Sons of Anarchy Season 7 Thread | EP. 13 "Papa's Goods" 12/9 SERIES FINALE

Unser been simping for 7 seasons and died being a simp :smh: :lol:

Wendy knew what she was doing coming out in da nighty :smokin
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Great episode.

Jax, you still my boy :nthat: :smokin :smokin
Juice redeemed himself in a way. :smokin
That last song that was playing :smokin
Unser who woulda thunk it. :rofl:
Gemma, finally. :smile: :smokin

Next week it's finna go down. :smokin



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There's still soooo many loose ends to tie up.

Series finale gonna be like 3.5 hrs
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i felt sad for Juice... i knew he was a POS... but i still remember the first seasons with him :smh:
Unser... wow :smh: she didn't even give a damn when he died
i honestly didn't think he was gonna go through with it, i kinda jumped when i heard the shot :lol:
man... i'mma miss this show :frown:
wendy been looking good this season. idc.

jax's limp has to mean something. he wasn't limping last episode. there's no way sutter includes that without a reason.

i think jax has accepted his fate. he's going to meet mr. mayhem. he's cleaning everything up, sending the kids to the farm under nero and wendy's care.

i don't think the grim bastards are going to swing the vote. T1000 mentioned that the vote had to be unanimous for them to get rid of the bylaw.
The limp was from him sitting in the chair all day thinking. Charley horse. Come on yaw.
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Great episode, I thought Nero was going to come out and save Jax from having to shoot Gemma but he didn't. Man it's going to suck on Tuesdays from now on. I wonder how they're going to package the series dvd set. Mr. Mayhem type case probably.
There's gotta be some significance to Jax being on that Leapin' Larry.

I actually didn't want him to do it....the wound is too deep to heal, mano.

Jax gonna patch in the black guys and probably swindle that mayhem vote

Are the other presidents that stupid to allow that? I wasn't paying close attention but I would think they would have the vote first then change the law / rule they have after.

i bet jax just got wendy pregnant again so if he dies theres a brand new teller free of gemma's influence entirely :lol:  

Whole time thats what i was thinking. Jax Jr too.

If she's knocked up, I hope it's a girl.
That was one of the best episodes of the series for me. A lot of emotions :lol: that Juice scene though :x couldn't get the sound of my man spitting before entering out of my head :lol:
so what exactly does "mayhem has to land" mean? ya'll talking about it like its happened before and i really dont remember. jax seemed pretty optimistic about it thoough?
Vic Mackey cameo. Almost the whole Shield squad has been on Sons now.

Unser died as he lived... and old simp.
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so i might be confused but when he met with the other presidents basically his club has to vote for him to die and i think the request he made was that he wants to be able to patch in the other guys into samcro? 
so what exactly does "mayhem has to land" mean? ya'll talking about it like its happened before and i really dont remember. jax seemed pretty optimistic about it thoough?

That was Jury's VP basically saying that in his opinion and the situation, the Mayhem has to happen. Jax looks like a guy that has accepted his fate. The way T1000 looked at him, you could tell that's where the vote is headed as well.
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