So who else is having a hard time finding a job?

Anybody got any sales or business development experience in digital media (6-8 years minimum)?
Not to turn this political, but as a liberal and a registered democrat...if obama doesn't at least hve a major speech, prime time, on the job market and what his administration plans to do about it and actually presents something, anything that can be executed then I'm not voting in 2012.

Feels like our generation was shafted.

Feels pretty hopeless to be honest.
once you have a government clearance. so many doors open. $20+ an hour all the time
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by malcmoney

im almost 20 , been applying since 15 , only had 1 job at census bureau

been applying to jobs since I was 15, didn't land my first one until I turned 20....
then they just kept coming.

at first I was frustrated as hell.

dad gives me crap even though i buy 1 or 2 pairs of shoes a year
and still dont't have a car
Originally Posted by Hugo

once you have a government clearance. so many doors open. $20+ an hour all the time

How do you go about getting said government clearance? Info please.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by Hugo

once you have a government clearance. so many doors open. $20+ an hour all the time

How do you go about getting said government clearance? Info please.
you got to look for jobs that are contractors for the government. like ITT jobs, janitorial, working in the cafeteria, movers, and especially security jobs in government buildings ect.
. then the job should give you the application(cost the company $40,000 for each person they clear) takes about
6months or more to get cleared. FBI goes thru your stuff, goes around your neighborhood asking bout you lol. and make sure you have no bad record
or bad credit and bam you should get a top secret clearance.

im in the process of getting cleared, i plan on becoming a federal government police afterwards. then hopefully end up doing some top secret stuff in the building im at =].
Originally Posted by vcof2005

Originally Posted by GreyFoxx

Originally Posted by Orfiyus

pretty much.  Stay away from those placement agencies they will mess up your career real quick. 
 i just need a weekend job since i only go to school mon-thurs but still no luck, i though places need workers on the weekend
I have heard this before. How exactly do they mess up your career? I want to know so I don't get screwed over.
Placement agencies are Headhunters

Headhunters basically scour the internet looking for jobs. When they find it they call you up and set up an interview for you to meet with the company.  Even if the interview goes well most companies will not hire anyone through a headhunter simply because they dont wanna pay the headhunter.  The companies that are their "clients" arent really their clients.  Usually they wont tell you who the company is so you wont go and apply directly to them.  They are basically middlemen. 

Alot of the times they will call you up and ask you what is the minmum amount of money you ll work for.  When you answer that is the exact salary they negotiate with the company hiring you.  Lets say your minimum is $40,000 per year.  If the company offers $55,000 for you to work for them.  The headhunter will tell you 40 G's and keep the extra 15 G's for himself. 

They ll call you with jobs that you may not qualify for and try to pressure you into taking the interview.  When they ask about a company that you worked for previously Sometimes they will drop a random name asking if you worked for him (usually the name is made up).  Then you say "no no" and you give them your real boss's name so they then call up that real boss and try to offer them their services. 

Alot of the times they will just bring you in for an interview just to see you what you look like (aka they wanna know if youre hot or ugly).  Idk why they do this.  Ive met alot of them and only 1 was a cute chick. 

They are the reason no one looks at or careerbuilder or any of those other sites.  When you apply to any job through these kinds of sites they usually lead to a headhunter.

I could go on and on. They are basically used car salesman trying to sell you a lemon. 

Google "headhunters are useless"  and you will find a lot of stuff. 

I been unemployed for awhile and would constantly get interviews through headhunters.  Even when It would go well I would still get no job.  And I was wondering why and was mad and I randomly googled that stuff above and found out my mistakes.

Couple people mentioned kelly services and randstadt (F Randstadt.  F them in the ear. )  These guys are headhunters. 

Your best bet is to apply directly to the company you wanna work for and then call them up for an interview. 

Or you can go your own route and start your business that way you dont have to deal with an interview. 
Originally Posted by Hugo

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by Hugo

once you have a government clearance. so many doors open. $20+ an hour all the time

How do you go about getting said government clearance? Info please.
you got to look for jobs that are contractors for the government. like ITT jobs, janitorial, working in the cafeteria, movers, and especially security jobs in government buildings ect.
. then the job should give you the application(cost the company $40,000 for each person they clear) takes about
6months or more to get cleared. FBI goes thru your stuff, goes around your neighborhood asking bout you lol. and make sure you have no bad record
or bad credit and bam you should get a top secret clearance.

im in the process of getting cleared, i plan on becoming a federal government police afterwards. then hopefully end up doing some top secret stuff in the building im at =].

Thanks for the info. So basically to get  a clerance, you have to apply to a federal job first? If they find you are qualified for the job, then they will go through the process of clearing you?

I mean I don't have a bad record at all, my neighbors for the most part think highly of me, except for a few who may not like that I'm in my yard with lawn equipment early in the morning, or drinkin some beers at night with a few friends.
I am home from college for the summer and have applied at 20 different places in the last two weeks and still havent heard a thing. I haven't even told them that I just need a job for the summer so I know that isn't the case on why im not getting calls back. I need to make some money and it sucks when you have absolutely no options.
Originally Posted by Orfiyus

Couple people mentioned kelly services and randstadt (F Randstadt.  F them in the ear. )  These guys are headhunters. 

Your best bet is to apply directly to the company you wanna work for and then call them up for an interview. 

Spoiler [+]
you right though
Originally Posted by malcmoney

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by malcmoney

im almost 20 , been applying since 15 , only had 1 job at census bureau

been applying to jobs since I was 15, didn't land my first one until I turned 20....
then they just kept coming.

at first I was frustrated as hell.

dad gives me crap even though i buy 1 or 2 pairs of shoes a year
and still dont't have a car
don't worry about it, you'll land something.....then when you first start to taste those checks you'll prob be getting everything you wanted when you didn't have the funds.
looking for junior loan officers in the nyc area. must dress up for work and have a clean background history ( credit,criminal)
Originally Posted by Supremacy

Smh I can;t find a job either.
I tried applying to retail stores but all of them want previous experience and how the ##$% am i going to get that without working at one first
almost punch my computer when i saw bestbuy requirement so stupid
Originally Posted by ErickM713

Got the job at Sears, but %#*%%% up big time....I smoked a blunt on Saturday of some weak +$@ reggie and now I gotta pass a drug test by Friday

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

My wife mentioned in passing the other day that her company has several entry level positions that they are currently looking to fill

She works in Media/Advertising at a prominent ad agency out in Los Angeles.

If you are qualified, I can ask her to turn your resume in for you (better than being a stranger walking through the door right?). It is fairly competitive so you will probably need to have a 4 year degree from an upper tier (or atleast above average) college or university, and it would be preferable if you had a degree in marketing/advertising or some similar related field. Just to give you guys an idea, the last few assistants that she hired for her team went to schools like USC, Cornell, Stanford, UPenn. If you think you fit the mold and its something you are interested in, feel free to send me a PM or drop a msg in this thread.

Also. Nothing set in stone yet, but we may be opening up an entry level position at my company. I work for a specialty finance company in Los Angeles. Finance background is not neccesarily required. Once the position is open for sure, I can provide more details. 4 year degree required. Cons: you will be working under me, and I'm kind of a a-hole (kidding... not really)
PM has been sent good sir. Thank you for posting this.
How does EVERY place expect you to have experiance if you cant even get a job to gain experiance... Im about to off myself
Originally Posted by fresh2deff

How does EVERY place expect you to have experiance if you cant even get a job to gain experiance... Im about to off myself

maybe its cause u cant spell experiEnce (jk)
 nah, its just  an a excuse to cull potential employees and to maintain their socio-economic structure. I mean, if u happen to know someone on the inside, all that experience talk flies out the window and its nothing but handshakes and smiles regardless of your experience because let's face it, almost any avg. person with a brain in our society (im pretty sure everyone on NT since they know how to operate their comp) can learn just about any type of entry-level work within a reasonable amount of time on the job itself. It's cronyism, welcome to the real world. It also forces you into the illusion that you are not good enough and that u need to become even more educated, thus going back to school, take on more debt. The cycle continues. 
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by fresh2deff

How does EVERY place expect you to have experiance if you cant even get a job to gain experiance... Im about to off myself

maybe its cause u cant spell experiEnce (jk)
 nah, its just  an a excuse to cull potential employees and to maintain their socio-economic structure. I mean, if u happen to know someone on the inside, all that experience talk flies out the window and its nothing but handshakes and smiles regardless of your experience because let's face it, almost any avg. person with a brain in our society (im pretty sure everyone on NT since they know how to operate their comp) can learn just about any type of entry-level work within a reasonable amount of time on the job itself. It's cronyism, welcome to the real world. It also forces you into the illusion that you are not good enough and that u need to become even more educated, thus going back to school, take on more debt. The cycle continues. 

Im so mad that college was a such a waste of time.  I shoulda just become a cop or firefighter right out of highschool and been done with it. 
Originally Posted by Orfiyus

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by fresh2deff

How does EVERY place expect you to have experiance if you cant even get a job to gain experiance... Im about to off myself

maybe its cause u cant spell experiEnce (jk)
 nah, its just  an a excuse to cull potential employees and to maintain their socio-economic structure. I mean, if u happen to know someone on the inside, all that experience talk flies out the window and its nothing but handshakes and smiles regardless of your experience because let's face it, almost any avg. person with a brain in our society (im pretty sure everyone on NT since they know how to operate their comp) can learn just about any type of entry-level work within a reasonable amount of time on the job itself. It's cronyism, welcome to the real world. It also forces you into the illusion that you are not good enough and that u need to become even more educated, thus going back to school, take on more debt. The cycle continues. 

Im so mad that college was a such a waste of time.  I shoulda just become a cop or firefighter right out of highschool and been done with it. 

tell me about it, ive acquired so much debt behind my two degrees and im about a month away from moving back home to my moms at 25 cuz i wont be able to find a job...being laid off ftl
you guys that arent aware tho we chop it up in the jobless thread about all the same stuff  Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!
cant find any summer work. its hard out here for the youth especially cuz all the old ppl who got laid off are taking jobs that typically went to younger people
Originally Posted by fresh2deff

How does EVERY place expect you to have experiance if you cant even get a job to gain experiance... Im about to off myself
Originally Posted by Orfiyus

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by fresh2deff

How does EVERY place expect you to have experiance if you cant even get a job to gain experiance... Im about to off myself

maybe its cause u cant spell experiEnce (jk)
 nah, its just  an a excuse to cull potential employees and to maintain their socio-economic structure. I mean, if u happen to know someone on the inside, all that experience talk flies out the window and its nothing but handshakes and smiles regardless of your experience because let's face it, almost any avg. person with a brain in our society (im pretty sure everyone on NT since they know how to operate their comp) can learn just about any type of entry-level work within a reasonable amount of time on the job itself. It's cronyism, welcome to the real world. It also forces you into the illusion that you are not good enough and that u need to become even more educated, thus going back to school, take on more debt. The cycle continues. 

Im so mad that college was a such a waste of time.  I shoulda just become a cop or firefighter right out of highschool and been done with it. 
Around here you have to have a degree to be a cop. Not sure about firemen.
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