
Originally Posted by jthagreat

some are talkin to generally. which is wrong in its own right...

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Anthony Stark
At the end of the day we are all human. We all have our ups and downs.

But this global racial caste system, which promotes white supremacy and is at the root of unimaginable strife and pain, needs to end now.

Are you down to make a change that is more than lip service or will your generation just walk through that "whites only" gate, like every generation prior...only stepping outside to make sure that the traps in front of the gate are well oiled and functional?

Thank you.

Just because white bigots own the media companies doesn't mean that every white person is a bigot.

That's pretty much the point I was trying to get at.
you really thought thats what we thought? seriously?

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Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I just was talking about this yest after those white #%+@$#* on twitter kept getting RTed[/color]

Black, brown, red, yellow people and etc need to stop focusing on white people's hate...they're too ignorant to realize that the Majority of problems in this world, in this country are from their white senators, representatives, presidents, and those that keep Reinforcing the system of hate, prejudice, and inequality. They are quick to blame those that have no power for the issues of man. The 25% (or whatever the percentage of minorities in America is) can't possibly be the blame to why we are in the mess we are in.

Those white what?

It seems like you're part of the problem.

You have A LOT of self hatred amongst yourselves, so that seems like another piss poor cop out to me.

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]How are we part of the problem when there's a system set against us? i'll get more in depth with this later[/color] [/td] [/tr][/table]

I see what you're saying, but I don't think they're talking about individuals. They're pointing out a corrupt structure that doesn't letblacks or other minorities have equal opportunity.

Most people are talking about this

Its cliche, but I have white people that I love like my own brothers and sisters.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Okay, but wouldn't you say White Privilege helps hold that structure up?
Don't know if you're talking to me, but thats the heart of the structure Im talkin about.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Once again Haze comes THROUGH. I'm sitting here actually applauding this youtube video. Amazing. Thats what it is to be white. So True, to stand on someone
elses land and say your standing on your own. SO TRUE

You have no idea what its like to be white because you aren't.

I don't wake up in the morning, shake my third leg in the toilet and say "Ahh, I love standing on land that isn't technically mine!"

I wake up everyday, walk out my front door and go through BS just like everybody else.

You act as if life is great just because of our skin color.

We get cancer just like everybody else.

Yes, even our family members can be drug abusers.

You may go through BS, I mean the whole world go's through BS but don't begin to compare the problems you may or may not have to the problems I mayhave as a black man. In my original post I'm expressing my agreement in the gentleman in the video's expression that white America has a tendancey ofSTEPPING ON THE THROATS AND HEARTS of others, claim they're standing on their own and mistify it as though it's independence or "manifestdestiny".

Yes, surely we're all human and are united in the economic downturn perhaps that all Americans are effected by but your wrong when you say I act as thoughlife is great just because of your skin color, No, I don't say it's great. I just feel as though for the majority of white Americans life is simplybetter than the majority of minorities in the country.

Check statistics on employment, pay, and sadly even life expectancy.

When you and I walk out the door in the morning WE DO NOT FACE THE SAME PROBLEMS.

I don't mean to divide cultures any further than they already are, but when I post in agreement with the statement made in the video, understand that Idon't do so in vein.

So with all that said, hop off....
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ToppShotta

Serious question:

Does he embody the feelings and attitude that white people fear?

I think so. Word to O-Dogg

*'Ye shrug*
this is what i came in here to say...

this _ is the reason why white people are scared of blacks STILL. STILL!!!
just because you are educated does not mean you can be agressive.
what will all that anger solve? nothing. now that white man hates blacks more than ever.
i thought the whole idea was to end racism one man at a time. seems like he just added one.
everything he said came off as racist. 'we're not the problem youre the problem and we need to fix you" basically
and dude was damn near the color of the man he was speaking to. you woulda swore he was black as coal the way he was speaking about lightskined people.

see half of you will come in and be like "TRUTH!"
and be screaming brand new, when they just recycle the old $++!.

im not even gonna get deeper than what i said

Yes. Let's not show any emotion, especially anger in order to please the white man. Let's control our feeling to make the white man feel comfortable.You're exactly what the guy is talking about..
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

ToppShotta wrote:

Serious question:

Does he embody the feelings and attitude that white people fear?

I think so. Word to O-Dogg

*'Ye shrug*
this is what i came in here to say...

this _ is the reason why white people are scared of blacks STILL. STILL!!!

just because you are educated does not mean you can be agressive.

what will all that anger solve? nothing. now that white man hates blacks more than ever.

i thought the whole idea was to end racism one man at a time. seems like he just added one.

everything he said came off as racist. 'we're not the problem youre the problem and we need to fix you" basically

and dude was damn near the color of the man he was speaking to. you woulda swore he was black as coal the way he was speaking about lightskined people.

see half of you will come in and be like "TRUTH!"

and be screaming brand new, when they just recycle the old $++!.

im not even gonna get deeper than what i said

Yes. Let's not show any emotion, especially anger in order to please the white man. Let's control our feeling to make the white man feel comfortable. You're exactly what the guy is talking about..

Go through some of the circumstances and hardships africana people face on a day to day basis and see how calm you feel. Not even career wise, I mean withregard to family, knowledge of self. For some it's even harder, I thank God I was able to get an education and actually see life and other cultures beyondwhere I was raised because had I not I have no doubt I'd be closed minded and wou;dn't be able to gain an understanding of who I am and where I comefrom. Unfortunately for many thats not the case because of circumstances brought on amongst them that have been here long before they came and unfortunatelywill most likely be here after they leave. So yes, educated or not Africana people may be mad, may be aggressive.

but no you'd rather see African Americans with their arms folded and with a closed mouth playing "nice"...

but I will say this and then I'm done...

when you say "this is the reason why white people are scared of blacks STILL. STILL!!!"

If my people had a culture of rape, murder, sabotage, corruption, and non God fearing practices in politics and culture

Then I'd be "scared" too of the people that this was done to, and what they might do if pushed too far.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by ToppShotta

Serious question:

Does he embody the feelings and attitude that white people fear?

I think so. Word to O-Dogg

*'Ye shrug*
this is what i came in here to say...

this _ is the reason why white people are scared of blacks STILL. STILL!!!
just because you are educated does not mean you can be agressive.
what will all that anger solve? nothing. now that white man hates blacks more than ever.
i thought the whole idea was to end racism one man at a time. seems like he just added one.
everything he said came off as racist. 'we're not the problem youre the problem and we need to fix you" basically
and dude was damn near the color of the man he was speaking to. you woulda swore he was black as coal the way he was speaking about lightskined people.

see half of you will come in and be like "TRUTH!"
and be screaming brand new, when they just recycle the old $++!.

im not even gonna get deeper than what i said

Yes. Let's not show any emotion, especially anger in order to please the white man. Let's control our feeling to make the white man feel comfortable. You're exactly what the guy is talking about..
Dude sounds like a coward..
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by iBlink

Clinton could rock a mullet tomorrow and it'd be brushed off as him being bold. Obama rocking an afro would make the masses go
Your statement will never be ascertained.
Come one son lets be serious. Bill Clinton with a mullet would be way more acceptable by society than Obama wearing his natural hairstyle.
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