Someone i know was posted on The Dirty. Vol. No longer fit for life

Oct 1, 2006

someone i know was posted on today, i know the person that put it up as well.
at the same time.

I haven't laughed this hard in awhile, didn't think i'd see somebody i know on there but low and behold, i'm not surprised it's this cat either




THE DIRTY ARMY: Nik, alright, here’s the Jist. This is Chris Burke, simply known as Burke. He is the most f*cked person you will ever meet, in every aspect. Every fiber of him is morally wrong. Just this weekend he invited himself over to a party we were having, then attempted to put moves on the passed out drunk girl. Really, buddy? The guy owes money to everybody and their friggin dad. He’ll show up to your house at all hours of the day/night, eat your food, leave a mess, etc etc. He used to get down with prostitutes all the time, but now he just f*cks big old red headed irish trolls. In the past 3 weeks he has gotten evicted from two different places! HAHAHAHA!!!!! Biggest scumbag ever. Seriously, if you meet this dude, keep track of how much change you have in your car and don’t let him near your pets.

He has an obsession with things in his mouth, dude must be forgy.- nik

anybody else know someone posted on there? i've seen some chicks get straight blasted on that site.
I've seen quite a few Miami chicks on there, also known as "bottle rats". It's always an interesting feeling when you see someone you know.
The Dirty is a funny $@! site, you'd be surprised to see some of your friends get air out by the same circle of friends.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by wheredeydothatat

the dirty got old real fast... especially with dude recycling the same lame old jokes

What is it?
haters putting people they dont like on blast..  mostly girls hating on girls or girls hating on guys that +%$#%@ and chucked them

the editor of the website makes comments for every one that gets posted.  extra lame
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