
Jun 15, 2013
Although I don't believe in socialism, there are certain things that need extreme regulations.

A person should not be making billions annually while his employees are struggling to make ends meet. Especially when these companies get absurd tax breaks.

If these companies threaten to leave, imposed unbearable penalties/tariffs where the money saved is offset.

Also, these hospitals and pharmaceuticals are ripping us off. I have a friend that was given a shoulder sling at the ER. The cost was $90 dollars. Same sling in Amazon/Walmart was $18.

Something needs to be done.
Although I don't believe in socialism, there are certain things that need extreme regulations.

A person should not be making billions annually while his employees are struggling to make ends meet. Especially when these companies get absurd tax breaks.

If these companies threaten to leave, imposed unbearable penalties/tariffs where the money saved is offset.

Also, these hospitals and pharmaceuticals are ripping us off. I have a friend that was given a shoulder sling at the ER. The cost was $90 dollars. Same sling in Amazon/Walmart was $18.

Something needs to be done.

Maybe you should start by telling us what you think Socialism is.

Seems these days people want to be entitled not only to their own opinions, but thier own facts as well.

Universal health care = bad socialism
Free college education = bad socialism
Billions in subsidies for farmers = good socialism
Hundreds of billions for military industrial complex = good socialism
Tax cuts for large corporations = good socialism
Billions in prison and police funding = good socialism

this is what the USA's version of socialism is....
there’s a lot of confusion in the US about what socialism actually means.

White right wing americans equate fairness, equality, with socialism. It is as if everyone receiving a fair chance at success in this country? Is somehow un american.
You're right...

Totally off subject, but I know you'll like to comment. How come during black history month, many schools have a week off. In addition schools around my area take another week and half for Pride week events. SMH

Also, I was around some big senior executives today (minutes ago) when the Harvey verdict was being announced and all of them stop what they were doing to watch and hear. Once they read the verdict I actually saw a few of them shacking their head in disgust. SMH .... you know they were all white too.
Maybe you should start by telling us what you think Socialism is.

Seems these days people want to be entitled not only to their own opinions, but thier own facts as well.

"The biggest difference between 1949 and now in terms of Americans' understanding of the term socialism is the drop in the percentage who define socialism as government ownership of the means of production. This drop is offset by the increased number of Americans who say that socialism means equality and an increase in those who define socialism in terms that are closer to what might be considered a more standard liberalism."

the Fox News effect
You're right...

Totally off subject, but I know you'll like to comment. How come during black history month, many schools have a week off. In addition schools around my area take another week and half for Pride week events. SMH

Also, I was around some big senior executives today (minutes ago) when the Harvey verdict was being announced and all of them stop what they were doing to watch and hear. Once they read the verdict I actually saw a few of them shacking their head in disgust. SMH .... you know they were all white too.
I have no comment in regard to Black history month and that is because every day in this country, is Black history.
"The biggest difference between 1949 and now in terms of Americans' understanding of the term socialism is the drop in the percentage who define socialism as government ownership of the means of production. This drop is offset by the increased number of Americans who say that socialism means equality and an increase in those who define socialism in terms that are closer to what might be considered a more standard liberalism."

the Fox News effect

MUCH older than Fox News...

American Propaganda been at work since the 1400's.





a vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy in the period 1950–54. Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, although most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party.

This was back when Russia was the USSR.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

That's what most old folks think of even fact:


Even when it did - most Americans had ZERO idea what the USSR actually was outside Rambo movies and Red Dawn.

These narratives employed by the rich and powerful have had the effect of ensuring their positions go unchallenged by the masses...who eagerly gobble up said propaganda like pigeons in the park.

Lies based on Lies based on Lies!

For a place known as the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" - it seems we are neither.
there’s a lot of confusion in the US about what socialism actually means.

with da US experiencing da Cuban missile crisis 90 miles away?

da reality is its da young people that dunno/remember what socialist/communism is...

Sandanistas..look them up...

more in depth look.
and who's da arbiter on whats da most you can make? im good on telling people how high they can aim.
They can make whatever they want. Under Bernie, 10 million and over are to pay 52% taxNd 50% 2 to 10 million.

But that's not the point, the point is paying the workers more ... with that said, people are going to argue about inflation in which to that I say.. **** has been going up regardless so **** it.
not sure what the CMC has to do with not knowing what socialism is

you conflating these two things while not expounding on the differences is proving my point though

you giving way too much credit to the intelligence of average Americans too lol

there's a reason da older people are da more unfavorable they see socialism...its called they lived it.
Bernie is a socialist .. all forms of democracies in the world have socialist programs... call a fireman? that's paid by a socialist program.. Military wants to build new F15s ? Paid by a socialist program... Want to buy american bred and farmed meat at a reasonably competitive price? that's also because of a socialist program... Food stamps ? Socialist...
with da US experiencing da Cuban missile crisis 90 miles away?

da reality is its da young people that dunno/remember what socialist/communism is...

Sandanistas..look them up...

more in depth look.

*cough* da cold war? *cough* :lol:

da cold war is in every text book in da United States b...this is a horrible hot take.

You're actually making my point for me...please continue.

So far we've got the Sandinistas, Cuban Missile Crisis, and the entire Cold War as examples of Socialism.

:lol: SMH.
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there's a reason da older people are da more unfavorable they see socialism...its called they lived it.

in America? to what degree?

willing to bet those same older folks would appreciate certain models of socialized medicine.

veterans hospitals come to mind

which just goes back to my point about most Americans not really knowing what they’re talking about when it comes to socialism
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