So, who's still looking for a job?

looking for my first job here.was wondering around what age ftl/champs ect. hire? i'm 16 by the way. thanks.
Originally Posted by PHENOMASTROBOY

Craig, that u?

I'm still lookin myself. I still have my part-time gig but that's not bringin in much scratch. I'm also workin as a data clean up intern for the county courts but that's only goin to last another couple of months. I'm still looking for something that I can either apply my degree too or grow
Originally Posted by illfrozn

*Raises hand.* I've had enough, I'm about to start selling crack
I can't find one and pops say hes going to kick me out if I don't get one by nest friday
i just got a "real" job, sadly i'll have to tell my internship that i'll have to pass, but as of monday, i'll be working as a clinical programmer
Originally Posted by oidreez

besides that census job im about to do i'm still looking

Same here. Trying to get into wildland firefighting for the summer as a back up if I don't find anything full time by then.  Not my first choice but have the opportunity to make bank working on fires.  Long hours(up to like 100 a week) but that overtime adds up with hazard pay, 12 reg and like 19 overtime is sounding nice. 
Hit up everyone in your contacts. It's the best way to get a job.

If you have a friend that is making decent money, ask him if they have any openings at his/her company/job.
Do you guys know anyone that is in Corporate Retail?

I'm really at a crossroads. I'm going to write my last final next week to complete my Math/Stats major.

I'm probably going to do a certificate program in accounting to eventually a position related to CMA/CFA spots.

Anyone do any certificate training after their undergrad?
man i have a job and ive been looking for a (new) job ... but then again im not really looking for a job im looking for my career
[Cam'ron] I hate my job........dude think he know it all [/Cam'ron]

Its harder getting my career situated while working at a lame job

I wanna quit but I fear the lack of security
I'm a licensed electrician and Ive been laid off for three months. There are no and I mean no electrical jobs in Mass, I'm just going to collect unemployment until I find something.
SaywhatYawant, or any one else working at a bank, do you get fingerprinted prior to being offered a job at a bank?
I been collecting unemployment since the beginning of the year. I had no job contacts in Jan, Feb, and March. This week, I had 5 interview appointments, 15 total for this month. Some offers i declined, some I got rejected. I was really pissed that people started offering me interviews during this month, what about the last three months. 
 I got about 10 weeks, so I have to make a decision soon. I'm looking for the best career opportunity. I'm glad I can be picky. Hopefully, I hit the megamillions jackpot this Friday and hang out with Lindsay Lohan on Saturday. 
The whole networking/connects is hit or miss. It really depends on your job, if your laborer/trades position, they want the most dependable and most experience. I been to a lot of office positions interviews, they pretty much want yes people, who are willing to WORK (50-60hrs/wk), doing multiple positions, and can handle stress/pressure.  

IDK about you guys, but do I want a job? Yes, meeting honeys during power lunches and office humor/conversations I really do miss. But collecting unemployment is the greatest thing ever. Flapping all day and getting paid. 
Really? I think collecting unemployment sucks. I see a lot of jobs on craigslist im going to email/phone about tomorrow. I just need a part time job to hold me while I go to school for my career then I should be straight.

I'm just going to collect unemployment until I find something.

What if you dont find anything and it runs out?
As far as a career, I have that picked out and I'm working on really entering that field (I have a toe in the door), but in the interim, I need a steady paying job ...
I worked my way through college....6months after i graduated i got laid off... honestly sure i wasnt stacking chips like i was before but after all those years of working/schooling full time i wasnt even mad at the break. Enjoyed myself on other tax payer dollars for once...sure i lost some stacks during the 5months but it was a great im back at it again.
There's plenty of sites out there for job just have to be diligent every day looking and applying. Dont get discourgaed by going on numerous interviews...just make sure your resume is on point and if you have no interview exp. look for pointers online. I was out 5 months and got 2offers the same day and i still get calls...just how the cookie crumbled.
I used to apply for a job and would definitely get an interview but lately with the economy, maybe they just can't afford to match my current hourly wage or something.

Good thing, I got an interview for a summer camp this upcoming thurs.

*my suggestions is to check craigslist and check with your residing city's employment website
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