. i woke up with pains took 3 375mg vicodine and fell asleep. the next day you'll be fine just make sure to get the pain pills just in case and if you don't need them dispose in a proper way.
You guys are lucky you can even take painkillers afterwards.

I've been putting off getting mine removed for over a year because I won't be able to take Vics or OCs like you fools (I can't believe you dudes are getting OCs or Opana for mother ****** wisdom teeth, but I digress) because I have a massive opiate addiction.

I already know that if I let him give me a script for PKs, I'd kill the whole bottle and find myself wandering around East Oakland trying to cold cop some h.

Anything I can do to help with the pain of them coming in?
It really hurts when I first wake up.
Had my two upper wisdom teeth taken out. What a torturous week. Not because of the pain because I didn't really have much, but because I couldn't eat anything for like a week and couldn't smoke either. The fear of dry socket was very real.
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I got pretty lucky when I had my wisdom teeth removed. No pain, no swelling, didn't need the pain pills. It probably didn't hurt that they were already falling apart in my mouth. It took 20 minutes and they said they just popped right out. I guess I got very lucky.
Anything I can do to help with the pain of them coming in?
It really hurts when I first wake up.

Maybe pills and stuff but after a while the nerves get involved and headaches/earaches start.

But the warm water and salt is a much better idea.
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