So, we're back at war in Iraq/Syria. Still think we should have pulled out of Iraq?

The more I read up on the framework of the deal,the better and better it looks. The west seriously couldn't have asked for a more thorough deal.

They agreed to:

cut down their installed centrifuges by 2/3rds and reduce their current enriched uranium stockpile of 10k kg's to just over 300kg or 3.67% for 15 years. All their excess centrifuges and enrichment materials are gonna be sent to IAEA storage to be used only as replacements.

They agreed not to built any new enrichment related facilities for the next 15 years.

The IAEA's gonna have full access to their enrichment facilities with some of the best monitoring equipment.

They'll also have access to their supply chain to make sure components/materials aren't being redirected towards any secret programs. Their nuclear reactor core will be destroyed or removed while all the spent fuel will be shipped out of country.

Their current breakout timeline(the amount of time it would take them to get a bomb) is 2-3 months,under this new framework,that timeline will be extended to just over a year during the next decade.

All this is in exchange for a little bit of sanctions relief if Iran stands by it's commitment. The sanctions will be brought back on in the event they stopped following the agreement.

One last thing,it's only a few specific sanctions they're getting brought down. They're still under multiple different sanctions for Human rights violations,ballistic missiles and terrorism.

At the end of the day,this really should be one of the bright spots of Obama's legacy,he got Iran to rein in on their Nuclear program without having to drop a single bomb contrary to what the neo-cons in congress and Netanyahu were spewing for years. Just good old fashioned diplomacy :smokin
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Yup. I think Obama will be remembered well for this.

He will be. But not for the reasons people want. Its ironic that he had his confrence the same place where he announced the terrible Bergdahl deal. its gonna be similar to North Korea and Clinton. at the end of the day this deal was made becaue there is alot of money to be made in Iran. Or should i say framework. It was gonna happen and everyone knew it.

Im the meantime iran will have much more money to spread their proxy wars and terror. The middle east will continue its downward spiral. And eventually iran will get their nuke. i think it was bigger than obama and was gonna go dwn anyway but if he wants to plaster his name all over, than he will get the most recognition/blame.

I hope it all turns out well. But it looks like the administration is banking on iran being a stable force in the region which is idiotic.

Short term i could see the deal being seen as helpful for sure. I understand the hope. 15 to 20 years looking back i think it will be looked at very poor and obama being way too eager and naive. They didnt tie any of irans non nuclear behavior into the deal.

I think they end up getting that american soldier released though. Around june to really put pressure on the deal getting through.
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[h1]ISIS, Taliban announced Jihad against each other[/h1]
well not in Syria or Iraq...
[h1]ISIS, Taliban announced Jihad against each other[/h1]
Mashaal Radio has published a report stating that Daesh and Taliban group have announced Jihad against each other.

Nabi Jan Mullahkhil, police chief of southern Helmand province has told Mashaal Radio during an interview that he has received documents in which both the terrorist groups have announced Jihad against each other.

Mashaal Radio which is related to Azadi Radio quotes Mullahkhil as saying when the matter of peace talks between government and Taliban comes into discussion some intelligence agencies make new groups to keep the war ongoing in Afghanistan.

Reports of minor clashes between the fighters of Taliban group and the newly emerged Daesh have published in the past.

Both groups oppose each other.

Abdu Bakar Al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS has called Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar “a fool and illiterate warlord”.

Al-Baghdadi has said that Mullah Omar does not deserve a spiritual or political credibility. While on the other hand Taliban fighters have been ordered by their leaders not to let Daesh flag raise in Afghanistan.
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