Sony Pictures Gets Hacked || UPDATE: The Interview Releasing In Select Theatres and VOD on 12/25

They need to let someone else handle Spider-Man cause they're ruining my favorite marvel character
I cant find this Spectre script but I am not surprised that it would be bad. I support british talent in front and behind the camera but truth be told Bond is garbage more often than not. Its not like I have high expectations. I expect Bond to be a series of cut and paste archetypal action scenes and cliche scenes about how "he dont need these ****".

25 films and I would say less than 10 are 7/10 or higher. Dont think I could recommend more than 5 either.

At least, according to the media, Sony has seen the fans reactions and are scrambling to fix the last act.
Why the hate on bond
All of Daniel Craig's bond films have been :pimp:
Only pierce Bronson one I liked was goldeneye
You're British?

What in the world

Im dual citizen American and British. That's why until recently I be in London so much. Cheap trip for me cuz most of my fam there. Came here young tho. But my accent ****** up from moving so much. People can't tell where Im from. I posted an audio of my voice not too long ago.

I call myself british because if you aint born in America, America reminds you every waking moment that you aint one of them.

Casino royale and skyfall were :pimp:

Made me get a fitted suit

Casino Royale :smokin That movie was top 5 bond flicks.

Funny because the first Casino Royale is one of the worst, if not THE worst Bond film of all time.

Skyfall pissed me off. You mean to tell me M, a ******* spy MI-6 doesnt know that a flashlight in an area with no lights can be seen from miles away :x Also Skyfall being his childhood home? That's it? :smh: Did I miss something? Was I supposed to be attached to that home or...? But I did enjoy it. Third act wasnt up to par tho. If any of these movies should've gross a billi it shouldve been Casino Royale. This movie was saved by the fact that Sam Mendes is a really good director.

Quantum of Solace, which I ended up watching it after all just so I know the full story of the Craig bond timeline was a drag. 3rd act was dope and I really liked the ending but the second act was a snorefest. Had the worst director of the three. Enjoyable but enjoyable in the "well there is nothing else to watch" kinda way.

Despite the flaws in the last two movies I will say Craig is my favorite bond so far. His movies are more consistent than the others, and they are all at least enjoyable. I'd put two in the top 10. QoS in the top 15. And I cant wait to see what Mendes does with Spectre and Bond 25
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I mean for **** sake. You can see a star from billions of light years away. Probably the only thing stopping Americans from seeing a light on top of Shanghai Tower (once it's completed) is the curvature of the earth assuming you are standing on top of the Sears Tower or One WTC or something. M tried running away from a former "student" with a flashlight on, at midnight, in the middle of nowhere :x
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You're British?

What in the world

Im dual citizen American and British. That's why until recently I be in London so much. Cheap trip for me cuz most of my fam there. Came here young tho. But my accent ****** up from moving so much. People can't tell where Im from. I posted an audio of my voice not too long ago.

I call myself british because if you aint born in America, America reminds you every waking moment that you aint one of them.

Casino royale and skyfall were :pimp:

Made me get a fitted suit

Casino Royale :smokin That movie was top 5 bond flicks.

Funny because the first Casino Royale is one of the worst, if not THE worst Bond film of all time.

Skyfall pissed me off. You mean to tell me M, a ******* spy MI-6 doesnt know that a flashlight in an area with no lights can be seen from miles away :x Also Skyfall being his childhood home? That's it? :smh: Did I miss something? Was I supposed to be attached to that home or...? But I did enjoy it. Third act wasnt up to par tho. If any of these movies should've gross a billi it shouldve been Casino Royale. This movie was saved by the fact that Sam Mendes is a really good director.

Quantum of Solace, which I ended up watching it after all just so I know the full story of the Craig bond timeline was a drag. 3rd act was dope and I really liked the ending but the second act was a snorefest. Had the worst director of the three. Enjoyable but enjoyable in the "well there is nothing else to watch" kinda way.

Despite the flaws in the last two movies I will say Craig is my favorite bond so far. His movies are more consistent than the others, and they are all at least enjoyable. I'd put two in the top 10. QoS in the top 15. And I cant wait to see what Mendes does with Spectre and Bond 25
Damn u British take bond seriously :lol:
Man aires spears is terrible. They need to sacrifice him to ressurect my dude Patrice oneal
I like Patrice too, but your opinion makes no sense.
Makes sense. Sacrifice Aries so Patrice can be resurrected cuz he thinks Aries is terrible if you believe in resurrection and human sacrifices.

Aries aint really about **** now a days anyway other than doing voice impressions for lulz. His best days seem behind him word to his last stand up special. Patrice was vastly funnier.
having "success" doesn't make you good
At this point, we're discussing semantics. You have a seemingly nonsensical dislike of Aries.

That's what this is.

He's made a living off of stand up.

You'd have to be good at that to be able to support yourself.
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